Geometric Possibility

Oxford University Press (hardback 2011, paperback 2013)

Winner of the 2014 Lakatos Award (shared with David Malament's Topics in the Foundations of General Relativity and Newtonian Gravitation Theory

Relationalists about space deny that space is ontologically prior to matter and seek to ground all claims about the structure of space in facts about actual and possible configurations of matter. Thus, many relationalists maintain that to say that space is infinite is to say that certain sorts of infinite arrays of material points are possible (even if, in fact, the world contains only a finite amount of matter). This book investigates the distinctive notion of geometric possibility that relationalists rely upon. Its over-arching strategy is to examine the prospects for adapting to the geometric case the standard philosophical accounts of the related notion of physical possibility. The central chapters of the book examine Humean, primitivist, and necessitarian accounts of physical and geometric possibility.

Review by Carolyn Brighouse in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

Review by Vincent Lam in International Studies in Philosophy of Science

Review by Tim Maudlin in Journal of Philosophy

Review by Jill North in Philosophical Review

Review by John Roberts in Review of Metaphysics

Review by Chris Smeenk in Philosophia Mathematica

Review by Syman Stevens in Mind

Review by Karim Thébault in Philosophy in Review