achyuta - ParamAtma is called 'achyuta' because He is permanent and He is unaffected by chatuRvidha nAsha. This achyuta is the mahaprabhu for the jagat. laxmI dEvi praises His as her sAxAt Guru and and Advisor and she does the upAsana of His infinite rUpa-s.

Adibhoutika - Our sthUla dEha consisting of paMchabhUta-s i.e. pR^ithvi (Earth), appu (Water), tEjas (Fire), AkAsha (Sky) & vAyu (Air) has its own agonies or anguish. These are called Adibhoutika. Pervading as achyuta ParamAtma, He brings the experience of Adibhoutika to the dEha.

Adidaivika - The dEvata-s of the dashEMdriya-s, through daitya-s by the prEraNa of ParamAtma and by the regulation of vAyu dEvaru does and makes us do pApa kARya-s and obtains us the agonies as a result of those kARya-s. This is called Adidaivika. gOviMda ParamAtma pervades here and gets us these experiences.

AdhyAtmika - manO iMdriya is related to AdhyAtmika. The agony caused by the gain or loss of wealth, house, wife, son etc…are all AdhyAtmika. anaMta ParamAtma pervades here and gets these experiences to us.

anAkhyAta ajAnaja-s (HKAS_21-46)

i vibudha-s 100 in total

ii dEva bhR^itya pitR^i-s 100 in total

iii dEva bhR^itya asura-s 100 in total

iv dEva gAyana gaMdhaRva-s 100 in total

v dEva nR^itya apsarastri-s 100 in total

vi siddha sAMkEta-s [dEvakARya niRvAhaka-s] 70 in total

vii vAhana carriers yaxara-s 70 in total

viii shibika carriers rAxasa-s 30 in total

ix dEva parichAraka-s chAraNa-s 30 in total

x sEva kaRta bhUta-s 70 in total

xi kinnara-s 70 in total

xii pishAcha-s 70 in total

xiii kubEra bhR^itya guhyaka-s 7 in total

xiv prEta-s 70 in total

xv vidyAdhara-s 70 in total

xvi varuNa bhR^itya nAga-s 5 in total

xvii shata Una shatakOTi R^iShi-s 99, 99, 99, 900

ahaMkArika prANa - is the tvagIMdriyAbhimAni. He is the sharIrAbhimAni for all the chEtana-s. tvagIMdriya pervades over the entire sharIra. That is why he is referred as sharIrAbhimAni. He is superior to these 6 dEvata-s – i.e. mAraputra aniruddha, bR^ihaspatyAchARya, svAyaMbhU manu, daxa prajapati, shachI & ratI.

AirAvata - Lord Indra's white elephant vahana. Airavata is the white elephant who carries Lord Indra. According to the Ramayana, Airavata's mother was Iravati, the daughter of Kadru and granddaughter of Kasyapa. The Matangalila states that Airavata was born when Lord Brahma sang sacred hymns over the halves of the egg shell from which Garuda hatched. He was followed at birth by seven more male and eight female elephants.

Abharamu is the elephant wife of Airavata, who has four tusks and seven trunks, and is spotless white. Prithu eventually made Airavata the King of all elephants.


The eight guardian deities who preside over the eight points of the compass each sits on an elephant vahana. They are: Kubera (north), Yama (south), Indra (east), Varuna (west), Isana (northeast), Agni (southeast), Vayu (northwest), and Nirrti/raksasa (southwest). Each of these elephant take part in the defense and protection of its respective quarter. Chief among them is Airavata of Indra. Airavata also stands at the entrance to Svarga, Indra's palace.

Airavata is also known as 'Ardha-Matanga', meaning "elephant of the clouds", and 'Naga-malla', meaning "the fighting elephant". He is also called 'Arkasodara', meaning "brother of the sun", and yet another of his names means "the one who knits or binds the clouds".

Elephants are known to be capable of producing clouds. The connection of elephants with water and rain is emphasized in the pastimes of Indra, who rides Airavata when he defeats Vritra. The mighty elephant reaches down his trunk into the watery underworld, sucks up water, then sprays it into the clouds, which Indra then causes to rain forth cool water. Therefore, Airavata is linking the waters of the sky with those of the underworld.

In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna says, "Of horses, know Me to be the nectar-born Ucchaisravas; of lordly elephants, Airavata and of men, the monarch." (10.27)

AkaNashmasama - Vayudevaru's name.


aMgIrasa – was born from the face of brahma dEvaru. In the current vaivasvata manvaMtara, he was born from the agni kuMda of a yaj~na being performed by varuNa. vasude was the wife of aMgIrasa. He > was gifted with 7 sons and 7 daughters. bR^ihaspati, uchathya & > vayasya were the 3 great yOgi-s born to aMgIrasa. The pitR^i dEvata-s were born to him through his other wife called svadhe

Not only Angirasa's birth was different in these two manvantara-s but his wife and children are also different.

The Angirasa who is one of the sapta-R^ishhi-s for Svayambhu manvantara has shraddha as his wife, and 4 daughters[apart from Uchathya and bR^ihaspati]:

Bhagavata 4.1.34: "shraddha tvaN^girasaH patnI chatasro.asUta kanyakAH..

His four daughters are worshipped as the abhimAnini-s of amAvAsya, Pournami.

sinIvAli - abhimAni for krishna paxa Chaturdashi

Kuhu -- following AmAvasya

Anumati - abhimanini for shukla paxa Chaturdashi

rAkA - chaturdashi

[based on Sri Yadupathya's prakAshika].


angara akshate

aniruddha is the son of kAma. uShA dEvi is the consort of aniruddha.

ashvini dEvata-s – they are the twins nAsatya and dasra. They the ghrANEMdriya-s. Their consort is uSha dEvi.

atri – was born form the eyes of brahma dEvaru. He was married to anasUya (daughter of kaRdama R^iShi). viShNu ParamAtma was pleased with the pAtivratya of anasUya and He took avatAra in her as dattAtrEya. The son of atri is AtrEya i.e. dattAtrEya. While shrI rAma was in exile and visited the Ashrama of atri R^iShi, at that time atri R^iShi had advised Him several secrets of dhaRma. vii) aMgIrasa – was born from the face of brahma dEvaru. In the current vaivasvata manvaMtara, he was born from the agni kuMda of a yaj~na being performed by varuNa. vasude was the wife of aMgIrasa. He was gifted with 7 sons and 7 daughters. bR^ihaspati, uchathya & vayasya were the 3 great yOgi-s born to aMgIrasa. The pitR^i dEvata-s were born to him through his other wife called svadhe.
