Personal statement

With some hesitation and humility I launched this website to share my professional views and experiences. My career has been at the interface of science and policy -- in government, private sector, and academia. Engagement with multiple stakeholders and communities has been central to my work, establishing relationships and seeking to understand these partners. I have been devoted to the pursuit of science to better promote and ensure the health of populations both in the United States and round the world.

A large part of my career had been devoted to issues of disparities and inequalities in health and social conditions, with a view toward liberation of human potential for those who have been limited by circumstances in which they find themselves. I have served as a volunteer physician for many years in the District of Columbia serving minority communities.

I have also devoted a bit of this site to my personal life.

I thank my teachers and mentors over the years for guiding me. Those include Allan Young, a luminary in medical anthropology; Gail Fisher a superb federal bureaucrat; Maria King, author who taught me to write; and Dr. M. Ayub Khan, father of health statistics in Pakistan. Dr. Mohammad Akhter has been a mentor and colleague who provided me and so many others with invaluable lessons in leadership. I owe a intellectual debt of gratitude to Anthony Giddens, who I rank as one of the leading social thinker of our day. I also want to thank my mother and father, Despina and Paul, whose devotion and love cannot be measured or repaid.