I am Giovanni Rosso, associate professor at Concordia University and a member of the Montreal Number Theory group.
Before I was Herchel Smith Postdoctoral Fellow at the DPMMS in Cambridge where I co-organised the Number Theory Seminar with Jack Thorne, and a fellow at Pembroke College.
And before that I have been a visitor at Columbia University thanks to a FWO travel grant.
I completed my PhD in mathematics at KULeuven and Paris 13, under the direction of prof. J.Nicaise and prof. J.Tilouine.
Before that, I was an ALGANT student. If you want are currently interested in the ALGANT program, you should definitely consider coming to Montreal! More information here.
My research subject is number theory.
More precisely, I have been working on the derivative of p-adic L-functions for the symmetric square of a modular form in different cases: ordinary, finite slope, or ordinary over a totally real field. I now generalise these results to Siegel forms and apply them in the study of the Main Conjecture.
You can write me here.
I helped organising this exciting conference in Algebraic Geometry in Cambridge.