
Åndssvage ting du kan give dine spillere, uden at du

ødelægger balancen i din AD&D kampagne

Returning singing sword of detect darkness. (boy it's dark in here, you probably thought you lost my back there didn't you, here is a song from the olden days.... and so on and so on and.....)

Leaking canteen of endless water.

Potion of vulnerability.

Jockstrap of attract arrows. (ouch)

Wand of returning fireball. (d'oh)

Scroll of read magic.

Chastity belt of sex appeal. (i sense trouble in your future)

Bottomless treasure chest.

Umbrella of stormbringing.


Om kort tid vil tusindvis af danskere modtage en konvolut fra et foretagende som kalder sig "Skattevæsenet".


Der er tale om en gruppe af mennesker der hvert eneste år prøver at lokke millioner af kroner fra uskyldige

danskere. I brevet påstår de, at du skylder dem penge som - ifølge organisationen selv - skal bruges til dit

eget bedste.


Pengene bruges til at subsidiere bønder, børnechecks og alternativt gadeteater.

Oven i købet er organisationen i samarbejde med en anden organisation kaldet "ATP". Denne organisation

påstår at den tager penge fra din løn og sparer dem op til din alderdom.


Disse penge bruges OGSÅ til at subsidiere bønder, børnechecks og alternativt gadeteater.

Begge disse lyssky organisationer har narret milliarder af kroner fra uskyldige danskere - bliv ikke deres

næste offer!


At være en tissemand...

Subject: Lønforhøjelse

Jeg, Tissemanden, anmoder hermed om lønforhøjelse af flg. grunde.:

Jeg har et hårdt fysisk arbejde.

Jeg arbejder i store dybder.

Jeg slår altid hovedet når jeg er på arbejde.

Jeg har ikke fri i weekenden eller på helligdage.

Jeg arbejder i et fugtigt miljø.

Jeg bliver ikke betalt for overarbejde.

Jeg arbejder på en mørk arbejdsplads, næsten uden udluftning.

Jeg arbejder ved en meget høj temperatur.

Jeg arbejder med risiko for smittefare.

Ledelsens svar:

Efter grundig gennemlæsning af deres anmodning, er vi kommet til den beslutning ikke at give dem

lønforhøjelse af flg. grunde.:

De arbejder aldrig 8 timer i træk.

Efter kun at have arbejdet i kort tid, falder De i søvn.

De følger ikke altid den rigtige anvisning/ instruktion.

De arbejder ikke altid der hvor De burde.

De tager ikke noget initiativ, tværtimod skal De sættes under pres, og behandles pænt før De overhovedet

tænker på at arbejde.

De efterlader Deres arbejdsplads temmelig beskidt, når De forlader den.

De følger ikke altid sikkerhedsanvisningerne, f.eks. som at bære beskyttelsesdragt.

De går temmelig sikkert på pension før De bliver 67 år.

De kan ikke tage nogle dobbeltskift.

De forlader nogle gange Deres arbejdsplads uden at have gjort arbejdet færdigt.

Og som om dette ikke skulle være nok, er De ovenikøbet blevet set forlade Deres arbejdsplads med 2

mistænktligt udseende sække.



Blondine vittigheder

Tenna's klassiske blondine vittigheder

Hvordan underholder man en blondine i timevis?


1. giver hende en pose M&M og siger de skal lægges i alfabetisk orden!

2. giver hende et stykke papir, hvor der står vend på begge sider!

Hvad siger en blondine når vandet går over hendes navle?

Det overgår min forstand!

Hvad er det første en blondine gør om morgen?

tager sit tøj og går hjem.

Hvordan får man en blondine op på toppen af et hus?

siger: drinks on the house.

Hvordan får man en blondine til at samle benene?

man stiger af!

Hvorfor begraver man blondiner i trekantede kister?

Fordi hver gang det bliver mørkt spreder de benene.

Hvorfor har blondiner altid navlepiercing?

Så kan de hænge en wunderbaum (adrw!)

Hvorfor fik blondinen aldrig sit kørerkort?

hun blev ved med at lægge sig om på bagsædet

Hvorfor tager blondiner p-piller?

så de kan finde ud af hvilken dag det er.... åh

Hvorfor griner en blondine altid 3 gange af en vigtighed?

Når de får den fortalt..... Når de får den forklaret..... Når de forstår den! (hjælp, hvem sagde hjernedød)

Hvordan kan man se at en blondine har brugt en computer?

læbestift på joysticket, rettelak på skærmen og fedtfinger fra når de prøver at vende sidden.

Hvordan tænder en blondine lyset?

åbner bildøren.

Hvorfor står der 17 blondiner uden foran et discotek?

fordi der står at man skal være 18 for at komme ind.....

Hvorfor har blondiner blå mærker omkring navlen?

Fordi det findes også blonde mænd. (kender du noget til det Anders Anders?!?)

Hvorfor er blondine vittigheder altid så korte!!!!

Så kan brunetter sku huske dem..... hi-hi

Hvad er forskellen på en myg og en blondine?

Myggen stopper med at suge når man klapper den.

Forskellen på kvinder og mænd

Bemærk at med de nye Drive In-Kontant-Automater vil du

som kunde for fremtiden kunne hæve kontanter uden at

forlade bilen.

Instruktioner for at betjene automaten følger

nedenfor. Læs venligst de instrukser, der passer til

dit køn, og husk dem til når du skal bruge automaten

første gang.


1) Kør frem til kontanten.

2) Rul vinduet ned.

3) Indsæt kortet og tast PIN-kode.

4) Tryk det ønskede beløb.

5) Tag kort, penge og kvittering.

6) Rul vinduet op.

7) Kør.


1) Kør frem til kontanten

2) Bak det nødvendige for at få sideruden tæt på


3) Start motoren igen!

4) Rul vinduet ned.

5) Find din taske og tøm hele indholdet på

passagersædet for at finde kortet.

6) Find din makeup og check din makeup i spejlet.

7) Forsøg at sætte kortet i automaten.

Åben bildøren for nemmere at kunne nå.

9) Indsæt kortet.

10) Vend kortet rigtigt.

11) Find din dagbog i din taske og læs PIN-koden, der

er skrevet på omslaget.

12) Tast koden.

13) Tast "SLET" og tast den korrekte PIN-kode.

14) Tast beløb.

15) Check din makeup i spejlet igen.

16) Tag penge og kvittering.

17) Tøm din taske igen for at finde pungen og put

pengene i den.

1 Put kvitteringen bagerst i checkhæftet.

19) Check din makeup igen.

20) Kør to meter frem.

21) Bak til automaten.

22) Tag kortet.

23) Tøm tasken og find kortholderen og put kortet


24) Check din makeup.

25) Start motoren igen! Og kør væk.

26) Kør nogle kilometer

27) Slip håndbremsen.

Gå dog væk so!

Fra Tom

Det handler jo også om hvad man skal / kan sige til ens omgivelser når man har fået de første 20 genstande,

her vil jeg bringe et par eksempler som man med held kan bruge, hvis det er til en man ikke er helt vild med:

1. Undskyld, hvilken slankekur har du forgæves forsøgt

2. Jeg er overbevist om, at du er langt mere intelligent, end jeg først troede, kan du stave til "Hus"?

3. Hvorfor melder du dig ikke frivilligt som The missing link?

4. Nu kan jeg da godt kende dig.. Det var dig der blev sat til at vaske op på D'Angleterre den anden aften!

5. Dine negle står godt til dit sorte hår!

6. Dine forældre må da være blevet forelsket under mørklægningen!

7. Du ligner min bedstemor... Efter hun blev balsameret!

8. Din far og mor må have været meget tæt beslægtet - var de søskende?

9. Hvem læser undertekster for dig når du ser TV?

10. Tillykke med forfremmelsen. Det var fint klaret... Med dine evner!

11. Du er populær som en brændenælde i en nudistlejr!

12. I hvor mange år har du arbejdet med organiske opløsningsmidler?

13. Havregrød ikke gråt..... sammenlignet med dig.

14. At dine forældre er økonomisk på røven, skyldes ikke din Studiegæld !

15. Du får virkelig "Dyret" op i mig - "Møg-Dyret"

16. jeg har ikke mødt nogen der ikke er gået ild i.

Gå på jule indkøb

Fra Tom

Her er nogle gode råd om hvad I kunne lave i et storcenter:

1. Kom tilfældige varer i folks vogne når de ser væk.

2. Indstil alle vækkeurene til at gå i gang med ti minutter efter hinanden dagen igennem.

3. Lav et spor af appelsinjuice på gulvet, der fører hen til toiletterne.

4. Gå hen til en af de ansatte og sig med en meget officiel stemme, "Jeg tror vi har en Kode 3 i

legetøjsafdelingen," og se hvad der sker.

5. Indstil alle radioerne på en polka-station; sluk for dem og indstil volumen til "10".

6. Udfordr andre kunder til dueller med ruller af gavepapir.

7. Bed om at få lagt en pose M&M's tilside til næste uge.

8. Flyt "Pas på! Gulvet er vådt"-skiltet hen til en afdeling der har gulvtæppe på.

9. Begynd at græde, vis nogen kommer og spørger dig om de kan hjælpe med noget, og spørg "Hvorfor kan

I dog ikke bare lade mig være i fred?"

10. Kig direkte ind i overvågningskameraet, og brug det som et spejl mens du piller næse.

11. Spørg andre kunder om de har noget frikadelle-mix i deres vogn som du må få.

12. Mens du står og holder et gevær i Jagt og Fiskeri-afdelingen, spørger du pludselig sælgeren om han ved

hvor pillerne mod depression står.

13. Byt om på "Herrer" og "Damer" skiltene på dørene til toiletterne.

14. Kryb mistænksomt omkring, mens du nynner melodien fra "Mission Impossible."

15. Gem dig ind midt i en række med tøj på bøjler, og når folk bladrer gennem tøjet kan du f.eks. sige "Vælg

mig! Vælg mig!"

16. Når der kommer en meddelelse i kunderadioen, kan du indtage en foster-stilling på gulvet og skrige,

"Nej, nej! Nu er stemmerne der igen!"

17. Gå ind i et omklædningsrum og råb rigtig højt, "Hey, jeg er løbet tør for toiletpapir her inde!"

Her er en lille historie om kvinder

En kvinde var ude for at spille golf, da hun kom til at skyde en golfbold ind mellem træerne. Nå, men hun gik

ind for at finde kuglen, da hun fandt en frø i en fælde.

Frøen sagde:"Hvis du slipper mig fri fra fælden, får du 3 ønsker. Kvinden befriede frøen og frøen sagde:

"Tak, men jeg glemte at fortælle dig, at for hvert ønske, uanset hvad du ønsker, får din mand det 10 gange

mere og bedre!

"Kvinden sagde: "Det er da OK", og for hendes første ønske, ville hun være verdens smukkeste kvinde.

Frøen advarede hende: "Er du nu klar over at din mand vil blive verdens mest eftertragtede og kvinderne vil

flokkes omkring ham ?

"Kvinden svarede: "Det er OK, for jeg er verdens smukkeste kvinde og han vil derfor kun kigge på mig." Og

med FLASH-KAZAM m.m. blev hendes ønske opfyldt.

Kvindes andet ønske var at blive verdens rigeste kvinde. Frøen sagde: "Det vil gøre din mand den rigeste i

verdenen og han vil have 10 gange flere penge end dig. "Kvinden svarede: "Det er OK, for vi har fælles

økonomi." Og med FLASH-KAZAM m.m. blev hun den rigeste kvinde i verdenen.

