chaMdra is the abhimAni for anna. chaMdra provides / help growth of plants & trees. His cool rays at night assist the growth of plant. Paddy, wheat and all agricultural items are filled with nutrition in this process.One should meditate the kEshava rUpa of ParamAtma in chaMdra. kEshava is the 1st rUpa among the 24 rUpa-s (chaturaviMshati rUpa-s).

chyavana R^iShi - is the son of bhR^igu R^iShi, who is the son of varuNa. pulOmi is his mother. Once pulOmi was abducted by a demon and she became pregnant under fear. Since the child was born under fear he was named as 'chyavana'. The child saw his demon father with vindictive eyes and his demon father was instantly burnt to death. This demon was the brother of shukrAchARya, who is the guru of daitya-s.

Later, chyavana married aruShi (daughter of manu) and was gifted with a son called chouRva. Once chyavana R^iShi was doing penance in the forest for a long time. A mud hill (huttu) was formed on him and one could only see his eyes flickering from the two holes in front of his eyes. At that time, shaRyAti rAja went out for hunting in the forest and shot an arrow at the 'huttu'. sukanya, the daughter of shaRyAti rAja came towards the huttu and pierced a hole in the huttu, which thus damaged the eyes of chyavana and he became blind. This resulted in stoppage of urination and defecation of all the people in his kingdom. The king realized the mistake of his daughter and begged pardon from chyavana R^iShi. chyavana R^iShi asked that sukanya be given away in marriage to him for his services as he was now blind. sukanya agreed to marry the old R^ishi in order to save the lives of the people of the kingdom. By the anugraha of ashvini dEvata-s sukanya prayed for the return of youth for chyavana. chyavana became youthful and the couple was blessed with a son called pramati.

chatuShpAta – one rUpa within brahmAMDa (bhinnAMsha in all chEtana-s), one rUpa (svarUpAMsha) each in shvEtadvIpa, anaMtasana & vaikuMTha – thus 4 aMsha rUpa-s. Reference: pAdOsya visvAbhUtAni tripadasyAMmR^itaM divi ---puruSha sUkta.

chiMtAmaNi – is a jewel in svaRga that gives all that a person desires. This is a jaDa vastu.

chitraguptaru – they are the database managers of the puNya-mishra-pApa kaRma-s performed by jIva-s during sthiti state. The jIva obtains the deserved destination based on this record.