Commentaries on UpanishadbhAshyas

- from Dr.Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya's Sarvamoola Sudha book


shrI rAghavEMdraswAmigaLu has given explanation in the form of summary of all 10 upanishadbhAshyas and this is very helpful in clearly understanding the upanishads as per AcharyaMadhwa's commentaries. He has given detailed meaning only for AitarEyopanishad Verses. ShatprashNa kandArtha is not published but is available in Dr.Vyasanakere PrabhanjanachArya's collection. There is one other published ShatprashNa kandArtha but that is not authored by rAyaru

commentary on bRuhadAraNyakabhAshya

bhAvabOdha - shrI raghOtthamatIrtaru

commentary for ChAMdOgya,kAThaka and talavakAra bhAshya's

- by shrI vEdEshatIrtha (disciple of shrI raghOtthamatIrtaru)

commentary for AitarEyabhashya

vivaraNa - shrI vishwEshwaratIrtha

ratnamAla - - tAmraparNi shrInivAsAchArya

commentary for atharvaNabhAshya

- by umarjiprahaladakRushNAchArya

commentary for mAMDUkyabhAshya and tattirIyabhAshya -

- by bidarahalli shrInivAsatIrtharu

atharvaNa and other five small Upanishadbhashyas

- commentary by vAdirajaru

- commentary by shrI varadatIrtharu

commentary for IshAvAsyabhAShya and ShaTprashnabhAshya

- by shrI jayatIrtharu

tippaNi for shrI jayatIrtharu's commentary

- by vAdirajaru

- by bidarahalli shrInivAsA tIrtharu

commentary for other 8 upanishadbhAshyas

- by shrI vyAsatIrtharu - except commentary on aitarEyabhAshya all others are available and except chAmdOgya and bruhadAraNyaka everything else is published.

shrI vishwEshatIrtaru's commentary mentions about aitarEyabhAshya commentary.Even jayatIrthavijaya mentions about aitarEyabhAshya commentary.

There is no record of commentaries authored by Acharya' Madhwa's direct disciples on UpanishadbhAshyAs

There is evidence that nArAyaNapaMDitAcharya's son vAmanapaMDitAcharya popularly known as traivikramAryadAsaru has composed commentaries on 7 small Upanishads. Among them

commentaries on IshAvAsya,kAThaka and ShaTprashna are available in Dr.Vyasanakere PrabhanjanachArya's collection