I write this note on perhaps the most significant TEN of my life, June 10. This was my parent’s wedding anniversary.

As I was growing up, there were two TENs that I’ve remembered to this day. Both were related to 4-H. One had to be 10 years old to join a 4-H club in Warren County, Iowa and I joined the club where three of my cousins were members at my earliest eligibility. Though it was a boys 4-H club all three of my female cousins belonged and showed cattle under the McKee-Farms banner as I did. The second TEN of my youth was September 10th, the day that our annual 4-H Record books were due for judging. Beverly, the oldest of the cousins, sat down with me and helped me prepare my first record book well enough to gain a 98 rating.

My next significant TEN was a special 10th wedding anniversary trip. We had made many canoe daytrips in Missouri where we lived but for an anniversary trip, we tried something new. We floated from Monday to Friday, camping overnight, on the Namekagon River in Wisconsin. The evening we finished, we dined with one of our groomsmen in Minneapolis at a very fancy restaurant.

We are now very pleased to join in the celebration of the Admiral at the Lake TENth.

--Harris McKee