Frøen spurgte kvinden om hendes tredje ønske og hun svarede: "Jeg vil gerne ønske et mildt hjertetilfælde."

Moral of the story: Women are clever bitches. Don't mess with them!!

Hiorths gamle vitser

Lille Ole, du må ikke pisse i vandet.

Jamen, alle andre pisser da også i vandet.

Måske, men de gør det ikke fra vippen.

Det var unge Hansen der var død.

Han var det man kaldte for en rigtig Playboy, for han havde rent ud sagt horet og drukket sig igennem livet.

Da han så i sin tidlige alder stillede træskoene, var det ikke for at komme i himlen. Nej da, han røg i helvede!

Men det var slet ikke som han havde forestillet sig; Der var gader og stræder, barer og moteller der lignede

de jordiske.

Der kom en nydelig herre og modtog ham, fandt et passende og i øvrigt fint værelse til ham. Nu skulle Unge

Hansen lige se hvad de kunne gøre, så han

spurgte den nydelige herre, om han ikke kunne få en flaske wiskey, og en blondine op på hans værelse. Det

kunne han, og puf, så var den nydelige herre væk, og sørme så - blondine og skotsk wiskey var kommet til.

Men der var noget galt! Så Hansen ringede til satan, for at sætte sig i respekt. "Der er hul i min wiskey!"

sagde hansen.

"Ja", svarede satan, "det er det lumske ved stedet her: Der er hul i alle flaskerne, - men prøv engang at

undersøge blondinen!"

Goddag, jeg vil gerne have et slips, der passer til min øjenfarve.

Beklager, men vi har ikke noget i blodsprængt i øjeblikket.

Hvad får man, hvis man parrer et Jehovas Vidne med en fra Dansk Folkeparti?

Små Mavesure folk, der render rundt og banker på dørene, og beder folk om at skrubbe af helvede til...

"Øhh... Sally, der er ikke noget som den første kærlighed."

"Nej det har du ret i. Men du nu også meget sød, Jesper..."

En enkelt

En pige vader ind i et supermarked, og køber følgende:

1 stykke sæbe

1 tandbørste

1 tube tandpasta

1 lille franskbrød

1 liter mælk

1 æble

1 banan

1 appelsin

1 blomme

1 fersken

1 grapefrugt

1 tomat

1 liter juice

1 glas syltetøj

1 bage kartoffel

1 kringle

1 pakke smør

1 rundstykke

1 müsli bar

1 tærte

1 lille pose kaffe

1 frossen færdigret

1 frossen pizza

Manden ved kassen kigger på hende, og siger smilende:

"single, hva´ ?"

Pigen smiler kælent tilbage og svarer:

"hvordan kunne du gætte det?"

Han svarer:

"fordi du er pisse grim!!!"

Hvorfor gik kyllingen over vejen?

AD&D:Det var der der var flest XP

Call Of Cthulhu:Det var altsammen en del af ritualet

D&D:Det var der de vandrende monstre var til at overvinde.

GURPS:Fordi det betød at afstands modifieren blev lige nøjagtig to mindre!!!

Paranoia:Fordi det er et af de få steder man må opholde sig når man er ultraviolet



Shadowrun:Det var nemmere at hacke DataNetværket derfra!

Star Trek:Fordi afsnittet altid starter med:” boldly go, where no man has gone before ”

Storyteller:Det var meget pinefuldt(tm),og gav rig lejlighed for at rollespille den Indre Splittelse(tm)og store Kval(tm)

Systemløst:Fordi den,ifølge sin karakterbeskrivelse var draget mod den anden side

Theatrix:Fordi det giver en bedre historie hvis den er derovre

Toon: Grønnere end giraffen med de tre flødeskumskager om sommeren,nå!

Traveller:Der var en højere techlevel!

Twilight 2K:Er du SINDSSYG!?!?!Veje er sgu ’da minerede!!!

Warhammer fantasy Roleplay: For at undslippe Hobitten!

Hvordan kommer Kyllingen så over vejen?

AD&D Bruger 4-5 kamprunder på at slagte de 5d6 Kobolter der tilfældigt kommer forbi, hvorefter den tager tilbage til den landsby den lige kom fra, for at sælge alt byttet og købe mere proviant

Call of Cthulhu Hele kyllingeflokken krydser på een gang (man splitter aldrig(!!!)partiet)efter på behørig vis at have gennemført et okkult vejkrydsningsritual for at påkalde TarMac,en dæmon med ambitioner om at

dominere alle veje i universet. Som en følge af at det ikke lykkedes at kontrollere dæmonen,bliver halvdelen at partiet ædt,og den anden halvdel stiger øjeblikkeligt 3d6 i vejkrydsnings-mythos,og mister lige så meget Sanity, hvilket betyder at de alle sammen bliver sindssyge og løber direkte tilbage på den anden side igen.

D&D Ligesom AD&D,bortset fra at kyllingen bliver slagtet af Kobolterne

GURPS Efter meget grundig planlægning og en sekund for sekund udførsel af hele vejkrydsningsoperationen, klarer stifinderkyllingen sit navigation rul og finder ud af de rent faktisk kommer fra den anden side

Paranoia Det gør den ikke fordi en eller anden robot ved en fejl har malet vejen ultraviolet, hvorefter den bliver skudt fordi den ikke adlyder Computerens ordrer,og derfor er nødt til at være en forræder-mutant,eller det der er værre!

Shadowrun Efter Deckeren har jammet lysreguleringen,Shamanen har renset det astrale plan for fjender,og de to Physical Adepts dækker i hver sin retning,ræser Kyllingen over vejen i en CombatAssault-Hovercraft, standser; bruger hele sin combat pool på at røre jorden på den anden side med en

vingespids i 0,0023 sekund, hvorefter den ræser tilbage igen...og bruger de næste tre spilgange på at prale med hvor saaaaj den var!

Star Trek Efter at have mistet et par Security Ensigns,finder en af hovedpersonerne ud af en teknisk løsning der er totalt grebet ud af luften,og helst skal involvere enten 2 til 3 større teknologiske landvindinger og en rekalibrering af en tricorder til at ordne problemet (eller brug af en inverse tachyon beam!)

Storyteller Den bruger minimum to timer på at gennemleve en større ekstistentiel krise(tm)da den opdager hvor godt der var hvor den kom fra,mens den har travlt med at forføre de lokale kyllinger

Systemløst Eftersom kyllingen,netop fordi den er en kylling,har erfaring med at krydse veje,er den i stand til at krydse vejen uden problemer.Desværre har den ikke nogen erfaring med at undslippe store tankvogne, der kommer ned ad bakken lige lidt for hurtigt...

Theatrix Den bruger et plotpoint på at komme med et statement om at den allerede er ovre på den anden


Toon Efter at have sikret sig til gentagne gange at der ikke er nogen trafik i 10km i hver retning,tager kyllingen et skridt ud på asfalten,kun for at blive ramt af det krydsende tog,et faldende pengeskab,en prærieulv på raketrulleskøjter eller/og noget endnu underligere

Twilight 2K Den gør det meegeet foorsiigtiigt,og først efter at have overtalt et par forbipasserende ingeniørtropper til at stryge alle minerne -og selv da helst i et pansret køretøj (eftersom der ikke er ret mange af dem omkring,kan det godt tage et par uger)!

Sponsor Kondomer

Nike kondomer : - Just do it

Ford kondomer : - The ride of your life

Sony kondomer : - Do not underestimate the power of Sony

Microsoft kondomer: - Where do you want to go today ?

M&Ms kondomer : - Melt in your mouth, not in your hands

Coca-Cola kondomer: - The Real Thing

Duracell kondomer : - Keep going and going

Pringles kondomer : - Once you pop, you can't stop

Burger King kondomer :- Home of the whopper

Nokia kondomer :- Connecting People

Motorola kondomer :- What you never thought possible

Renault kondomer :- Size does matter !!!!!

Energizer kondomer:- Never say never die

Diet Coke kondomer:- Just for the taste of it

gevalia kondomer : Hvad byder du uventede gæster

coca cola kondomer: enjoy

fanta kondomer : share the fun, where-ever

sprite kondomer : obay your thirst

pingvin(hit-mix) : en håndfuld er en mundfuld

DSB kondomer : Hvis tiden er vigtig

haribo kondomer : Den er go'

Volkswagen kondomer: It feels bigger than it is

BT kondomer : Så er du med

Venus kondomer : Reveal the godess in you

Super Brugsen kondomer: Stil kærlige krav

Sweps kondomer : Just a little more bite

Anton Berg kondomer: Fordi vi ikke laver andet

Colgate kondomer : Plejer og beskytter

Lorial kondomer : Fordi jeg fortjerner det ___

Høng kondomer : Smagen ændre sig, men formen er den samme !___!

Carlsberg kondomer: Leverandøg til det Kongelige Hof

Carlsberg kondomer: lavet på det bedste vi har

BRF kridit kondomer: En ven af huset

Disney kondomer : En verden af magi

Macintosh kondomer: Think diffrent

Og hvis de ikke holder alligevel...

If : Hvis uheldet er ude

Lidt at tænke over...

* Hvis svømning slanker, hvad er det så gået galt med blåhvaler?

* Hvad hedder de små plastik rør, der sidder for enden af et snørrebånd?

* Hvis der ikke er noget der klæber på teflon, hvordan får de så teflon til

at sidde fast på panderne?

* Hvis du kører med lysets hastighed, hvad sker der så når du tænder


* Hvorfor laver de ikke fly af samme materiale som den sorte boks?

Den holder jo altid.

* Hvis du binder et stykke smørebrød fast på ryggen af en kat, og slipper

den fra stor højde, hvad sker der så?

* Hvorfor staves palindrom ikke ens forfra og bagfra?

* Hvis man forsøger at bevise Murphy's lov, vil det så gå galt?

* Hvis en ko kunne grine, ville der så komme mælk ud af dens næse?

* Hvorfor er ordet "forkortelse" så langt?

* Hvorfor er der kun et monopol tilsyn?

her er lidt mere at tænke over, fra ”Den syge pinsvin”

Hvorfor trykker man hårdere på fjernbetjeningen, når batteriet er ved at være fladt?

Hvordan fejrer nudister fastelavn?

Hvis super lim klæber på alt, hvorfor klæber den så ikke på indersiden af tuben?

Hvis en harefod bringer held, hvad skete der så liiiiige med haren?

Nu hvor du har smilet mindst én gang, er det din tur til at sprede dumhederne og sende dem til nogen, du

synes trænger til et smil (måske enda et grin).

Livet og alt det der andet

En professor stod foran sit hold med en del effekter foran sig. Da forelæsningen begyndte, tog han lydløst et

stort tomt syltetøjsglas, som han fyldte med sten, som var ca. 5 cm i diameter. Da der ikke kunne være flere

sten i glasset, spurte han de studerende:

"Er glasset fyldt nu?" Alle var enige om at det var det. Så tog professoren nogle småsten frem, dem puttede

han ganske forsigtigt ned i glasset, imens han rystede det, derved faldt de små sten ned igennem

sprækkerne imellem de store sten. Da glasset var proppet til kanten, spurte han de studerende igen, "Er

glasset nu fyldt?" Alle var enige om at nu var det fyldt.

