Groby in Bloom disbanded

2011 “Groby in Bloom is a lovely example of where, without “The Bloom” the town would lack floral displays and be a much less colourful place. The Bloom group draws together many community groups with the common aims of environmentally improving the town for the benefit of all.”

These were the words of the East Midlands in Bloom judges when they awarded Groby a Silver Medal in the 2010 competition. But unless a major rift between the group and the Parish Council can be patched up this is the prospect facing the village from 2012. The group of volunteers have maintained flower beds and planters throughout the village for some years, often winning awards, but the Groby in Bloom volunteers have resigned and appear to have said that they “don't wish to talk about it any more.”

More information requested

At a recent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Parish Council the budget for 2012/13 was discussed and the Council requested a meeting with Groby in Bloom to receive a breakdown in their costings following an informal request to increase the Parish Council's contribution for 2012/13. The group currently receives a grant of £3000 from the Parish Council and amongst other issues raised there was concern that nearly £2000 had been paid to a contractor for watering services. Although Groby in Bloom has not issued a statement to explain the decision it appears that a comment that 'the money could be put somewhere else' caused particular offence. Parish Councillor Helen Lindsay, Chair of the group, told the November meeting of the Parish Council that at a meeting of the group members were advised that she and former Councillor Margaret Purves were withdrawing. On hearing this news other members present decided to follow. Many councillors were taken by surprise by the announcement, which discussion at the meeting suggested was included in a letter from the group to the council which has not been released to the Spotlight. Margaret Purves has subsequently said that at the time of the group meeting, which she did not attend, she had no intention of leaving.

Praise for Groby in Bloom

Members praised the work of the Groby in Bloom volunteers over the years and one of the councillors recently co-opted said that they were “at pains to say we value Groby in Bloom.” He added that they just wanted to look at the £3000, see how it is spent and what plans there are for the future.

Demanding work

Groby in Bloom is dependent on volunteers and shares the same problems as other voluntary groups in the village, and this includes an ageing membership undertaking what can be demanding physical work. All the lady volunteers are over 60, explained Councillor Lindsay. Watering has proved a difficult issue which may have become an increasing burden for the volunteers. It has always been very time intensive even when it was undertaken by Parish Council staff before grounds maintenance was largely outsourced, although this was reduced following the decision to discontinue the use of hanging baskets in the displays. 2011