Kulikov Vitaliy Aleksandrovich


     Master artist Kulikov Vitaly Alexandrovich always strive for perfection-in the jewelry art and in everything he does in engraving and jewelry, and becomes the best in everything he does. Master never stop there, and trying to outdo yourself and your achievements!


 Born in the city of Cherepovets,Vologda Region, January 21, 1983. He graduated from high school in Cherepovets in 1990-1999. Received secondary special Education in Krasnoselsky School of Art Processing of Metals (KOHOM), p. Krasnoe-na-Volge, Kostroma Oblast, from 2001 to 2006, by education, Artist-master, specialization printmaker.

Since 2013, an Individual Entrepreneur. Continued development of creativity in the art of painting, since 2014. Experience in production and production of jewelry more than 12 years. Engraver specialty, artist-master, will perform any engraving work on metal. 

Since 2015 I am engaged in professional painting, oil on canvas. 2019 March 1, became a member of the chamber of crafts of the Vologda region, the candidate of the Union of Artists of Russia, city of Cherepovets. The history of painting is an endless chain that began with the first paintings made. Each style grows out of the styles that were before it. Every great artist adds something to the achievements of earlier artists and influences later artists.