Da professoren nu tog en pose med sand frem grinede de studerende, for professoren kunne jo sagtens

hælde den del sand ned mellem sprækkerne, der stadigt var mellem de store sten og småstenene, han

fyldte nu glasset helt op med sand.

"Nu!" sagde professoren "Vil jeg gerne have, at i forestiller jer at dette glas er jeres liv!" De store sten, er de

betydningsfulde ting i jeres liv, - familien, kæresten/ægtefællen, børnene, jeres helbred - altså ting, som hvis I

mister alt andet, end netop lige disse ting, så vil jeres liv fortsat være fyldt.

Småstenene er så andre knap så vigtige ting, så som jobbet, dit hus, din bil. Og sandet er alt andet. "Se!

Hvis I først fylder glasset med sand, så er der jo ikke plads til småsten og store sten. Det samme gælder for

jeres liv, hvis I bruger alt jeres tid og energi på små ubetydelige ting, så bliver der ikke plads til de store og

betydningsfulde ting. Hav' altid fokus på hvilke ting, der er vigtige for netop dig, så dit liv bliver lykkeligt. Leg

med dine børn, afsæt tid til lægebesøg, så helbredet altid er i orden. Gå i byen med din partner, og alligevel

vil der fortsat være tid til at tage på arbejde, gøre rent i huset, og alt det andet "sand og småsten" "Fyld dit liv

med store sten - ting der virkeligt betyder noget. Hold styr på hvad der skal prioriteres som store sten.

Resten er jo bare sand!"

Professoren kikker nu hen over de studerende, tager en øl frem, og hælder ganske forsigtigt en hel øl ned i

de sidste små mellemrum mellem sandet, småstenene og de store sten. Han vender sig mod klassen og

siger:" Og moralen er! Lige meget hvad fanden, der sker i dit liv, er der altid plads til en øl!"

Mærkelige ord

Det er et forholdsvis kendt fænomen,at sprog generelt er misvisende.

Shao-lin farveland

Kung to-fu




Bogen ”Kvinde kendo din krop ”

Bald Desert Eagle

Cyber-punk:”I only have ICE for you ”

Revolver doors

Karambolage billard

The disembowling alley


Salmonella Rushdie

Til gengæld findes der også enlang række ord og vendinger,som ikke er nær så farlige som de umiddelbart

ser ud til:

Everybody was Tofu Fighting







Jyske Bank


Oh, The Irish Ego

Saddam Hussein was sitting in his office wondering whom to invade next

when his telephone rang.

"Hallo! Mr. Hussein," a heavily accented voice said. "This is Paddy

down in County Cavan, Ireland. I am ringing to inform you that we are

officially declaring war on you!"

"Well, Paddy," Saddam replied, "This is indeed important news! Tell

me, how big is your army?" "At this moment in time," said Paddy after

a moment's calculation, "there is myself, my cousin Sean, my next door

neighbor Gerry, and the entire


team from the

pub----- that makes 8!"

Saddam sighed. "I must tell you Paddy that I have 1 million men in my

army waiting to move on my command."

"Begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, the next day Paddy rang back. "Right Mr. Hussein, the war

is still on! We have managed to acquire some equipment!" "And what

equipment would that be, Paddy?" Saddam asked.

"Well, we have 2 combine harvesters, a bulldozer and Murphy's tractor

from the farm."

Once more Saddam sighed. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 16

thousand tanks, 14 thousand armored personnel carriers, and my army

has increased to 1 and a half million since we last spoke."

"Really?!" said Paddy "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, Paddy rang again the next day. "Right Mr. Hussein, the

war is still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We've

modified Ted's ultra-light with a couple of rifles in the cockpit and

the bridge team has joined us as well!"

Saddam was silent for a minute, and then sighed. "I must tell you

Paddy that I have 10 thousand bombers, 20 thousand MiG 19 attack

planes, my military complex is surrounded by laser-guided

surface-to-air missile sites, and since we last spoke, my


has increased

to 2 million."

"Faith and Begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to ring you back. "Sure

enough, Paddy called again the next day.

"Right Mr. Hussein, I am sorry to tell you that we have had to call

off the war."

""I'm sorry to hear that", said Saddam. "Why the sudden change of


"Well," said Paddy "We've had a chat, and there's no way we can feed 2

million prisoners."

Operating systems

DOS Air:All the passengers go out onto the runway,grab hold of the Plane,push it until it gets in the air,hop

on,jump off when it hits the ground again.Then they grab the plane again,push it back into the air,hop on,etc..

Mac airways:The cashiers, flight attendants and pilots all look the same,feel the same and act the

same.When asked questions about the flight, they reply that you don't want to know,don't need to know and

would you please return to your seat and watch the movie.

Windows Airlines:The terminal is very neat and clean,the attendants all very attractive,the pilots very

capable.The fleet of Learjets the carrier operates is immense.Your jet takes off

without a hitch,pushing above the clouds,and at 20.000 feet it explodes without warning.

OS/2 Skyways:The terminal is almost empty,with only a few prospective passengers milling about.The

announcer says that their flight has just departed,wishes them a good flight, though there are no planes on

the runway.

Linux united: Have the biggest and fastest planes, with all the extras, but no one can navigate the machine

Resolutions... If I Ever Become a Vampire

klassiske vampyrer

Denne her kommer fra Troels, ked af at den er på engelsk

Resolutions... If I Ever Become a Vampire

I shall wear tweed, and cheerful bright clothing. Further, I shall only wear

trenchcoats if it is raining or foggy.

I will not take my victims home. My neighbors are far too nosy.

I will be secure in my immortality. I do not have to share my story with any

reporter or struggling writer.

I will not purchase an expensive foreign sports car or motorcycle. An

economical, multi-terrain vehicle with 4 wheel drive will be just fine.

I will immediately become Agnostic, disarming any cross-wielding religious


I shall not keep a coffin in the basement, that's the first place people look.

I shall immediately purchase a "Hooked on Phonics" tape, in order to lose any

Romanian accent I may have.

My ghouls shall have good posture.

I will purchase a digital watch with an alarm. I will set this alarm for TWO

hours before sunrise, giving ample time for traffic and other inconveniences.

If I feel truly alone, and need a companion to share all of eternity with, I

shall purchase a dog. Preferably one that is not larger than I am.

If the neighborhood kids are snooping around my house, I will not change into a

giant wolf and attempt to destroy them. Instead, I shall call the police and

have them arrested for trespassing.

If I believe far too many people are becoming suspicious, I shall not attempt to

kill them all. I will simply move, and leave no forwarding address.

There is no logical reason for someone to mistake another human being for a

fifteen-foot bat, not even in hysteria. Therefore, I shall refrain from such

transformations in public.

Artists are over-emotional and unstable. I shall not keep company with them


I will not attend gatherings of my own kind. If I'm a lethal killing machine,

doomed for all eternity to destroy those around me, they probably are too.

I will not pick off friends, family or neighbors of the Hero one at a time.

This annoys the Hero and drives him into action. They'll still be there

when he is dead.

There are thousands of sick people who want to be vampires. Why pick

someone who doesn't?

The Hero will come armed with holy water, a cross and a stake. I will come

armed with a 5.56 mm assault rifle and grenades. If the Hero has to

cross open ground, there is no better way to reach out and touch someone than

with a sniper rifle.

When biting women to make them slaves, I will bite them in out-of-the-way

locations such as the inside of the thigh, the lower part of the breast or other

location not requiring painfully obvious alteration of clothing or ridiculous

accessories to conceal.

I will equip my home with a marvelous device called a burglar alarm with an

automatic dialer. It will be difficult for the Hero to kill me while under

arrest for attempted breaking and entering.

My coffin will be concealed and will be a plain wooden box. The elaborate

oak coffin with gold trim resting in the basement will be equipped with claymore

mines designed to shred the body of anyone who opens it.

I will wear a watch and verify what time sunrise is every day.

The formal attire with cape will be reserved for special occasions. Jeans

and a t-shirt will be fine for everyday wear as they are less noticeable.

I will wear white clothing, which does not set off my pallor as obviously as


If I can't avoid wearing black all the time, and acting wierd, I will go to bars

which cater to that sort of clientele. It would make it more difficult for

the hero to pick me out of the crowd.

I will not engage in a battle of wits with the Hero. I plan on killing him

anyway so what's the point?

I will not dismiss a Hero as a mere mortal because he does not have my centuries

of experience. Even inexperienced losers can get lucky.

There will be no windows, doors, elevator shafts or air vents accessing my

Hidden Lair that have any sort of access to the outside and which sunlight can

be directed down using mirrors.

If there must be windows they will be painted over and backed with steel plate

so the Hero will face a rude surprise when he throws something through it at


When I take the Hero's True Love to make her my concubine and eternal slave I

will not show her off to goad the Hero into making an attack. That would

goad the Hero into making an attack. She will be tucked away in a quiet

room watched over by my loyal servants until the Hero is dead.

I will not transform children. Their bodies will stay the same age forever

while their minds grows older and they will become whiny and disobedient.

I will not use bug-eating morons as servants. Pretty females dressed in little

French maid outfits are more visually appealing and can also distract the Hero.

While castles and mansions are traditional and have a certain flair, the two

bedroom bungalow is less noticeable in suburbia.

My home will not have wooden furniture, the legs of which become sharp, pointed

sticks at inopportune moments.

I will have one of my Entranced Subjects constantly observing the Hero and his

party. I always want warning if they go to a lumber yard.

My home will have mirrors but they will be located in places such as the

bathroom where I am unlikely to be at the same time as the Hero or his friends.

I will not change into a bat, scuttle up walls, fly or hypnotize people when

there might be witnesses.

All my concubines will be fully aware that they are not to seduce, attack or

even bother visitors staying in the castle unless they have express consent from


The blood in the refrigerator will be stored in a tomato juice container and

there will be ordinary food in there for camouflage.

I will get a voice coach and change my name. "Hi, I'm Bob," is less

suspicious than ""

I will not associate with vampire theatres, vampire whorehouses and prostitution

rings, vampire bars or vampire biker gangs. They attract attention.

I will spend no more than 10 years in any one location and when I move it will

be somewhere distant. I will not return to a previous home for a minimum of 80

years. Anyone who previously knew me will either be dead or senile.

I will be able to explain porphyria and why that unfortunate genetic condition

is the reason I cannot go out in the sun.

I will force myself to look concerned and not hungry when someone accidently

cuts himself.

A Kevlar vest with a ceramic trauma plate located over the heart is a rather

trendy fashion accessory.

I will take seriously anyone who approaches me with a water pistol and a

confident expression.

Backpacks and small bags capable of holding sharp pointed wooden sticks will be

taken from visitors by a servant at the door. Anyone refusing to part with

their accessories will be taken into a side room and shot in the knees,

handcuffed and chained to the wall, where they will provide lunch for my


Crossbows, spears, arrows and other antique weapons with wood or large blades

will be banned from the castle. There is nothing wrong with a fine

collection of rifles and handguns.

I will carry at least a .38 on my person and become proficient in its use.

If the Von Helsing is holding me at bay with a religious symbol or I am unable

to use my vampiric powers for other reasons, I can always open fire.

I will be a strict atheist, so the hero will be forced to use a copy of "The

Skeptical Inquirer" or "Das Kapital" rather than a Bible, delaying him


Before dining out with anyone, I will verify that garlic is not a major spice at

that restaurant.

