Wedding and engagement rings.

Directory of wedding and Engagement rings

"Wedding ring-not a simple decoration!”

So it is sung in the famous song, and it is without this attribute is impossible no wedding.

Wedding ring-not just a jewel of precious metal - is a magical symbol of life and death. As you know, it has no end or beginning, in addition, it has the ability to store the energy information of its owner.

For this reason, parents of newlyweds are not recommended to give them their wedding rings, especially if the marriage of parents failed. Also, no one should be allowed to measure or wear their wedding ring.

It is also desirable not to remove it without good reasons to maintain good relations in the family.

It is wrong to believe that the ring can be used twice-at the engagement and at the wedding. If you are limited in funds, it is better not to give an expensive ring on matchmaking, limit yourself to a simple not precious product or do without it. Most beliefs associated with wedding rings, which are exchanged young on the day of painting (wedding), so it is better to pay more attention to the choice of these relics.

How to choose the right wedding rings

1. The surface of the products must be smooth

Smooth rings-calm, smooth family relationships. Apply engraving on the wedding signs and superstitions are also not advised. Thus, you are putting your further happiness to the test.

2. Give preference to jewelry made of precious metals

The best option is gold (red, yellow or white – it does not matter), it symbolizes material prosperity. The fashion is also platinum rings, as the strength of the metal in the people symbolizes the strength, inviolability of marriage.

3. Jewelry must be of the same material

Because jewelry bought in pairs, they must be cast from the same material and made in the same style.

4. Do not use pre-owned

Refrain from the idea of using used rings, even if it is expensive vintage jewelry. After all, any thing absorbs the energy of its owner and you risk repeating the fate of the former owners of jewelry. It is necessary to buy only new jewelry.

5. The only exception may be the parent rings that have passed through many years of happy life in the family.

Such a relic can be passed on to more than one generation of descendants.

6. Rings cannot be melted down

The family heirloom can not be melted down, so that the accumulated happiness in the products does not evaporate. This symbol of eternal love is worn only in its original form.

7. Choosing a ring for a wedding, focus on your taste, not on fashion trends.

After all, fashion is changeable, and decoration should remain on the finger of the owner always.

8. Both rings for the newlyweds should buy the groom

You can choose them together, but only a man is obliged to pay for the purchase.

9. For purchase go only in good spirits

Not in the mood – it is better to postpone this business on then/

If you dreamed of a wedding ring with a stone. Read the signs, what stones can be inlaid with Your ring:

Aquamarine will protect the family from various tribulations.

Amethyst-will attract happiness to its owner.

Turquoise-is a symbol of loyalty, love and happy marriage.

The diamond is the personification of success. Being the strongest stone, it is considered a sign of a strong Union.

Pearl – health and long years of life. This mother-of-pearl stone has long been embroidered with the bride's attire in Russia.

Emerald is a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love. It is able to give its owner not only love, but also to ward off disturbing thoughts.

Moonstone-will protect spouses from quarrels. If lovers will quarrel, only for nothing and not for long.

Opal is a stone of trust and happiness, as well as sincere love.

Ruby-has long been considered a talisman against the evil eye, it protects the owner from the effects of evil spells. Just this beautiful stone symbolizes eternal love.

Sapphire-a sign of purity and morality. The couple who chose him will remain faithful to each other all their lives.

Topaz-is able to cure the agony of the soul and give spiritual enlightenment.

Zircon-can cure love melancholy.

After the successful purchase of rings required before you cross the threshold of his home, to say out loud: "On the happy life, strong family! Amen»

Rings have many meanings

They can be a symbol of wisdom, a symbol of power, a symbol of power or a symbol of love. Often it is because of the rings are doing to themselves and relatives talismans, conjuring them so they are protected from troubles and misfortunes and help in all things.

A talisman and amulet always need to carry. And what is the wearing a way to not lose, and not to interfere? Of course, ring. With these decorations involves a lot of beliefs and superstitions. In addition, they are widely used in magic for a wide variety of rituals.

Wash rain water with a gold ring on your finger - to a rich life.

Folk signs about the rings were always interesting, and every girl knew them. Gold has always been considered a symbol of wealth. And rain water has a strong energy.

That's why people believe that if you put a gold ring on the ring finger and wash with rain water, you can soon get rich.

