
Celebrate Indonesia!


Saturday 12 May

Concert with Siswå Sukrå and Ni Madé Pujawati

Come and hear the magical sound of the Gamelan orchestra being played in the beautiful surroundings of Palace Green, Durham. Durham University's Gamelan is probably the finest in this country and the Gamelan Society has been in existence for nearly 30 years.

Special guests Siswå Sukrå and Ni Madé Pujawati join the Durham Gamelan Society and Dwi Gambira Sari to bring you the mesmerising sounds of the Javanese gamelan and the graceful moves of Javanese dance.

Tickets £5/£4 concs, available on the door – 7.30pm

Durham University Music School, Palace Green, Durham, DH1 3RL

0191 33 43140 /

Ni Made Pujawati, photo by Chloe Adams, Galloway News