2. E1A1 By The Numbers, Revised


E1a1 By The Numbers, Revised* By Robert Hall

Sudan 1/40 No STRs available.

Western Sahara (Sahrawi) 1/29 13-22-17-9 12 12-12-30

Mali 2/44 From Bozo and Tuareg tribes

Senegal (Mande) 1/167 13-22-16-9-16-16 13-12-12-30

Gabon (Kota) 1/53 13-22-15-9-16-16 12-11-12-12-29

**Cameroon (Northern) 9/17 No STRs available.

Equatorial Guinea 2/112 13-22-16-9-16-16 13-12-12-30

13-22-16-9-16-16 12-12-12-29

Iberian Peninsula 2/1140 13-22-17-9-14-16 12-13-12-12-29

13-22-17-9-15-16 12-13-12-12-29

Malta 1/290 13-22-17-9 12 12

Iraq 2/177 Jews from Iraq (1 Sephardic and 1 Kurdish)

13-22-16-9 12 12

13-22-16-9 12 12

Syria 1/202 13-23-16-9 12-12-12-12-30

Lebanon 1/951 13-22-14-9 12-10-12-12-30

England (Bray lines) 3/1678 13-22-14-9 12-14-12-12-30

13-22-14-9 12-14-12-12-31

13-22-14-9 12-14-12-12-30

Ashkenazis in France 1/50 13-22-16-9 11-12-12-12-12-30

*Using the available STRs from various tests, I have used the Family Tree format of the first 12 markers to post these findings.

**When the 17 samples of the Fulbe (Fulani) from northern Cameroon showed a large percentage of E1a1, it was assumed that this was an anomaly. However, now we know that the Fulani pastoralists seem to be the primary carriers of E1a1. (See “E1a1, Its Jewish, Genetic, and Paternal Ties, Revised”)

There are other samples that are representative of E1a1 studies, both in Europe and Africa, but in each case, the percentage of E1a1 is in line with what is demonstrated above.

More Examples of STRs in and around Africa

Canary Islands 1 13-22-18-9-16-16 12-12-30

Italy, Liguria 1 13-22-16-9-17-17 12-12-31

Italy, Caccamo 1 13-21-16-9-15-17 13-12-12-31

Italy, Sicily 1 13-23-16-9-15-16 13-12-12-30

Mali 1 13-22-16-9-16-16-11-12-13-12-12-30

Cameroon 1 13-22-16-9-16-16-11-12-13-12-12-30

Nigeria 1 14-22-16-9-16-16-11-12-13-12-12-30

Morocco (Berber) 1 14-22-17-9-16-16-11-12-12-12-12-30

Morocco, Figuig (Berber) 13 -22-16-9-15-15 11-12-12-29

1 13-22-17-9-15-16 11-12-13-30


Some Unusual STRs Among E1a1 Men

United States 13-22-17-10-15-16-11-12-12-12-12-30

United States 13-22-16---9-15-17-11-12-12-12-11-29

United States 13-22-15---9-15-16-11-12-11-12-12-28

United States 14-22-16---9-14-16-11-12-12-12-12-30

United States 13-22-14---9-14-17-11-11-12-12-12-30

United States 13-23-16---9-15-16-11-12-12-12-12-30


In scouring dna studies for E1a1, the very large 2741 samples of the 2010 Veeramah study show just how minute our haplogroup is in Africa. In an identifiable haplotype, E1a1 only appears twice. Looking northward into Britain, we see the same thing. BritainsDna, a company that claims a large database, posts the figure of 2.5% for the E haplogroup in Britain. Our subclade, they say, would fall within a range not greater than .1%.

Members of the E1a1 haplogroup will always have a debt of gratitude for the work of “Argiedude” who pointed the way to numerous studies to help our understanding of E1a1. It is upon his work that I continue to rely and base some of my information.

Compiled by Robert E. Hall

Family Tree Kit No. 30791

Revised July 14, 2015