I will not take blood from people who take cocaine, speed, or other addictive


All servants, concubines and assorted slaves will be under strict orders not to

show excessive devotion to me in public.

Servants, concubines and assorted slaves will have a zero-tolerance rule: one

mistake and they're dead. I can always create more.

When recruiting new blood, so to speak, I will first enslave those who might

notice odd behavior in my future concubines. Therefore, I take the teacher

at the all-girls school first.

All future concubines will be screened and have complete background checks.

Those with relatives named Van Helsing will be removed from consideration.

The irony is not worth the risk.

Nothing says the Hero can't be a cripple or be suffering massive trauma from a

shotgun blast before he becomes lunch.

I will not personally finish off the Hero. That is what loyal servants,

concubines and assorted slaves are for. Besides, the True Love is probably


All future concubines will be strip-searched for rosaries, crucifixes and garlic

before I approach them.

All cute but spunky kids in the community who express an interest in the

supernatural will be identified and observed for sudden changes in behavior.

I will be an upstanding but otherwise undistinguished resident of my community

and will make sure that I cultivate enough friends that I will be warned of

anyone spreading malicious rumors about me.

Since it will be the last thing they would expect, I will hire a Mafia hit team

to take out the Hero and his friends. Let's see the crucifix protect them

from an Uzi.

And if it does, I will immediately leave town (having been spying on them from

several blocks away via a convenient hard-to-trace method of my choice).

All villagers will be encouraged to send their children to the schools I will

secretly finance. After a few years of modern education they will dismiss

the legends told by their grandparents, several of which will undoubtably be

ways to destroy me.

I will ignore all attempts to appeal to my former sense of humanity. I

don't have any. That is why it is former.

I will remind myself that I am immortal, not indestructible.

All concubines will save the loose, transparent flowing silk dresses for special

occasions. I'm a modern sort of guy so I like a woman in leather and

Kevlar, which provides more protection so she lasts longer in a fight.

Although firearms are useless against me and the concubines they work quite

effectively on the Hero and his friends. Therefore all concubines will be

armed and taught to shoot. They will use hand and fang in attack only as a

last resort.

All bodies of former meals will be destroyed in a manner which will make the

absence of blood and bite marks impossible to identify.

I will not send bodies or parts thereof of former friends, relatives, mentors or

lovers to the Hero in order to demonstrate my complete mastery over life and


I will not demonstrate knowledge inappropriate for someone of my apparent age.

I will not begin a vendetta against someone who has destroyed a fellow vampire

that I was fond of. They have clearly demonstrated they have the ability

to destroy me.

More vampires means lower prey ratio: I will carefully consider if I really want

more of us running around.

All the cutlery in my house will be either stainless steel or plastic. No

silver. (Besides, I might accidentally cut myself.) But ideally, the steel

will have a special surface that makes it look like silver, so the Hero will

waste his time trying to stab me with it.

I will keep important bits of my home flooded with a non-flammable poisonous gas

at all times. Not needing to breathe is a useful skill.

As cancer isn't a particularly large concern for me, I'll wear asbestos


I will make lots of long term investments.

With the great wealth I get from the long term investments, I shall endow

a genetics program aimed at producing cows whose udders secrete human blood, or

a palatable imitation thereof. Then I can go to McDonalds instead of bothering

the hero's womenfolk.

While it may offend my dignity, whining incessantly will indicate that I am the

protagonist, and will enable me to avoid the attentions of Heros.

As cute as the "Vampire Slayer" is, there are other girls just as cute who are

not capable of destroying me.

I will not engage a "Vampire Slayer" in martial arts combat, as that seldom

seems to work out well.

If I find out that there is a "Vampire Slayer" living in the vicinity, I will

consider moving elsewhere, regardless of the advantages confered by that

particular location.

When faced with a gang of spunky kids determined to stop my evil schemes, I will

consider surrender. Or mailbombs.

I will put on lots of makeup and fur, and howl at the moon every once in a

while. This should confuse the hero, and will probably enable me to get

away with a silver bullet or two.

I will not consider property crimes beneath my dignity. Carjacking is a good

source of income, and I don't have to worry much about the possibility of

something going wrong.

Top 10 Uholdbare kombinationer


1. Jetpilot med højdeskræk

2. Kloakmand med lugtesans

3. Pacifistisk jægersoldat

4. Etisk politiker

5. Frømand med vandskræk

6. Frø med vandskræk

7. Kuldskær ismand

8. Rollespiller med et liv

9. Lagermand på Haribo

10. Intelligent blondine

Tømmermands kuren

Da der nok er nogle af jer som vågner op lørdag morgen (efter kl. 14:00) med "Racer-Mave" (følelsen af at

maven har elevatorfunktion) & med dertil hørende "Håndværker-Besøg" (Tømmermænd) både de fysiske &

de moralske, de moralske kan jeg ikke hjælpe jer med, men til de fysiske er der denne Cocktail:

1 del Pernod,

1 del von Oosten,

1 del Pebermyntelikør,

1 del Gin,

et par stænk Tabasco,

2 rå Æg,

salt & peber,

drøn det hele op i en Blender og giv blandingen 1-2 min. (eller stop lige før jeres hoved sprænger af lyden fra

Blenderen), hæld hele herligheden op i et bredt glas og tag en lang og dyb indanding (det vil i de fleste

tilfælde gøre noget akut ved maven) og drik det så i en laaaaang slurk !

Denne opskrift er testet af Judge, som beskrev at hvis du kan holde maven nede i fem minutter, forsvinder

dine tømmermænd bagefter

World Trade Center´s Destruktions Ground

Osama´s søn kom hjem med 03

i historie.

Osama: "Hvad gik der galt?"

Søn: "Jeg skrev at EiffelTårnet er

højere en World Trade Center"

Osama smilede: "Bare rolig! Det ordner jeg!".

Fodbold; Brøndby

Er man Brøndby fan, skal man tage denne med et smil, det er jo kun "en



Navn: ________________(efternavn)





(Afkryds venligst fornavn)

Alder: ____


____ Mand

_____ Ved ikke

Sko Storrelse (ADIDAS : ____


Narkoman (_) Autolakerer (_) Maler (_)

Smusker (_) Arbejdsløs (_)

Ægtefelles navn: __________________________

Antal børn i husstanden: ___

Antal heraf, som er dine: ___

Moders navn: _______________________

Faders navn: _______________________ (Udfyld intet, hvis du ikke er sikker)

Uddannelse: 1. , 2., 3 eller 4. (Afkryds afgangsklasse fra


Kæledyr :

___ Rottweiler

___ Pitt Bull

___ Kongepython

___ Sort enke

Type og argang bil: ____________ 197_

___ Antal gram narko du har købt denne uge

___ Antal fængselsophold

___ Antal køretøjer du ejer !

___ Antal køretøjer du har stjålet !

___ Antal koretojer du har hærget !

___ Antal knive du ejer !

___ Antal skydevaben du ejer

Hvor opbevarer du dem:

____ Soveværelset

____ Dagligstuen

____ Kokkenet

____ Skuret

____ Bilen

____ Lommen

Aviser/blade du abonnerer pa :

(_) B.T.

(_) Ekstra Bladet

(_) Rapport

Hvad er du medlem af :

(_) Hells Angels

(_) Bandidos

(_) Socialdemokratiet

(_) Fremskridtpartiet

(_) South Side Brigade

Du synes at for fed er :

(Afkryds gerne flere)

( ) Søren Krarup

( ) Pia Kjærsgaard

( ) Jonni Hansen

( ) Jean Marie Le Penn

( ) Rambo

( ) Snurre snup

Du har fornylig erhvervet aktier/anparter i :

( ) B&W

( ) Nordisk Fjer Holding A/S

( ) Accumulator Invest

( ) Selskabet 13235536 af 17. maj 1992 ApS

Hvor mange FCK-fans har du banket ___

Antal rovmord du har begaet :

(_) 1-2 (_) 3-5 (_) Flere

Hvor mange gange siger du Ikk og Mand i en setning.

(_)1-2 gange, 3-5 gange (_), Flere (_)

Desuden skal vedlægges lydbånd med følgende ord :

Brøndby (udtales : "ønby" bemærk således at Brø

er stumt"),


Ludersøn :

Ansøgning vedlagt straffeattest bedes indsendt til


julens fristelser

Til alle dem, der skal til julefrokost.....

Julefrokosttiden nærmer sig, og det kan være nødvendigt at vide HVILKEN brandert man har på.......

Askepot-druk: Du kommer hjem og har tabt en sko og tøjet hænger i laser.

Bambi-druk: Dine ben nægter at gøre som du siger og dit hoved føles stort som en badebold.

Tornerose-druk: Du sover i hundrede år.

Snehvide-druk: Du vågner med syv fremmede mænd i sengen.

Lille havfrue-druk: Dine fødder klistrer sammen og lugter af fisk.

Lille rødhætte-druk: Du vågner med din mormor i samme seng.

Kejserens nye klæder-druk: Du vågner helt nøgen i rendestenen og opdager en pegende folkeskare.

Den grimme ælling-druk: Du vågner med en samlever - men det er ikke din egen - den her er smukkere.

Peter Plys-druk: Din bug har hævet til dobbelt størrelse og din mund er klistret.

Joakim von And-druk: Du vågner og har en stor bunke penge, men ingen bukser.

Hans og Grete-druk: Du kan nemt finde til toilettet ved at følge sporet af nattens opkastninger.

Store Stygge Ulv-druk: Du har så slem ånde,at du kan blæse et hus omkuld.


dette var tilsendt mig fra Marie C.P.


Lars og Cecilie, et sundt og raskt og heltigennem københavnsk par, er endnu ikke kommet sig over den

forfærdelige nyhed, de fik i sidste uge, da lægerne på Rigshospitalets børneafdeling gav dem den knusende

besked: "Jeres barn er jyde."

Udadtil virker Lars og Cecilies dreng, den 4 år gamle Klaus, som et helt normalt barn. Men månedlange

undersøgelser på Rigshospitalet efterlader ingen tvivl om at han er uhelbredeligt jysk. "Selvom vi længe

vidste, at der var noget galt med Klaus, så var den endelige dom alligevel et hårdt slag," fortæller Cecilie.

"Det er svært at fatte, at han er fuldstændig jysk, og at han vil være det resten af livet." Også lægerne er

forbløffede og forfærdede: "Vi har testet begge forældre, og de besidder absolut ingen anlæg for jyskhed,"

udtaler Overlæge Arne Krogstrup fra Rigshospitalets børneafdeling. "Indtil videre håber vi, at det er et

enkeltstående fænomen.

