dwatrimshati lakshana

vAyu dEvaru has satvAtmaka sharIra as the dEha of vAyu has a high concentration of satva guNa-s and very little rajO guNa, thus very pure. He has dEha of dvAtriMshaMtilaxaNa-s i.e. 32 laxaNa-s as indicated below:-

01. Well-placed feet [flatfooted]

02. Mark of wheel on soles

03. Soles and palms tender and soft [more so than others]

04. Toes and fingers long

05. Webbed fingers and toes

06. Broad heels

07. Inconspicuous ankle bones

08. Shanks like those of an antelope

09. Body frame well-grown, tall and straight

10. Arms reach to the knees when standing

11. Male organ hidden in a sheath

12. Body hairs separate in pore holes

13. Hairs of the body point upwards, hairs on the head turn so as to point

up, hairs of head blue-black, soft, curls in rings to the right.

14. Skin smooth and delicate (does not accumulate dirt and moisture)

15. Skin golden

16. Prominences of body seven in number - 2 on soles of feet, 2 on hands, 2

at shoulder blades & 1 at base of neck

17. Torso is like a lion

18. Shoulders gently curved

19. Chest wide and well elevated

20. Body circumference like a fig tree, [girth equal to height]

21. Jaws like a lion

22. 40 teeth

23. Teeth have not gaps

24. Teeth are equal in size

25. Very white teeth

26. Taste conductors give him excellent sense of taste

27. Tongue long, can reach his ears

28. Voice like that of brahma

29. Eyes intensely black

30. Eyelashes like those of a great bull

31. Tuft of hair between his brows (ura)

32. Cowl on his head (unisa)