
- NAPS Rao on Dvaita List

dwAdash stOtra - 12

This is the smallest and with apparently few adjectives used to describe the Supreme Being. The comment of Sri Visvapathi Tirtha also contents itself by giving word meanings. But he makes a significant observation - "IdAneem srimadAnandatheerthAchArya varyah gOvindAnugrahah svasmin varthathe ithi darshayan" - Here, Srimadanandatirtha showing that he has the blessings of Govinda - etc. Before giving the individual meanings, perhaps we may notice one feature here. In the previous sthothra (11 th) we have seen that there is a phala sthuthi at the end promising Moksha - Ananda for those devotees who have recited the same with devotion to the Ananda form of the Supreme Being, who is Bliss incarnate. This sthothra also starts from the same word and ends with the same word. One can conjecture the great Bliss of a Jeevotthama like Acharya Madhva, who has recited with great devotional fervour the entire Dvadasha sthothra (11 sections) and who has virtually attained Jivanmukthi. It is therefore not surprising that he repeats again the blissful state he is in derived from that ocean of bliss he is in passionate love with and which he has extolled so well earlier.

A shloka from Sumadhvavijaya may be recalled -

"Amithapramathim shruhteeshwarah parirebhe parigruhya tham drutham

pranayaamruthapoornamanasah smithavakthrah pariphullalochanah"

The Supreme Being (Veda Vyasa form) who is the Lord of the Vedas, and with His mind full of love towards His devotee (approaching Him) embraced Acharya Madhva of unlimited knowledge holding him close with eyes opened in joy and with a smile on His face.

God always reciprocates our feelings towards Him, returning what ever we offer multiplied greatly. That is why He said - "Mama pranaah hi paandavaah". It is not surprising that He would return a superlative love for His devotee Acharya Madhva, who has demonstrated his great love for Him by his actions, compositions and thoughts. It is Madhva who wrote - "Sannamaami, preyaso me,. " and such evocative words. Unlike most of us, God was an ever present reality to him, of whom he was aware all the time and whom he did not lose any opportunity to worship or extol. Such a person would always be in a state of bliss due to his proximity with the Supreme Being - which is best expressed by the Sumadhvavijaya shloka - (Madhva says to Lord Narayana - May your blessings be always on me in the form of the nectar of continuous worship to you. I can not get such a bliss which is the most superior one in all the three worlds.

If one notes that it is Madhva singing mellifluously his twelfth sthothra, it is possible to appreciate a little of what he says (Leshathah).

Now let us take up the individual shlokas -

AnaMdamukuMda araviMdanayana |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 1||

The second line which is common to all shlokas is addressing the Supreme Being as the one who gives ParAnanda - Bliss of Mukthi to me, Ananda Tirtha. The meaning of the first line is only given against each shloka. The Lord is addressed here as Ananda

- Abode of Bliss, Mukunda - giver of Mukthi, and Aravindanayana

- One with Lotus eyes.

suMdarImaMdiragOviMda vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 2||

The meaning of the first line is - Sundarimandira - abode of Mahalakshmi, the most beautiful woman in the universe, Govinda - Krishna, the upholder of the Vedas, the protector of cows, vedas and the good people of the world.

chaMdrasurEMdrasuvaMdita vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 3||

You are offered prostration with great devotion by Chandra and Indra, the lord of gods.

chaMdrakamaMdiranaMdaka vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 4||

You are wearing peacock feathers with the shape of the moon on your head and you are always perfect with bliss.

vRuMdArakavRuMdasuvaMdita vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 5||

You are worshipped with great devotion by the groups of gods headed by Brahma etc.

maMdArasUnasucharchita vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 6||

You are worshipped with (divine) Parijatha flowers.

iMdirA&naMdaka suMdara vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 7||

You are the giver of bliss to Indira (your consort) and you are exquisite in your beauty.

maMdirasyaMdanasyaMdaka vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 8||

You shower your blessings in the form of Bliss on those who perform service in your mansions (in Vaikunta). [Only the most superior souls headed by Chathurmukha Brahma etc would be able to have this great opportunity of serving the Supreme Being in bringing water etc in His own house.

AnaMdachaMdrikAsyaMdaka vaMde |

AnaMdatIrtha parAnaMdavarada || 9||

Your blessings are like the exquisite moon light showering Bliss on all the Muktha souls.

(Just as Moonlight gives peace, tranquility and happiness to those on whom it falls, God's blessings give Bliss totally free from sorrow and travails of the samsara and with the ability to get any desire instantly gratified. Note the shlokas 4 & 5 do not appear in the commentary of Sri Vishvapathitirtha. )

This completes the Twelfth sthothra.