Men vi vil indtrængende opfordre andre forældre til at henvende sig, hvis de mistænker deres børn for at

være jyder. Det er særdeles vigtigt at få klarlagt, om dette er et omsiggribende fænomen." Som spæd

udviste Klaus ingen klare tegn på, at han var jysk. Først omkring 3-års alderen begyndte han at opføre sig

underligt, og vakte forældrenes bekymring. Lars fortæller: "Første gang vi blev urolige var en dag da jeg sad

og kiggede i billedbog sammen med Klaus. Der var en lille gris, der havde gemt sig, og så spurgte jeg Klaus:

'Hvor er grisen henne?' Han pegede på grisen og sagde: 'Dær er æ gris.'" "Så grinte jeg og sagde: 'Det

hedder altså grisen, ikke æ gris.' Og så stirrede han bare på mig, med en vrede der var helt unaturlig for en

lille dreng, som om jeg havde sagt noget fuldstændig blasfemisk, og han sagde med sammenbidte tænder:

'Æ gris! Det bløwwer do nød te å husk, fatter!' Jeg blev faktisk ret bange for ham." Til at begynde med

håbede Lars og Cecilie, at Klaus' mærkværdige adfærd bare var noget, der gik over med tiden. "Men det

blev værre. Det blev meget værre," siger Cecilie med smerte i stemmen. "Han begyndte at æde enorme

mængder mad. Især havregrød. Og han krævede, at vi altid spiser op. Hvis vi levner lidt ved aftensmaden,

siger han straks: 'Ka I så fo ded nier! Ska den goe ma bår gå te spill?'" "Og det er umuligt at diskutere med

ham," fortsætter Lars. "Han er helt unaturligt stædig. Hvis han ikke får sin vilje, truer han med at melde os for

incest og børnemishandling. 'Spis jeres ma, eller a kommer på børnehjem!' siger han. Efterhånden som tiden

gik, og Klaus' adfærd blev

værre, måtte Lars og Cecilie indse, at der var noget helt alvorligt galt.

"Vi blev for alvor bange for at han var jysk, da vi var i Zoologisk Have for første gang,"fortæller Cecilie. "Det

virkede slet ikke som om han syntes, at dyrene var sjove eller spændende. Han var mest interesseret i hvor

mange æg, pingvinerne gav, og hvad kiloprisen på kamelerne var. Girafferne var han især interesseret i. 'Der

ka dæleme bløwe mange nakkekoteletter a dem,' sagde han. Vi prøvede at forklare ham, at det var

meningen, at man bare skulle kigge på dyrene - ikke købe dem eller spise dem. Men det kunne han

overhovedet ikke forstå. Og så sagde han: 'Waffor holler de dyrskue når en it ka køwe kreatuerne? Ded er

dælme da tosset.' Så kørte vi direkte på hospitalet med ham."

Klaus var indlagt i næsten et halvt år, mens børneafdelingens læger forsøgte at stille en sikker diagnose.

"Selvom forældrene med rette følte, at deres barn led af jyskhed, så er det en anden sag at stille en klinisk

diagnose," udtaler Overlæge Arne Krogstrup. "Klaus måtte igennem mange systematiske undersøgelser, før

vi var sikre."Arne Krogstrup observerede bl.a. at Klaus var ganske fascineret af Pia Kjærsgaard. "For det

meste ville han helst se børne-tv, som ethvert normalt barn. Men vi opdagede, at når der var nyheder på TV,

og der var indslag med Pia Kjærgsaard, satte han sig lige foran fjernsynet og lyttede til hende og nikkede

roligt. Han var ofte fuldstændig opslugt. Hvis vi prøvede at fortælle ham, at Pia Kjærgsgaard ikke er en sød

dame, så stirrede han uforstående på os og rystede langsomt på hovedet. Lægerne blev dog først sikre på,

at Klaus var jysk, da de undersøgte hans humoristiske sans. "Til vores store forfærdelse manglede den

fuldstændig. Vi prøvede at få ham interesseret i f.eks. South Park og Casper & Mandril-aftalen. Men han

fattede det ikke, og syntes det var dybt åndssvagt.

Derimod brølede han af grin og rullede rundt på gulvet af latterkramper hvis han så Finn'sk Fjernsyn. Så var

vi desværre temmelig sikre på, at han måtte være jysk." Klaus har nu været udskrevet i en uge, og Lars og

Cecilie er i gang med den vanskelige proces at lære hvordan man lever med et jysk barn. "Det er meget

svært at vide, hvordan man skal gøre, når man ikke selv har haft med jyder at gøre," sukker Cecilie. "F.eks.

nægter Klaus at gå i andet tøj end Jack&Jones eller Helly Hansen. I går prøvede vi at give ham noget pænt

Benetton-børnetøj på, men han skreg som besat, som om vi prøvede at slå

ham ihjel. Jeg har aldrig hørt noget barn skrige sådan. Vores jyske underbo kom farende op til os, og spurgte

hvad i alverden vi lavede. Og da hun så tøjet, var det lige før hun også skreg, og hun sagde: 'Dette tøj må

aldrig berøre dette barns krop. Hører I?'"

"Vi forsøger at gøre det så godt som muligt, og at holde af ham. Selvom det er svært, så er han trods alt

vores barn. Og selvom han nok aldrig bliver rask, så håber vi, at han alligevel få en nogenlunde normal

tilværelse. Vi håber, at hvis han bare kan gennemføre folkeskolen, så kan han blive politimand, og være

sammen med sine egne. Det vil nok være det bedste for


mænd og religion

One day in the Garden of Eden, Eve calls out to God... "Lord, I have problem!"

"What's the problem, Eve?"

"Lord, I know you've created me and have provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals,

and that hilarious comedic snake, but I'm just not happy."

"Why is that, Eve?" came the reply from above.

"Lord, I am lonely. And I'm sick to death of apples."

"Well, Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man for you."

"What's a 'man,' Lord?"

"This man will be a flawed creature, with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat, and be vain glorious; all in all, he'll

give you a hard time. But, he'll be bigger, faster, and will like to hunt and kill things. He will look silly aroused,

but since you've been complaining, I'll create him in such in a way that he will satisfy your ah, physical

needs. He'll be witless and will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be too

smart, so he'll also need your advice to think properly.

"Sounds great," says Eve, with an ironically raised eyebrow.

"What's the catch, Lord?"

"Yeah, well.... you can have him on one condition."

"What's that, Lord?"

"As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant, and self-admiring...So you'll have to let him believe that I made him

first...So, just remember... it's a secret...Woman-to-woman!"

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Denne lille lækkerbidsken fik jeg fra Edith

1) Sæt dig i din parkerede bil m/solbriller på ved frokosttid og peg med en hårtørrer på bilerne der kører forbi.

Se om de sænker farten.

2) Kald dig selv over samtaleanlægget. Lad være med at maskere din stemme.

3) Insister på at din emailadresse er:

4) Hver gang nogen beder dig om at gøre noget, så spørg om de vil have pomfritter med det.

5) Opfordr dine kolleger til at slutte sig til dig i lidt synkroniseret stoldans.

6) Sæt din papirkurv på bordet og mærk den "ind".

7) Udvikl en unaturlig frygt for klipsemaskiner.

Fyld kaffeautomanten med koffeinfri kaffe i tre uger. Så snart alle så

har vænnet sig til det, skift så til ekspresso.

9) Svar til alt alle siger: "Det er noget du tror".

10) Afslut alle dine sætninger med "Som profetien forudsagde"

11) Juster farven på din skærm så lys/mørke niveauet kan lyse hele dit arbejdsareal op. Insister på at du

foretrækker det sådan.

12) Lad være med at bruge punktum, komma, semi/kolon eller andre tegn når du skriver.

13) Så ofte som muligt så hop i stedet for at gå.

14) Spørg folk hvad køn de er. Grin hysterisk når de har svaret.

15) Syng med i operaen

16) Gå til et poesioplæsning og spørg hvorfor digtene ikke rimer.

17) Find ud af hvor din chef køber tøj og køb nøjagtig de samme klæder. Bær dem en dag efter din chef.

(Dette er i særdeleshed effektivt hvis din chef er af det modsatte køn).

1 Send en email til resten af firmaet og fortæl dem hvad du laver. F.eks. "hvis nogen har brug for mig er jeg

på toilettet i bås tre".

19) Sæt myggenet om det sted du sover. Afspil bånd med junglelyde hele dagen.

20) Fortæl dine venner fem dage i forvejen at du ikke kan komme til deres fest fordi du ikke er i humøret til


21) Ring 112 og spørg om 112 er til nødssituationer.

22) Ring til krisehjælp eller Selvmordslinjen og lad være med at sige noget overhovedet.

23) Få dine kolleger til at kalde dig ved dit brydernavn, Steen Hård.

24) Når du forlader Zoologisk Have, begynd så at løbe mod parkeringspladserne mens du skriger: "Løb for

livet, de er løs!"

25) Fortæl din chef at det ikke er stemmerne i dit hoved der er problemet, men stemmer i hans der generer


26) Fortæl dine børn over middagsmaden at grundet familiens dårlige økonomi bliver I nødt til at lade et af

dem gå.

27) Hver gang du ser en kost, så råb: "Skat, din mor er her!"

starwars - Vader Strikes Back

Take a look at what I found!

There's going to be an extra scene included in the DVD release of

The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK coming up next year!

Basically, it expands on the scene where Vader reveals his

fatherhood to Luke, and ties up some loose ends created with the

release of Episode 1...

It's just great

The Empire Strikes Back: Extra-Special Edition


A furious lightsaber duel is underway. DARTH VADER is backing

LUKE SKYWALKER towards the end of the gantry.

A quick move by Vader, chops off Luke's hand! It goes spinning

off into the ventilation shaft.

Luke backs away. He looks around, but realizes there's nowhere to

go but straight down.

Darth Vader: Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Darth Vader: No... I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true! It's impossible.

Darth Vader: Search your feelings... you know it to be true...

Luke: NO!

Darth Vader: Yes, it is true... and you know what else? You know

that brass droid of yours?

Luke: Threepio?

Darth Vader: Yes... Threepio... I built him... when I was 7 years


Luke: No...

Darth Vader: Seven years old? And what have you done? Look at

yourself, no hand, no job, and couldn't even levitate your own

ship out of the swamp...

Luke: I destroyed your precious Death Star!

Darth Vader: When you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly

destroyed a Trade Federation Droid Control ship!

Luke: Well, it's not my fault...

Darth Vader: Oh, here we go... "Poor me... my father never gave

me what I wanted for my birthday... boo hoo, my daddy's the Dark

Lord of the Sith...waahhh wahhh!"

Luke: Shut up...

Darth Vader: You're a slacker! By the time I was you're age, I

had exterminated the Jedi knights!

Luke: I used to race my T-16 through Beggar's Canyon

Darth Vader: Oh, for the love of the Emperor... 10 years old,

winner of the Boonta Eve Open... Only human to ever fly a Pod

Racer... right here baby!

Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step towards it.

Darth Vader: I was wrong... You're not my kid... I don't know

whose you are, but you sure ain't mine... I knew an annoying reptile

once... I wonder if he...

Luke takes a step off the platform, hesitates, then plunges down

the shaft.

Darth Vader looks after him.

Darth Vader: Get a haircut!


The Secrets of Master Yoda

Take a look at what I found!

There's going to be an extra scene included in the DVD release of

The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK coming up next year!

The scene is slightly different from that seen in the original version of

The Empire Strikes Back and it reveals Yodas darkest secrets!

It's just great


The scene is slightly different from that seen in the original version of The Empire Strikes Back.

Yoda's hut is larger, with added rooms. There is also a stone wall and a stone outhouse in the background.

Yoda is relaxing on a hammock tied between two trees above a stone patio, and there is a patio table and an

empty deck chair next to the hammock. Luke Skywalker emerges from the hut carrying a tray with a cup on


LUKE: I've brought you your freshly squeezed rootleaf juice, Master Yoda.

YODA: Yes, on the table, you will put it. You I thank. Now, to clean the jacuzzi, you must go.

LUKE: Yes, Master.

(Luke sets the tray on the table beside Yoda, and turns to go. He hesitates.)

LUKE: Master Yoda.....

