
The identification of Tall al-Hamidiya with the Mitannian capital Taidu is based on philological and archaeological reasoning.

Philological reasons

    • the combination of the texts DeZ 2521 (Middle Assyrian itinerary) and Ashshurnasirpal II., Ann. (ed. King) III, 2 – 3 (Neo-Assyrian annals), KUB XIX 13+14 II: 30s-37s (fragment of the series Shuppiluliumash LU“-nannash), HT21+ KUB VIII 80: 6s – 13s (fragment of the Hittite Version of the treaty between Shattiwaza and Shuppiluliuma I.) with A. 315+ M. 8103 (Old Babylonian letter from Mari) respectively;

    • the known location of Kakhat (Tall Barri), the calculated location of Khazzikannum (Tall al-Mashrafa) and the location of Ta´idu (ARM 26: 357) between Khazzikannum and Kakhat (TH3, 91f Khazzikannum, 107ff Kakhat, 169f Tâdum, map 14).

Localisation based on texts. TH 5, fig. 1.

Archaeological reasons

Based on a survey in 1984, a tall was chosen that fitted the ideal profile for a Mitannian capital:

  • a favourable location at the intersection of the two main trade routes, as well as a a year-round secured water supply.

  • a tall that could match a large center of a huge urban complex. Repeated visits to the hill suggested that it contained the remains of two immense structures; the existence of a third large building complex - the east building - became clear when we realised how exactly the original structures were depicted by the contours of the tall.

Survey 1984. TH 5, fig. 2