Projects - Progetti

Guido Maione took part to many national and regional research projects that were financed by the Italian Minister of Education and Research, by the Apulia regional government, by private companies and research institutions.

These projects testify links existing with other academic institutions and private companies and industries.

Current projects

1) FURTHER - Future revolutionary technologies for more electric aircrafts

(Future Rivoluzionarie Tecnologie per Velivoli Più Elettrici)

2) Advanced Robust Fractional Order Control of Dynamical Systems: New Methods for Design and Realization

Executive Programme for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Serbia for the years 2019-2021 - project no. RS19MO10

Prof. Guido Maione is Leader of the Italian research team

3) CTEMT - Casa delle tecnologie emergenti, Comune di Matera

FSC 2014-2020 - Piano investimenti per la diffusione della banda larga

4) NGS - New Satellittes Generation Components

PON R&I 2014-2020 - project code: ARS01_01215 - Aerospace

5) ASMARA - “ASMARA – Applicazioni pilota post Direttiva 2010/65 in realtà portuali italiane della Suite MIELE a supporto delle Authority per ottimizzazione della interRoperabilità nell’intermodalitA’ dei flussi città-porto” - Project “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation” (2014-2016)

Recently finished projects

  • Cost Action CA 15225 “Fractal” (Fractional-order systems: analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design) - European Cooperation in Science and Technology, EU Horizon 2020/FP7 - Prof. Guido Maione is Member of the Management Committee to represent Italy - See: and

  • optiTruck - optimal fuel consumption with Predictive PowerTrain control and calibration for intelligent Truck - European Project - Topic: GV-6-2015 - Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission - Programme/Call: H2020 — H2020-GV-2014-2015/H2020-GV-2015 - See:,,

  • MEA - PON 2007-2013 - project code: PON03PE_0067_8; title: "MEA - Gestione ibrida dell'energia per applicazioni aeronautiche", translated as "MEA - Hybrid energy management for aeronautical applications"

  • Greening the propulsion - PAC "Ricerca" al Programma Operativo Complementare al PON "Ricerca e Innovazione" 2014-2020

  • AEOLIX - Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange - See

  • NEMO - European Project Horizon H2020 “NEMO – Hyper-Network for electroMobility” (2016-2019)

  • INNOVHEAD - PON 2007-2013: headed by MEDIS S.c.a.r.l. - Distretto Meccatronico Regionale of Puglia Region; project code: PON02_00576_3333604; title: “INNOVHEAD - Tecnologie innovative per riduzione emissioni, consumi e costi operativi di motori Heavy Duty”, translated as “Innovative technologies to reduce emissions, consumptions and operational costs of heavy duty engines”

  • EURO6 - PON 2007-2013: headed by Centro Ricerche FIAT S.c.p.a.; project code: PON01_02238; title: “EURO6 - Elettronica di controllo, sistema di iniezione, strategie di combustione, sensoristica avanzata e tecnologie di processo innovativi per motori diesel a basse emissioni inquinanti”, translated as “EURO6 – Innovative electronic control, injection system, combustion strategies, advanced sensors and process technology for diesel engines with low polluting emissions”

  • PRIN 2009 - Project of Relevant National Interest in Italy: “Non integer order systems in modeling and control”, principal investigator Dr. Riccardo Caponetto, University of Catania, Italy - Research Unit headed by Guido Maione at Politecnico di Bari, title of subproject: “High-performance robust fractional controllers for applications in industry and mechatronics”

This last project was the first ever founded in Italy on the theme of non-integer/fractional order systems and controllers.

Past important projects

  • Project “Meccatronica”, translated as “Mechatronics”: Accordo di Programma Quadro Ricerca –Puglia Region (2010-2011), “Modelli Innovativi per Sistemi Meccatronici”, translated as “Innovative Models for Mechatronic Systems”, Del. CIPE 20/04, DM01

  • Strategic Project financed by Regione Puglia (2006), “Infrastrutture di telecomunicazione e reti wireless di sensori nella gestione di situazioni di emergenza”, translated as “Telecommunication infrastructures and wireless sensor networks for managing emergency”, principal investigation and scientific co-ordination by Prof. Eng. B. Maione, Politecnico di Bari

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