YODA: Hmmm?

LUKE: (nervously) Master Yoda, you have taught me much about the ways of the

Force, but....

YODA: Luke, yes? Something is troubling you, I sense. LUKE: Well, Master, it's just that... (gathering his

courage) ...I don't see how anything I've learned is helping me to become a Jedi....

YODA: For over eight hundred years have I taught Jedi. Are you to tell me how it must be done?

LUKE: But the only thing I've learned so far is how to move rocks around with my mind!

YODA: Soon, more I will teach you. My own counsel I will keep on when you

are ready.

LUKE: But there must be more to being a Jedi than building stuff out of rocks, fixing up your hut, preparing

your meals, bringing you rootleaf juice, and giving you rides around the swamp on my back!

YODA: Necessary, all this is, for your training. Adventure, excitement, you seek. Heh! A Jedi craves not these


LUKE: But I've been here for THREE whole years!

YODA: Patience, young Skywalker. You must learn patience!

LUKE: (downcast) It just seems so pointless....

BEN'S VOICE: Stop your whining, Luke.

LUKE: Ben?

BEN'S VOICE: You heard me. No one said becoming a Jedi was easy.

YODA: Yes, Luke, to Obi-Wan you listen! Beware the Dark Side! If you choose the quick and easy path,

forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Vader.

LUKE: Yes, Master. I understand.

YODA: Discipline, commitment, you must learn. Now, to your chores you must attend. Go, and mind what

you have learned.

LUKE: Yes, Master Yoda.

(Luke goes off behind Yoda's hut. Obi-Wan's shimmering blue ghost appears, and settles into the deck chair

beside Yoda.)

BEN: See, I told you that boy would believe anything.

YODA: Yes, gullible he is. A good servant he is. BEN: It wasn't easy finding somebody that naive. He still

thinks the Light Side of the Force is stronger?

YODA: Heh! So strong is the Light Side, I am content with this slimy mudhole for my home, while in a palace

on Coruscant, the Emperor lives? Yet I tell Luke that is what I choose, and he believes.

BEN: (laughing) Yeah.... Look at me! I'm a goddamn blue ghost, and Vader's still out there, hunting the rebels

down left and right. Well, the galaxy can go to hell in a handbasket as far as I'm concerned. What do I care?

I'm dead!

YODA: Yes, Obi-Wan. The truth you speak. And soon will I join you. Old am I. Tired am I. But, for now, I have

my hammock and my jacuzzi, and my rootleaf juice. And a willing servant. Not so bad this is.

BEN: You said it, Yoda.... oh, by the way, your rootleaf patch over there looks a little weedy.

YODA: Heh heh. This you must watch. Come here, young Skywalker!

(Luke bounds back into view.)

LUKE: Yes, Master Yoda?

YODA: To continue your training, I have decided. A difficult task I will set for you. (Yoda winks at Ben.)

LUKE: (overjoyed) Yes Master! Tell me what to do!

YODA: That rootleaf patch, a domain of evil it is. In you must go. (He points with his gimer stick) Those

weeds, they are strong with the Dark Side of the Force. Seek them out you must. Destroy them you must! On

this all depends.

LUKE: Thank you Master Yoda! (Luke runs over to the rootleaf patch and begins enthusiastically tearing out


YODA: Heh heh.

BEN: What will you do if he ever catches on? That boy is your only help.

YODA: (staring up at the sky) No, there is another.........


Anakin pops his cherry


A vast sea of stars severas as a backdrop for the Main

Title, following by a rollup, whcih crawls into infinity.

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate

Several hundred solar systems under

the leadership of the rebel leader, Count

Dooku, have decalred their intentions to

secede from the Republic.

This separatist movement has made it

difficult for the limited number of

Jedi Kights to maintain peace and

order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of

Naboo, is returning to Coruscant

to vote on the critical issue

of creating an army to assist the

overwhelmed Jedi.

PAN UP to reveal the amber city planet of Coruscant.

A yellow Naboo Fighter flies OVER CAMERA toward

the planet, followed by a large Royal Cruiser and two

more Fighters.


The ships skim across the surface of the city

landscape. The sun glints off the chrome hulls of the

sleek Naboo spacecraft as they navigate between the

buildings of the capital planet.


Two Naboo Fighters land on one leaf of a three-leafclover landing platform. The Royal Starship lands on

the central lead, and the third Fighter lands on the

remaining plaform.

A small GROUP OF DIGNITARIES waits to welcome

the Senator. One of the members of the group os a

well dressed JAR JAR BINKS, a member of the

Galactic Representative Commission, and DORME,

Senator Amidala's handmaiden.

One of the FIGHTER PILOTS jumps from the wing of

his ship and removes his helmet. He is CAPTAIN


moves over to a WOMAN PILOT.


We made it. I guess I was wrong,

there was no danger at all.

The ramp ;pwers. TWO NABOO GUARDS appear.


and FOUR TROOPERS descend the ramp. AMIDALA

is more beautiful now than she was ten years earlier

when, as Queen, she was freeing her people from the

yoke of the Trade Federation.

The DIGNITARIES start to move forward. SENATOR

AMIDALA reaches the foot of the ramp, when

suddenly there is a blinding FLASH and a huge


hurled to the ground as the starship is destroyed.

Klaxons blare, alarms sound! CAPTAIN TYPHO and

the TWO ESCORT PILOTS get up and run to where

SENATOR AMIDALA lies dying. Beyond, ARTOO

DETOO drops down from the Naboo Fighter and rolls

toward the wreckage. The FEMALE ESCORT PILOT

kneels by SENATOR AMIDALA and takes off her

helmet, revealing SENATOR PADME AMIDALA.



She gathers up her decoy double in her arms. Cordé's

eyes are open. She looks up at her.


... I'm sorry, m'lady... I'm... not sure I...

CORDÉ dies. PADMÉ hugs her.


No!... No!... No!...

PADMÉ lowers CORDÉ to the ground. She gets up

and looks around at the devastation. There are tears

in her eyes.


I should not have come back.


M'Lady, you are still in danger.

Amidala says nothing.


This vote is very important. You did

your duty and Cordé did hers. Now

come. (she doesn't respond) M'Lady,


She turns. They walk away. ARTOO lets out a small

whimper and rolls off after them.


The massive Senate Building glistens in the afternoon

sun. Small patches of fog have still to burn off.


The vast rotunda is buzzing with chatter. MAS

AMEDDA, the Supreme Chancellor's majordomo, tries

to quiet things down as PALPATINE confers with an

AIDE, UV GIZEN, riding a small one man floating



Order! We shall have order! The motion

for the Republic to commission an army

takes precedent, and that is what we

will vote on at this time.

Everything quiets down. The AIDE disperses, and




...My esteemed colleagues, excuse

me... I have just received some

tragic and disturbing news. Senator

Amidala of the Naboo system... Has

been assassinated!

There is a shock silence in the vast arena.



This grievous blow is especially

personal to me. Before I became

Chancellor, I served Amidala when

she was Queen. She was a great

leader who fought for justice, not

only in this honourable assembly,

but also on her home planet. She

was so loved she could have been

elected queen for life. She

believed in public service, and

she fervently believed in

democracy. Her death is a great

loss to us all. We will all mourn

her as a relentless champion of

freedom... and as a dear friend.

There is a moment of silence. ASK AAK, the

SENATOR of MALASTARE, moves his pod into the

centre of the arena.


How many more Senators will die

before this civil strife ends! We

must confront these rebels now,

and they need an army to do it.

A second pod moves into the centre of the area with




Why weren't the Jedi able to stop

this assassination? We are no

longer safe, under their protection.

Senator ORN FREE TAA swings forward in his pod.


The Republic needs more security

now! Before it comes to war.


Must I remind the Senator from

Malastare that negotiations are

continuing with the separatists.

Peace is our objective here... not


The SENATORS yell pro and con. MAS AMEDDA tries

to calm things down. SENATOR PADME AMIDALA,


manoeuvre her pod into the centre of the vast arena.


My noble colleagues, I concur with

the Supreme Chancellor. At all

costs, we do not want war!

The Senate goes quiet, then there is an outburst of

cheering and



It is with great surprise and

joy the chair recognises the

Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala.


Less than an hour ago, an

assassination attempt was made

against my life. One of my

bodyguards and six others were

ruthlessly and senselessly

murdered. I was the target but,

more importantly, I believe this

security measure before you, was

the target. I have led the

opposition to build an army... but

there is someone in this body who

will stop at nothing to assure it's


Many of the SENATORS boo and yell at SENATOR




I warn you, if you vote to create

this army, war will follow. I

have experienced the misery of war

first-hand; I do not wish to do it


There is sporadic yelling for and against her



Wake up, Senators... you must wake

up! If you offer the separatists

violence, they can only show us

violence in return! Many will

lose their lives. All will lose

their freedom. This decision

could very well destroy the very

foundation of our great Republic.

I pray you do not let fear push

you into a disastrous decision.

Vote down this security measure,

which is nothing less than a

declaration of war! Does anyone

here want that? I cannot believe

they do.

There is an undercurrent of booing... and groaning.

SENATOR ORN FREE TAA moves his pod next to



My motion to defer the vote must

be dealt with first. That is the

rule of law.

AMIDALA looks angry and frustrated. PALPATINE

gives her a sympathetic look.


Due to the lateness of the hour

and the seriousness of this

motion, we will take up these

matters tomorrow. Until then, the

Senate stands adjourned.


The giant towers of the Republic Executive Building

seem to reach the heavens. Traffic clogs the smoggy



CHANCELLOR PALPATINE sits behind his desk with

TWO RED-CLAD ROYAL GUARDS on either side of

the door. YODA, PLOT KOON, KI-AD-MUNDI, and

MACE WINDU sit acress from him.


I don't know how much longer I can

hold off the vote, my friends.

More and more star systems are

joining the separatists.


If they do break away -


No! I will not let that happen!


But if they do, you must realise

there aren't enough Jedi to

protect the Republic. We are

keepers of the peace, not soldiers.


Master Yoda, do you think it will

really come to war?

YODA closes his eyes.


Worse than war, I fear... Much





What do you sense, Master?


Impossible to see ... The Dark Side

clouds everything. But this I am

sure of -

(opens his eyes)

Do their duty the Jedi will.

A muted BUZZER SOUNDS. A hologram of an AIDE,

DAR WAC, appears on the Chancellor's desk.


The loyalist committee has arrived,

my Lord.


Send them in.




ORN FREE TAA enter the office. YODA and MACE

WINDU move to greet the SENATOR, YODA taps

AMIDALA with his cane.


With you the force is strong...

young Senator. To see you alive

brings warm feeling to my heart.


Thank you, Master Yoda. Do you

have any idea who was behind

the attack?


Our intelligence points to

disgruntled spice miners, on

the moons of Naboo.


I don't wish to disagree but I

think that Count Dooku was behind


There is a stir of surprise.


You know, M'Lady, Count Dooku

was once a Jedi. He wouldn't

assassinate anyone, it is not in

his character.


He is a political idealist, not

a murderer.


In dark times nothing is what it

appears to be, but the fact remains

Senator, in grave danger you are.

PALPATINE gets up, walks to the window, and looks

out at the vast city.


Count Dooku has always avoided

any kind of conflict. It appears

he has no desire to start a war.

Why would he kill you? To what end?


I don't know, but everything in my

being tells me he was behind it...

