Travel Funding Request

Students of the College of Charleston Graduate Program in Marine Biology that are current members of MBGSA are eligible to receive funding to attend or present at scientific conferences. To be eligible, students must pay their dues ($25 per academic year) and be an active member, attending activities and events. A maximum of $50.00 may be awarded to individuals not presenting and a maximum of $100.00 may be awarded to those presenting. No more than $100.00 may be awarded per student per semester. If funds cannot match demand, priority for spring funds will be given to students who did not receive funding in the fall semester.

Download the form below, indicating the details of the conference, associated costs, and amount requested from MBGSA. The form must be signed by the student and his/her major advisor and submitted to the MBGSA mailbox at Grice Marine Lab for review by the executive board. Official vote of acceptance must be conducted at the next monthly executive board meeting before issue of the award.