And you need to say the following: "Gold hands cling, and the rain is to me the richness will kill it." Now, if these words to remember and to pronounce in that moment, when you get in the rain, then riches will come to you.

With the ring young girls always wondered at his betrothed. It was believed that the need for a saucer to put his ring, which the girl before that wore not less than three years, pour into a saucer of water and watch in the center, not blinking. If you're lucky, you'll see the image of the groom.

Signs of wedding rings

1. Can not give anyone to measure your ring either before the wedding or after. It is believed that in this way You can lose your happiness by passing it to the one who put on Your jewel.

2. To store a wedding ring signs suggest together until the day itself. You can even put them in the water and freeze to the family was strong.

3. To go through a wedding ceremony with a parent rings the young can only in the case when the parents lived a successful marriage, said at least silver wedding anniversary (25 years together).

4. On the day of the celebration on the hand should be only an engagement ring. Other rings, as jewelry, and precious, it is necessary to remove.

5. Drop one of the rings before the ceremony-to the imminent separation. To remedy the situation, the witness must stretch through the ring thread, which is believed to absorb the possible negative consequences. Then this thread must be burned to the one who dropped the jewel.

6. When the image of the bride is supplemented with gloves, at the ceremony before exchanging marriage vows, it will be necessary to remove them, and only after that it is possible to exchange rings.

7. After the fingers of the young sparkle with the main attributes of their family happiness, the newly-made wife should not touch the box from under the rings. It will have to take one of the friends or relatives of the bride, who wants to get married soon. The man who touches the wedding rings of the newlyweds, will soon settle down himself.

8. Remove the ring unnecessarily is not recommended. If you are afraid of losing the jewel and take it off (for example, when swimming in an open pond, or clean the house), then do not wear after all the cases decoration themselves – let it put on your finger husband (wife).

9. Whoever allows another person to remove the ring from his finger shortens his life. Really, you can't let anyone take the ring off your finger. However, no one has been able to trace this so far. Perhaps to some extent this is true.

But, that's what really is true, is that if you allow someone to remove your ring from your finger, then your health and material well-being you give him exactly.

And if it is also to be more and wedding, and your happiness you can lose. Therefore, do not be afraid to make a remark to your friends and girlfriends who without any ceremony trying to pull off your finger is a decoration. Personal happiness is more expensive, because girlfriends can not remember about you if they successfully arrange their personal life, but whether you are lucky again in life is not known.

10. The ring on your finger is the infinity of happiness. In this sign unconditionally believe all young girls. They believe that if they put on the finger of this cherished decoration, now favorite from them will not go anywhere.

Yes, but there it was. His happiness still need to be able to keep close to him. The ring itself can't solve your problems. But to do him justice, with the help of a very knowledgeable woman will be able to: and gone on a spree husband back into the family to return, and the child is cured and any household from damage and the evil eye to rid.

11. Losing your wedding ring is not a good sign. This fact can also make a negative in your life. Let's start with the fact that if it happened that you lost your wedding ring, then you with him lost the most powerful amulet of your family. Most often, this sign means that the family will soon break up. Therefore, this subject should be handled very carefully.

It is not for nothing that the people believe that if the husband is going to leave the family, the wife needs only to look at him in the back through the wedding ring, and he will return.

12. And if a small child is ill, then he needs to put this family mascot under his pillow, and the baby will soon recover.

13. Since ancient times, grandmothers and mothers tell their daughters that in any case you can not go to give birth, if the fingers are rings, and on the neck chain. The fact is that any closed object helps to safely carry a child and protects against miscarriage, but at birth such an object will only interfere with giving birth. Today, many young women do not know about this sign, so the number of complex births has recently increased significantly compared to old times.

14. It is impossible to convey the newlyweds widow's ring. If a woman was married and buried her husband, then she in any case should not give her ring to her daughter for the wedding. It must be hidden and kept as a family heirloom. If you ignore this rule, you can give your daughter her widow fate. Then a young and strong man who could live a long and happy life could soon die. In the new family they will not bring happiness, because their purpose was to keep the family broke up.

It was women who always knew how to use magic and their wedding ring to save the family, to ignite the extinguished fire of passion between husband and wife. Perhaps it is for this reason that these signs are relevant now, because what worked before, continues to operate now.