
I was always fascinated by number 18 - probably because I was born on 18th of OCtober and my dad would always say that 18 is a good number because it adds upto 1+8 = 9. Searching more on 18 after having found this.. I feel my birthdate is way insignificant compared to the signifcance the number already has !

From Bannanje Govindacharya's lecture on Bhagavadgeeteyali hadinentara Nantu.


18 in Mahabharatha

18 Parvas in MBH ( Mahabharata -Parva-adhyaya-and-shloka count)

18 chapters in Geeta

18 days of Mahabharatha War

18 Akshouhini Army in Mahabharatha War

One Akshauhini has the following Composition - Check the link akshauhiNI

akshauhiNi - anIchini X 10 - 21870 Elephants,21870 Chariots, 65610 Horses, 109350 Soldiers

Total of Each unit -Elephant/Chariot - 2+1+8+7+0 = 18

Horses - 6+5+6+1+0 = 18

Soldiers - 1+0+9+3+5+0 = 18

18 denoting the essence of Mahabharata

Mahabharata has 7 charecters which represents the 18 values of Humanity.

1. Yudhishtira - is the personification of

1. Dharma - righteousness

2.Bhima is the personification of following 10 charecters

2.bhakti - devotion

3.jnana - knowledge

4.vairagya - detachment

5.smriti - timely sense

6.medha - memory

7.druti - confidence

8.stiti - conviction

9.yoga - balance, mental equillibrium

10.prana - life force

11.bala - determination

3. Arjuna represents

11.shravana - listening

12.manana - contemplation

13.nidhidhyasana - meditation

4.Nakula represents

14.sheela - charecter

5. Sahadeva represents

15.vinaya - modesty

6.Draupadi is

17.vedavidya - knowledge about the Vedas

7. Sri Krishna is

18.Vedavedya - Supreme Lord

Our life should have the foundation of Dharma , where we should cultivate the qualities of devotion ,knowledge etc represented by Bhima and learn the Shastras through the process of Shravana,manana and nidhidhyasana as represented by Arjuna.Along with the knowledge of Shastras, good charecter, conduct and modesty should be our companions at all the times. with these 16, we should charm the vedavidye as represented by Draupadi and attain Vedavedya as represented by Shri Krishna. This is the quintessence of Indian Philosophy. This is the meaning of Bharata. This is the meaning of Bhagavadgita. This is the reason why there are 18 parvas in Bharata. 18 chapters in Bhagavadgita. This is a philosophical number. This is the secret of Gita's Sankhya

18 denoting essence of Bhagavadgita

The universe is a triangle consisting of three parts.

15 fences in which 16th Soul is tied up. (kshara - perishable objects)

the 15 fences are

1. shradde - faith and trust

6. pancha bootagala beli - mannu,neeru,benki,gaali,akasha - (earth,water,fire,air,sky)

7. Imdriya - Sense Organs

8. Manassu - Mind

9. Anna - Food

10. Virya - stamina

11. Tapassu -Thought

12. mantra - speech

13. karma - action

14. lokAh - posession

15. nAma - Name and fame

17th Prakriti (Akshara - imperishable objects) binds the 15 fences to the soul.

If the soul breaks out of the 15 fences then he will reach the Paramapurusha who is 18.

This is Bhagavadgeeta.

18 Vidyas with teaches about Supreme Lord

4 – Apaurusheya Veda (rig,yajur,sama,atharvana)

4 – paurusheya Veda (Mahabharata,Ramayana,pancharatra,purana)

7 – Vedanga (Siksha,Kalpa,Vyakarana,Nirukta,Chandas,Jyotisha,dharmashastra)

3 – Meemasa (karma,Deva,Brahma)

18 Maha Puranas

6 Satwika Puranas(Pancharatraagama)

1.Vishnu Purana (23,000 Verses)

2. Narada Purana (25,000 Verses)

3. BhAgavata Purana (18,000 Verses)

4. Garuda Purana (19,000 Verses)

5. Padma Purana (55,000 Verses)

6. varaha Purana (24,000 Verses)

6 Rajasa Puranas(Brahma Purana)

7. Brahma Purana (10,000 Verses)

8. Brahmanda Purana (12,000 Verses)

9. Brahma Vaivartha Purana (18,000 Verses)

10.Markandeya Purana (9,000 Verses)

11.Bhavishya Purana (14,500 Verses)

12. vAmana Purana (10,000 Verses)

6 Taamasa Puranas(Paashupathaagama)

13. Mathsya Purana (14,000 Verses)

14. koorma Purana (17,000 Verses)

15. Linga Purana (11,000 Verses)

16. Shiva Purana (24,000 Verses)

17. Skanda Purana (81,100 Verses)

18. Agni Purana (15,400 Verses)

18 Upa Puranas

    1. Ganapathi Purana

    2. Devibhagavatha Purana

    3. Narasimha Purana

    4. Kapila Purana

    5. Nanddhi Purana

    6. Vishnurahasya Purana

    1. Parasara Purana

    2. Mudhgala Purana

    3. Santhkumara Purana

    4. Kumaara Purana

    5. Brughu Purana

    6. Kali Purana

    1. Dhoorvasa Purana

    2. Ambika Purana

    3. Kaalika Purana

    4. Maareecha Purana

    5. Maheswara Purana

    6. Sowra Purana

18 Smiritis

18,000 Shlokas in Bhagavata Purana

18 mantras in Ishavasya Upanishad

18 mantras in Purushasukta

18 shabdas in Hamsa Gayatri mantra

18 Shrushti tattvas introduced in Shatapatha Brahmana

12 Months

5 Ritus

1 Samvatsara