bali – is the grandson of prahlAda rAja i.e. bali is the son of virOchana rAja

bharata rAja - He was the eldest son of R^iShabha rAja & jayaMta. He is one among the shatapuNyashlOka kaRmaja dEvata-s. bharata was married to paMchajani. They were gifted with 5 sons called – sumati, rAShTrabR^it, sudaRshana, avaraNa & dhUmrakEtu. The land he ruled came to be known as 'bharatakhaMDa'.

bhAratI – is the wife of vAyu dEvaru. vAyu is also known a bharata – where 'bha' – means - in the kAMti saMpanna ParamAtma, 'rata' – means always engrossed. Thus vAyu is called bharata. bharata's wife is called bhAratI dEvi. She is the abhimAni for bhakti and buddhi and vij~nAna tatva & R^iju patni. She never has j~nAna tirOdhAna about ParamAtma. She is therefore atirOhita vimala vij~nAni. She is future saraswatI dEvi. Her other avatAra-s are, kALi, droupadI, shivakayA, chaMdrasEnA etc… bharatI dEvi is abhimAni for pAyasa (kheer). bhAratI dEvi pervades in the ingredients like milk, sugar etc… used for making kheer. One should meditate on the nArAyaNa rUpa of ParamAtma in bhAratI dEvi.

bhadrA dEvi - She was fortified with sadguNa-s. Therefore, she is known as bhadrA. She was born to shrutakIRti (aunt of kR^iShNa) and dR^iShTakEtu who was the king of kEkEya. From her young days, she was requesting her parents that she be married to shrI kR^iShNa. shrI kR^iShNa agreed to the request of shrutakIRti and married bhadrA dEvi. She was gifted with 10 sons saMgrAmajit, bR^ihatsEna, shUra, praharaNa, aMjata, jaya, subhadra, vApi, Ayu & mukti satyaka and one daughter.

brahma – was born from the Lotus Flower emanating from the Navel of ParamAtma. He is also known a hiraNyagaRbha. He is the king of R^iju-s. The mukti yOgya jIva-s obtain mukti along with him in this kalpa. After a bath in virajA river, he too obtains mukti after liMga bhaMga. He is atirOhita vimala vij~nAni and mahatatvAbhimAni.

bhR^igu – was born from the heart of brahma dEvaru. His wife was called khyAti. laxmI dEvi took avatAra in khyAti. Therefore, laxmI dEvi is also called 'bhARgavi' The sons of bhR^igi were called kavi and chyavana. shukrAchARya (kavi) was the son of bhR^igu. In vaivasvata manvaMtara, bhR^igu was born from the yaj~na kuMDa of varuNa. Therefore, bhR^igu is also called vAruNi. During satra yAga, he went to the trilOka-s and established that ParamAtma is saRvOttama.

budha is jalAbhimani dEvata. budha is the son of chaMdra who is described as 'sharadhija ', where 'sharadhi' – means samudra. 'ja' – means son. chaMdra was born during samudra mathana. Budha is the son of chaMdra. budha is superior to uShA dEvi. .