Markfield Road industial area planning application
Update February 2023
February 2023 The redevelopment plan submitted in 2020 for Unit 2 Midland Distribution Centre on Markfield Road is still failing to satisfy all the requirements of the Borough and County Councils. The site, remembered locally as Quintos, could have some existing buildings demolished or refurbished. There could also be a new workshop building with ancillary offices and welfare floorspace, parking and a new access.
The County Council had expressed concern about the proposed site access deceleration lane to be added to the A50, but after further consultation acknowledges that the proposed access would offer a betterment in comparison to the existing access to the site, which would be permanently closed, without any intensification of traffic using the site.
There continue to be some concerns over Public Rights of Way, and further information is required about this issue and also the arrangements to be made for surface water drainage. In addition it’s thought that the application does not appear to incorporate sufficient proposals concerning the quality of water to be discharged into the downstream system.
January 2021
Brief details and the Parish Council's comments
( - Ref 20/01284/Ful)
The buildings on the industrial area south of Wallace Drive, occupied by Scania agent Keltruck and Westermans International, are showing their age and in some respects are no longer fit for purpose. Borough Council planners are now considering a proposal to make radical changes to improve the look and suitability of the buildings, and improve the safety of those working or visiting the site. In addition to detailed proposals the application asks for approval in principle of a fast food outlet with a drive through facility.
The work involves the demolition of existing buildings, refurbishment of an existing building and erection of workshop buildings with ancillary offices and welfare floorspace, parking together and new access.
Keltruck Ltd
Established in 1983, Keltruck Limited is the largest independent Scania Distributor in Europe and has18 operating locations. Each Keltruck workshop has the high-tech equipment needed to maintain modern commercial vehicles, but at the Markfield Road site there is inadequate headroom to tilt the cabs of HGV’s forward to allow access to maintain the engines. The roof is not in a good condition and the owners say that the expensive repairs that are necessary are cost prohibitive. That’s not the only problem with the existing building – the HGV inspection pit leaks after heavy rainfall and structural cracking to the perimeter walls has rendered the pit unusable. The plan is to refurbish the Westermans building to make it suitable for Keltruck, and to build a new unit for Westermans.
Westermans International
Westermans was founded in the early 1960’s by Peter Westerman, who owned and ran a welding supplies company from a Leicester city centre showroom. The business expanded into the market of second hand and refurbished welding machinery & plasma cutting equipment. Still based in Groby it now supplies welding equipment globally.
The site currently has very poor separation of visitors and also poor access for heavy goods vehicles to and from the A50. The owners want to deal with these issues as part of this application, and this will include the provision of a deceleration lane for vehicles entering the site, and a merge lane for those leaving.
With regards to the fast food outlet/coffee bar, it will be up to the end user to submit further details when full planning permission is sought.
DRAFT comments by the Parish Council Planning Committee
The Committee understand the applicant’s need for modernising the existing buildings and appreciate the planned improvement to the access/egress, however following much discussion, together with contributions from the members of the public present, the committee raised the following comments and concerns:
· The proposed Access/ Egress to the site is considered to be too close to the bend on the A50, causing danger from traffic exiting the site to join the traffic stream almost on the bend and immediately before the busy traffic lights. We recommend that this is referred to LCC Highways and the access/egress be re-located nearer to Groby (away from the bend) this will allow exiting vehicles, especially lorries, time to achieve a safer speed to join the main carriageway.
· The proposed Fast-food outlet is an unnecessary addition to the site which would intensify the traffic in the area, especially on the A50 around Lena and Wallace Drive. The food outlet would also be too close to the adjacent properties.
The committee are not opposed to some form of onsite facility purely for client drivers and employees on the site but not for a public access eatery as the applicant has not shown any proven need for this facility.
· The Drainage of the site to be referred to the Environmental Agency and Natural England for investigation for two reasons.
a. Drainage of contaminated water from the site could drain onto the SSSI (site of special scientific interest) in the brook and woodland immediately across the A50 and extra flooding from rainwater plus possible polluted water would cause irreparable damage to this site.
b. By changing the on-site drainage (including moving and reconstruction of the public footpath on the western boundary), could cause an increase to the flow on the existing natural waterways and brook leading to Groby pool (through SSSI land) which would exacerbate the existing annual flood issue of the woodland area across the A50.
· According to the design statement, the surface of the re-aligned footpath is proposed to be a gravel path, which would be highly ineffective and unsuitable for the wheelchair use/access. We recommend that LCC Footpaths department be involved in recommending a correct option where the surface would suit wheelchairs.
(Note: The applicant should be aware that permission will have to be sought from Leicestershire County Council to re-align this permissive footpath.)
· The A50 Pedestrian footpath alongside the highway – with the increase of vehicles to the site the safety of those using the footpath needs to be considered as this is classified as a “safe walking route” to Martinshaw Primary School, Brookvale Groby Learning Campus and Quarry Park play area. And it is thought that lorries turning into the site might not have a suitable view of children crossing the new “zebra – type” crossing.
· Improved screening of the site alongside the A50 road is requested with the planting of higher trees and a higher solid wooden fence on the site boundary between the new site access and the A50 bend. This partly replaces the resulting loss of the current attractive natural green view of this National Forest area along the frontage for pedestrians and vehicle users.
· During this development HBBC need to be aware of possible mud and debris dropping onto the main carriageway which may cause potential ‘skid’ danger on the bend in the A50.
(Note: Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council should refer to and consider the policy documents DM19 regarding the usage and development of this site GRO51)