After gazing out of the window for several moments

Palpatine turns to



Master Jedi, may I suggest that

the Senator be placed under the

protection of your graces.


Do you think that is a wise use

of manpower during these stressful



Chancellor, if I may comment, I

do not believe the...


..."situation is that serious."

No, but I do, Senator.


Chancellor, please! I don't want

any more guards!


I realise all too well that

additional security might be

disruptive for you, but perhaps

someone you are familiar with... an

old friend like... Master Kenobi...

PALPATINE nods to MACE WINDU, who nods back.


That's possible. He has just

returned from a Border dispute on



You must remember him, M'Lady...

he watched over you during the

blockade conflict.


This is not necessary, Chancellor.


Do it for me, M'Lady, please. I

will rest easier. We had a big

scare today. The thought of

losing you is unbearable.

AMIDALA sighs as the JEDI get up to leave.


I will have Obi-Wan report to you

immediately, M'Lady.

YODA leans into her ear.


Too little about yourself you

worry, Senator, and too much about

politics. Be mindful of your

danger, Padmé. Accept our help.

As the JEDI leave the office, PALPATINE continues to

pace behind his desk.


I will not like this Republiv, that

has stood for over a thousand

years, be split in two


A graceful skyscraper twinkles in the evening light of




The door to the apartment slides open. JAR JAR

walks into the corridor, where TWO JEDI are exiting

the elevator. He recognises OBI-WAN and becomes

extremely excited, jumping around, shaking his hand.


Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen

to see'en yousa. Wahoooooo!

OBI-WAN smiles.


It's Good to see you, too, Jar Jar.


Oops! Wheresa mesa manners?

Excuse me, Master Obi-Wan. I

completely forgot myself for

a moment there. I have had to learn

Diplodiaclect... speak it like a

native now. Don't really see the

point, actually, but members of

the Senate seem to prefer it...




...and this, I take it, is your

apprentice... Nooooooooo! Annie?

Noooooooo! Little Bitty Annie?

(Looks at Anakin)

Nooooooo! Yousa so biggen!

Yiyiyiyyi! Annie!! Mesa no



Hi, Jar Jar.

JAR JAR grabs hold of ANAKIN and envelops him in a

big hug.


Annie! Annie! Yiyiyiyiyiyiiii!


PADME is in a conference with CAPTAIN TYPHO and

DORME. JAR JAR enters the room, followed by the



Lookie... lookie... Oops!... Oh,

dear, I'm afraid I've forgotten

myself again.


stop before the SENATOR. OBI-WAN steps forward.

ANAKIN stares at PADME. She glances at him.


It's a great pleasure to see you again,



It has been far too long Master

Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths

have crossed again... but I must

warn you that I think your

presence here is unnecessary.


I'm sure the Jedi Council have

their reasons.

She moves in front of ANAKIN




My goodness you've grown.

They look at each other for a long moment.


(trying to be smooth)

So have you... grown more

beautiful, I mean... and much

shorter... for a Senator, I mean.

OBI-WAN looks disapprovingly at his apprentice.

PADME laughs and shakes her head.


Oh Annie, you'll always be that

little boy I knew on Tatooine.

This embarrasses ANAKIN, and he looks down. OBIWAN and CAPTAIN TYPHO smile.


Our presence will be invisible,



I am very grateful you are here,

Master Kenobi. The situation is

more dangerous than the Senator

will admit.


I don't need more security, I need

answers. I want to know who is

trying to kill me.



We're here to protect you

Senator, not to start an



We will find out who is trying to

kill you Padmé, I promise you.

He's done it again. He bites his lip in frustration and

shame. OBI-WAN gives ANAKIN a dirty look.


We are not going to exceed our

mandate, my young Padawan learner.


I meant in the interest of

protecting her, Master, of course.


We are not going through this

exercise again, Anakin. You will

pay attention to my lead.






Why else do you think we were

assigned to her, if not to find

the killer? Protection is a job

for local security... not Jedi.

It's overkill, Master.

Investigation is implied in our



We will do as the Council has

instructed, and you will learn

your place, young one.


Perhaps with merely your presence,

the mysteries surrounding this

threat will be revealed. Now if

you will excuse me I will retire.

Everyone gives AMIDALA a slight bow as she and

DORME leave the room.


Well, I know I feel a lot better

having you here.

I'll have an officer on every

floor and I'll be at the command

centre downstairs.


Mesa busten wit happiness seein

Yousa again, Annie. Deesa bad

times, bombad times.

Captain Typho leaves.


She didn't even recognise me, Jar

Jar. I thought about her every

day since we parted... and she's

forgotten me completely.


Shesa happy. Happier den mesa

see-en her in longo time.


Anakin, you're focusing on the

Negative again. Be mindful of your

thoughts. She was glad to see us.

Now lets check the security here.


Yes, my master.


The vast Jedi Temple sits on an endless flat plain,

silhouetted by a against the traffic-filled sky.


MACE WINDU and YODA walk down the long

hallways, silhouetted by a lit room at the end.


Why couldn't we see this attack on

the Senator?


Masking the future, is this

disturbance in the Force.


The propecy is coming true, the

Dark Side is growing.


And only those who have turned to

the Dark Side can sense the

possibilities of the future. Only

going through the Dark Side can we



It's been ten years, and the Sith

still have no shown themselves.

Do you think they are behind this?


...Out there, they are. A

certainty that is.


Do you think Obi-Wan's apprentice

will be able to bring balance to

the Force?


Only if he chooses to follow his


There is a long silence as they walk away. Only

footsteps are heard.



PADME is asleep in her bed, lit only by the light of the

city outside her window coming through the blinds.

ARTOO stands in the corner of the bedroom. His

power is off.



ANAKIN is standing in the living room. He is in a

meditative state. It is quiet. We hear DISTANT

FOOTSTEPS in the corridor outside the apartment.

Suddenly ANAKIN'S eyes pop open. His eyes dart

around the room. He reaches for his lightsaber, then

smiles and puts it back in his belt.

The door to the apartment slides open, and OBI-WAN



Captain Typho has more than enough

men downstairs. No assassin will

try that way. Any activity up



Quiet as a tomb. I don't like

just waiting here for something to

happen to her.

OBI-WAN checks a palm-sized view scanner he has

pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of ARTOO

by the door, but no sign of PADME on the bed.


What's going on?

ANAKIN shrugs.


She covered that camera. I don't

think she liked me watching her.


What is she thinking?


She programmed Artoo to warn us if

there's an intruder.


It's not an intruder I'm worried

about. There are many other ways

to kill a Senator.


I know, but we also want to catch

this assassin. Don't we, Master?


You're using her as bait??


It was her idea... No harm will

come to her. I can sense

everything going on in that room.

Trust me.


It's too risky... and your senses

aren't that attuned, young



And yours are?





As PADME sleeps, a PROBE DROID approaches

outside her window. It sends out several small arms

that attach to the window, creating sparks that shut

down the security system. Then a large arm cuts a

small hole in the glass. A FAINT SOUND is heard as

the small section of glass is removed from the


ARTOO wakes up, and his lights go on. The PROBE

DROID freezes. ARTOO looks around, makes a

PLAINTIVE LITTLE SOUND, then shuts down again.

The PROBE DROID attaches a little tube to the


KOUHUNS exit the tube, crawl through the blinds and

head toward the sleeping PADME.



ANAKIN and OBI-WAN continue their conversation in

the main room of the apartment.


You look tired.


I don't sleep well, anymore.


Because of your mother?


I don't know why I keep dreaming

About her now. I haven't seen her

since I was little.


Dreams pass in time.


I'd rather dream of Padmé. Just

Being around her again is...



Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they

betray you. You've made a

commitment to the Jedi order... a

commitment not easily broken...

and don't forget she's a

politician. They're not to be



She's not like the others in the

Senate, Master.


It's been my experience that

Senators are only focused on

pleasing those who fund their

campaigns... and they are more

than willing to forget the

niceties of democracy to get those



Not another lecture, Master. Not

on the economics of politics....

It's too early in the morning... and

besides, you're generalising. The

Chancellor doesn't appear to

be corrupt.


Palpatine's a politician, I've

observed that he is very clever at

following the passions and

prejudices of the Senators.


I think he is a good man. My

instincts are very positive


ANAKIN looks stunned. He looks sharply at OBI-WAN


I sense it, too.



ARTOO sounds an alarm and shines a light on the

bed. THE KOUHUNS are inches from PADME'S face.

Their mouths are open, and wicked stinger tongues

flick out.

OBI-WAN and ANAKIN burst into the room. The

KOUHUNS stand on their hind legs and hiss as

PADME wakes up. ANAKIN throws himself in front of

her, whacking in half the deadly creatures with his


OBI-WAN sees the DROID outside the window and

raqces straight at it, crashing through the blinds as he

goes through the window.



OBI-WAN flies through the glass window and flings

himself at the PROBE DROID, grabbing onto the

deadly machine before it can flee. The PROBE

DROID sinks under the weight of OBI-WAN but

manages to stay afloat and fly away, with the Jedi

hanging on for dear life, a hundred stories above the




ANAKIN and PADME stare at the sight of OBI-WAN

being carried off by the DROID. ANAKIN turns to her.

She pulls her nightdress around her shoulders.


Stay here!


enter the room as Anakin dashes out.


The PROBE DROID sends several protective

electrical shocks across its surface, causing OBI-WAN

to almost lose his grip. As they dart in and out of the

speeder traffic, OBI-WAN disconnects a wire on the

back of the DROID. Its power shuts off! OBI-WAN and

the DROID drop like rocks. OBI-WAN realises the

error of his ways and quickly puts the wire back. The

DROID'S systems light up again and it takes off.


ANAKIN charges out of the building and runs to a line

of parked speeders. He vaults into an open one and

takes off, gunning it fast toward the lines of speeder

traffic high above.


The DROID bumps against a wall, hoping to knock the

Jedi loose. It moves behind a speeder afterburner to

scorch him. It takesthe JEDI wildly between buildings

and finally skims across a rooftop as OBI-WAN is

forced to lift his legs, tenaciously hanging onto the

DROID. The DROID heads for a dirty, beat-up

speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about

twenty stories up. When the pilot of the speeder, a

scruffy bounty hunter called ZAM WESELL, sees the

DROID approach with OBI-WAN hanging on, she pulls

a long rifle out of the speeder and starts to fire at the

JEDI. EXPLOSIONS burst all around OBI-WAN.


I have a bad feeling about this.

FINALLY, the DROID suffers a direct hit and blows up.

OBI-WAN falls fifty stories, until a speeder drops down

next to him, and he manages to grab onto the back

end of the speeder and haul himself toward the

cockpit. The JEDI struggles to climb into the

passenger seat of the open speeder and sit down next

to the driver, ANAKIN.


That was wacky! I almost lost you

in the traffic.


What took you so long?


Oh, you know, Master, I couldn't

find a speeder I really liked,

with an open cockpit... and with

the right speed capabilities...

and then you know I had to get a

really gonzo color...

They zoom upward in hot pursuit of ZAM asshe fires

out the open window at them with her laser pistol.


If you'd spend as much time

working on your saber skills as

you do on your wit, young Padawan,

you would rival Master Yoda as a



I thought I already did.


Only in your mind, my very young

apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!

As this conversation is going on, ANAKIN deftly

moves in and out of the oncoming traffic, across

lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a

construction site. ZAM WESELL continues firing at



Sorry, I forgot you don't like

flying, Master.


