History and Campaigns

An overview of the scientific work on Tall al-Hamidiya …

1926 M. Dunand. Unpublished soundings.

1931 A. Poidebard. Research on the Roman Limes.
Air photographs of Tall al-Hamidiya (Tell Hmede).

1950ies W. J. van Liere (published in Les annales archéologiques arabes Syriennes, Damaskus (AAS) 4-5 1954/55 and 13 1963.

Swiss Mission

Year Representative/Members of Mission/Main focus

1984 spring, 12.9.-9.10. Representative: J.-S. Lazar: al-Hasaka (spring); I. Nano: al-Hasaka (12.9.-9.10.). S. Eichler, J. Haas-Wegner, V. Haas, D. Steudler, M. Wäfler.

1985 14.3-4.4., 10.8.-26.9. Survey (spring). Measurements, grid. Tall sondage (ordinate 411). Representative: I. Nano: al-Hasaka (14.3-4.4.); J.-S. Lazar: al-Hasaka (10.8.-26.9.). K. Bellmann, Chr. Eichler, S. Eichler, V. Haas, J. Haas-Wegner, M. Wäfler, D. Warburton, U. Zellweger. Squares 48/44, 49-51/45. Central Area 39/42, 40/42, 40/43. Extension of tall sondage.

1986 15.3.-10.4. Representative: J.-S. Lazar: al-Hasaka. S. Eichler, M. Wäfler, D. Warburton. Central Area 38/42-43, 39/41-43, 40/41-42, 41/37-40.

1987 18.8.-9.10. Representative: J.-S. Lazar: al-Hasaka. S. Eichler, M. Wäfler. Squares 20/23-24. Central Area. Measurements, grid.

1988 no excavation

1989 9.4.-12.10. Representative: J.-S. Lazar: al-Hasaka (9.4.1989 - 23.4.1989); N. Khoury: Afamia (24.4.1989 - 2.8.1989); H. Yussuf: al-Hasaka (3.8.1989 - 12.10.1989). A. Bianchi, D. Dall'Agnolo, S. Eichler, L. Hirni, M. Wäfler, D. Warburton. 5. Terrace 38-42/42-43, north 41-42/44-49, 35/50, sondage in the north 41/50-52.

1990 29.7.-24.10. Representative: N. Khoury: Afamia. S. Eichler, K. Niepelt, S. Ott, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 34/25, 34/27, 38/28, 39/28-29, 40-41/28. 1. Terrace 49/15. 5. Terrace 38/42-43.

1991 6.8.-17.10. Representative: H. Zin ad-Din: Suaida. R. Baumann, Chr. Eichler, K. Niepelt, S. Ott, K. Raakow, M. Wäfler, K. Zaugg. Southern Stairs 39-42/26-29, 41-42/27-29, 34-35/36-37, 40/37, 42-43/37. Red massive 35/43-47.

1992 29.8.-8.10. Representative: A. Ali: al-Hasaka. K. Raakow, M. Wäfler. 5. Terrace 41-44/50, 42-43/49.

1993 no excavation

1994 3.9.- 13.10. Representative: I. Nano, al-Hasaka. K. Raakow, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 39/25-29. 5. Terrace: 41-42/50.

1995 5.8.-14.9. Representative: I. Nano: al-Hasaka. Th. Hofmeier, O. Kaelin, K. Raakow, J. Baron Ungern-Sternberg von Pürkel, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 39/31-34. 2. Terrace: 40-44/37.

1996 no excavation

1997 19.7.-15.8., 13.9.-2.10. Representative: I. Murad: al-Hasaka. R. Baumann, M. Gerber, C. Hanhart, Th. Hofmeier, O. Kaelin, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 39/34-35. 2. Terrace 40-43/37.

1998 10.10.- 3.12. Representative: H. Yussuf: al-Hasaka. M. Wäfler. Measurements, grid.

1999 11.9.-30.9. Representative: A. Baġdu: al-Hasaka. C. Hanhart, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 36/35-38. 2. Terrace 33/38. 4. Terrace 47/50.

2000 2.9. - 14.10. Representative: H. Yussuf: al-Hasaka.M. Gerber, C. Hanhart, M. Wäfler. Southern Stairs 34/22, 36/22-23, 39/24. North-Eastern Stairs 47/42-45, 48/45, 49/44-45, 50/44. South-Western Stairs: 31/47, 32/47-48, 33/49. Stairs 38/34. 1. Terrace: 35/16-17, 38/15-16. 2. Terrace: 32/43, 33/42-43.

2001 8.9.- 4.10. Representative: I. Murad: al-Hasaka. O. Kaelin, M. Wäfler. Western turning point 28/48. South-Western Stairs 27-30/40, 32-33/43-44, 33/45, 33-34/46. 2. Terrace 30/36-37, 36/36-39.

2002 14.9.-10.10. Representative: H. Yussuf: al-Hasaka. M. Wäfler. Measurements, grid.

2003 30.8.–6.10. Representative: Ibrahim Murad, al-Qamishlya. T. Bratschi, K. Winzeler, M. Wäfler. Central Palace: 3. and 5. Terrace, Northern structures. 35/50, 38-40/50-51, 41/53-57, 49/50.

2004 28.8.- 4.10. Representative: Khaled Ahmo, al-Hasaka. R. Baumann, M. Wäfler. South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace.

2005 6.6.-21.7. (Leiden), 6.8.-6.10. (Bern). Representative: S. al-'Ali, al-Hasaka (6.6.-21.7.), Mr. Kh. Ahmo, al-Hasaka (6.8.-6.10.). Leiden: J.M. Blom, V. van Exel, D. Meens, D. Meijer, C. Rooijakkers, M. de Vreeze, A. Wossink. Bern: R. Baumann, O. Kaelin, M. Wäfler. Early and Middle Bronze Age (Leiden). South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace15/22-23, 16/21-24, 17-18/23-24, 18-20/20, 19/23-24, 20/24-25,21/24-26, 22-24/29, 24/30, 26/28, 27/24-25, 27/27-28, 28/25-27.

2006 22.4.-16.6., 18.8.-5.10. Representative: Mr. Kh. Ahmo, al-Hasaka (22.4.-19.5., 18.8.-28.8.); Mr. A. Kosa, Damascus (20.5.-16.6., 29.8.-5.10.). R. Baumann, E. von Büren-Hadjidimitrova, O. Kaelin, H. Maloigne, S. Rutishauser, Chr. Vögeli-Pakkala, M. Wäfler. South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace 17-19/21-23, 20/21-22, 21/20, 25-26, 22/20 + 25, 24/27, 25/22, 26/22 + 27, 27/23-24, 26-27, 28/25-26, 29/26.

2007 21.7.-13.9. Representative: H. Yussuf: al-Hasaka. R. Baumann, O. Kaelin, M. Wäfler. South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace

2008 no excavation

2009 no excavation

2010 31.7.-16.9. Representative: Dr. Abd al-Massih Baghdo, Al-Hassake. R. Baumann, O.Kaelin, D. Hollenstein, K. Kessler, J. Letnansky, S. Nett, C. Peier, A. Sutsch, S. Rutishauser, U. Tapfer, M. Wäfler, D. Werthmüller. Geomagnetic Survey (Terra Vermessungen AG, Othmarsingen). South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace. Central Palace.

2011 23.4.-5.6. Representative: Dr. Abd al-Massih Baghdo, Al-Hassake. R. Baumann, G. Caspari, O.Kaelin, M. Wäfler. South-Western Area: Older and Younger Palace. Central Palace.