Similarity of words between Indo- European languages

Dhoot ----Dhooter ( Daughter)

Sui ---(Needle) --(Sewing --English)

Vassiliki is Greek expert on Vedic studies and has few findings on link between Greek words and Vedic words --

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I made a research about this, since I am translating Rig Veda last 6 years into Greek. I didn't expect to realise that all the words and names of ancient Sanskrit are existing in Greek too. All names of Vedic gods are names of Greek gods too. For example: Bhrama is Bromios, one of the names of the supreme god in ancient Greek cult(essential meaning: loud ejection,expansion). Veda that means knowledge, is vida or Veda in prehistoric Greek, and vedi was one of the sacred words in Greek Orphic sacraments(means the sacred marriage between logos and soul,that gives the experienced wisdom). Orpheus got through revelation three names of god, that remained exclusively orphic, and I found them in Rig Veda. I also found the explanation of many greek myths. I found prophesies that got fulfilled now a days. And much more.

Explanation on Soma

Soma means blood and it was the red sweet wine, they were drinking in his sacraments. A traditional kind of wine in Eastern islands of Greece is called Souma and derives from the ancient sacraments. In prehistoric Greek blood is called saima. In ancient Sanskrit Soma is existing also as sauma and souma. It symbolizes the blood of the sacrificed Dionysos or Purusha (Grk:Proseios= rising sun).