I don't mind flying... but

what you're doing is suicide!

They barely miss a commuter train


Master, you know I've been flying

since before I could walk. I'm very

good at this.


Just slow down!

ZAM WESSEL and the JEDI race through a line of

cross-traffic made up of giant trucks. The speeders

bank sideways as they slide around right-angle turns

between buildings. ZAM races into a tram tunnel.



Wait! Don't go in there!

ANAKIN zooms into the tunnel after ZAM. They see a

tram coming at them. They brake, turn around, and

race out, barely ahead of the charging commuter




You know I don't like it when you

do that!


Sorry, Master. Don't worry, this

guy's gonna kill himself any

minute now!

ZAM WESSEL turns into oncoming traffic, deliberately

trying to throw the JEDI off. Oncoming speeders

swerve, trying to avoid ZAM and the JEDI. ZAM does

a quick, tight loop-over and ends up behind the JEDI.

She is now in a much better position to fire at them

with her laser pistol. To avoid being hit by the laser

bolts, ANAKIN slams on the brakes and moves

alongside ZAM. She now fires point-blank at OBIWAN.


What are you doing? He's gonna

blast me!


Right - this isn't working.

ANAKIN slides underneath Zam's speeder. They race

along in traffic, one speeder right on top of the other.

The BOUNTY HUNTER skims over the rooftops,

causing ANAKIN to drop behind. ANAKIN goes

through his gears, zooming around traffic. They race

at high speed across a wide, flat surface of the city

planet. A large spacecraft almost collides with them as

it attempts to land. They round a corner and clip a

flag, which gets caught on one of the front air scoops.


That was too close!


Clear that!




Clear the flag! We're losing

power! Hurry!

OBI-WAN leans out of the speeder, then crawls out

onto the front engine, pulling the flag free of the

scoop. The speeder lurches forward with a surge of



Whooooaaa! Don't do that! I

don't like it when you do that!


So sorry, Master.

They chase the BOUNTY HUNTER through a power



It's dangerous near those power

couplings! Slow down! Don't go

through there!

Huge electrical bolts shoot between the buildings as

the speeders pass.



Yiiii, what are you doing?


Sorry, Master!



Oh, that was good...


That was crazy!!!

ZAM slides around a corner sideways, blocking an

alley, firing point-blank as ANAKIN approaches.



Ahh, damn.




No, we can make it.

ANAKIN barely misses the BOUNTY HUNTER'S

speeder as he dives under it, and through a small gap

in the building hitting several pipes and going wildly

out of control. ANAKIN struggles to regain control of

the speeder, narrowly missing a crane, barely clipping

a pair of giant struts. A giant gasball shoots up,

causing ANAKIN to spin and bump a building, stalling

the speeder.


I'm crazy... I'm crazy... I'm



But it worked... we made it.



It didn't work... we've stalled!

And you almost got us killed!


I think we're still alive.

ANAKIN works to get the speeder started. It quickly

races to life.


(very angrily)

It was stupid!



I could have made it...



But you didn't!!! And now we've

lost him.

Suddenly, there is an ambush. Laser bolts fire

everywhere. EXPLOSIONS surround them. They look

up to see ZAM WESSEL take off.


No we didn’t...

Out of a cloud of smoke and ball of flames the JEDI

tear after ZAM. They are . OBI-WAN slaps out the

small fire on the dashboard. ZAM goes up and down,

through cross-traffic. There is a near miss as a

speeder almost hits them. ZAM turns down and left

between two buildings. ANAKIN pulls up and to the



Where are you going?! He went

down there, the other way.


This is a shortcut... I think.


What do you mean, ‘You think?’

What kind of shortcut?! He went

completely the other way! You’ve

lost him!


Master, if we keep this chase

going, that creep’s gonna end up

deep fried. Personally, I’d very

much like to find out who in the

hell he is and who he’s working




Oh, so that’s why we’re going in

the wrong direction.

ANAKIN turns up a side street, zooming up several

small passageways, then stops, hovering about fifty

stories up.



Well, you lost him.


I’m deeply sorry, Master.

ANAKIN looks around front and back. He spots

something. He seems to

start counting to himself as he watches something

below approach.



Excuse me for a moment.

ANAKIN jumps out of the speeder. OBI-WAN looks

down and sees Zam’s speeder about five stories

below them cruising past. ANAKIN miraculously lands

on top of the Bounty Hunter’s speeder. The speeder

wobbles under the impact. ZAM looks up and realises

what has happened.

ZAM takes off, and ANAKIN slides to the back strut

and almost slips off, but manages to hang on.

ANAKIN works his way back to the speeder’s cockpit,

just as ZAM stops suddenly, and ANAKIN flies forward

to the left front fork. ZAM shoots at him with a laser

pistol. There is a BLAST near ANAKIN'S hand, which

breaks off a piece of the speeder. ANAKIN slides to

the right fork of the speeder, where ZAM can’t reach

him. He scrambles to the top, holding onto an air


OBI-WAN has jumped into the driver’s seat of his

speeder and is deftly gaining on the rogue speeder.

The two speeders dive through oncoming traffic and

then through cross traffic. Finally, ANAKIN is able to

get hold of his lightsaber and starts to cut his way

through the roof of the speeder. ZAM takes out her

laser pistol and starts firing at the helpless JEDI,

knocking the sword out of his hand. OBI-WAN races

under the speeder and catches the Jedi weapon in the

passenger’s seat.

ANAKIN sticks his hand into the cockpit and, using the

Force, pulls the gun out of ZAM’S hand. She grabs

the Jedi’s hand, and they struggle for the weapon. It

goes off, blowing a hole in the floor of the speeder.

The speeder careens wildly out of control. ZAM

struggles to pull the speeder out of it’s nose dive. OBIWAN gets slowed down by traffic and loses sight of

the Bounty Hunter’s speeder.

Just as the dragster is about to nose dive into the

ground, ZAM pulls it out, and it slides hard on the

pavement in a shower of sparks. ANAKIN goes flying

into the street.


ZAM exits the crashed speeder and runs. ANAKIN

picks himself up off the pavement and runs down the

very crowded street.

It's the seedy underbelly of the city. Broken sidewalks,

garish lights reflected on the filthy puddles. It's pretty

crowded with various ALIEN LOW-LIFES,

PANHANDLING DROIDS, and the occasional group


ANAKIN barges into several of them as he chases

after the fleeing ZAM. He loses the Bounty Hunter in

the crowd, them sees him again. The young Jedi is

having a very difficult time getting through the crowd.

Ahead, ZAM turns in through a door and disappears.

A nightclub sighs is flashing over the door. ANAKIN is

just about to follow ZAM when there is a sudden swirl

of litter from downthrusters. PEOPLE start moving out

of the way, and the open speeder lands in the street

beside him. OBI-WAN gets out and walks over,

holding out ANAKIN'S lightsaber.




She went into that club, Master.



OBI-WAN hands ANAKIN the lightsaber.



Here. Next time try not to lose it.


Sorry, Master.

ANAKIN reaches for the lightsaber, but OBI-WAN

holds it back.


A Jedi's saber is his most

precious possession.


Yes, Master.

He reaches for the lightsaber, OBI-WAN pulls it back.


He must keep it with him at all



I know, Master.


This weapon is your life!


I've heard this lesson before...

OBI-WAN finally holds out the lightsaber and ANAKIN

grabs it.


But, you haven't learned anything,



I try, Master.


OBI-WAN and ANAKIN enter the nightclub bar, and

everyone stares at them


Why do I think you are going to be

the death of me?!


Don't say that Master... You're

the closest thing I have to a

father... I love you. I don't want

to cause you pain.


Then why don't you listen to me?!


I will. I'll do better, I promise.


Do you see him him?


I think he's a she...


Then be extra careful...

(nods to a room)

Check it out.

OBI-WAN goes away.


Where are you going, Master?


To get a drink.

OBI-WAN heads for the bar. ANAKIN blinks in

surprise, then moves into the room, where ALIEN

FACES look back at him with hostility, suspicion, and

invitation as he moves among the tables. OBI-WAN

arrives at the bar. He signals the BARMAN.

CLOSE - Somewhere in the room a HAND moves to a

pistol in its holster and unsnaps the safety catch. At

the bar, a glass is placed in from of OBI-WAN. A drink

is poured. He lifts the glass.


Wanna buy some death sticks?

OBI-WAN looks at him. He moves his fingers slightly.


You don't want to sell me death-



I don't want to sell you death-


OBI-WAN moves his fingers.


You want to go home and rethink

your life.


I want to go home and rethink my


He leaves. OBI-WAN lifts the drink and tosses it back.

CLOSE. The gun is drawn from its holster and held

down out of sight. The BOUNTY HUNTER starts to

move toward the bar.

ANAKIN checks out ALIEN FACES. OBI-WAN signals

for another drink. The gun moves toward his

unsuspecting back.

The drink is poured. OBI-WAN reaches for it. The gun

is raised to aim directly at his back, and suddenly OBIWAN turns fast. His lightsaber flashes. There is a shrill

SCREAM and ZAM'S ARM hits the floor. The gun

drops from its twitching fingers. Blood spreads.

The room is silent. ALIENS rise menacingly from their

seats, and ANAKIN is suddenly at OBI-WAN's side,

his lightsaber glowing.


Easy... Official business. Go

back to your drinks.

Slowly, the ALIENS sit. Conversation resumes.

Onstage, THE PERFORMERS pick up their routine.

OBI-WAN and ANAKIN lift ZAM and carry her out.


OBI-WAN and ANAKIN carry ZAM into the alley and

lower her to the ground. OBI-WAN attends to her

wounded shoulder. She stares up hatefully at

ANAKIN. She winces in pain, then nods.


Do you know who it was you were

trying to kill?


The Senator from Naboo.


Who hired you?

ZAM glares at OBI-WAN.


It was just a job.


Tell us!


That Senator's gonna die soon

anyway, and the next one won't

make the same mistake I did...


This wound's going to need



Who hired you? Tell us... tell us


ZAM glares hatefully.


It was a Bounty Hunter called...

There is a sudden FTZZZ sound. ZAM twitches. She

blinks in surprise and dies.

There is a WEOOSH from above. OBI-WAN and

ANAKIN look up yo see an ARMOURED ROCKETMAN taking off from a roof high above. OBI-WAN

looks down at ZAM. He touches her neck and pulls

out a small, wicked-looking dart.


Toxic Dart...



ANAKIN and JAR JAR stand near the door of the

anteroom to PADME'S

bedroom. PADME and DORME move about packing



Representative Binks. I know I can

count on you.


Yousa betchen mesa bottums.




(coughs, recovers)

Oh, pardone-ay, Senator. I mean,

I am honoured to accept this heavy

burden. I take on this

responsibility with deep humility

tinged with an overwhelming pride.


It is not every day that I am

called upon to...

PADME kisses him on the cheek and gives him a hug.

JAR JAR turns red.


You're a good friend, Jar Jar. I

don't wish to hold you up. I'm

sure you have a great deal to do.


Of course, M'lady.

JAR JAR bows and goes out. As he passes ANAKIN,

he flashes a dazzling smile... PADME is in a very bad



I do not like this idea of hiding.


Don't worry. Now that the Council

has ordered an investigation, it

won't take Master Obi-Wan long to

find that bounty hunter.



I haven't worked for a year to

defeat the "Military Creation Act"

not to be here when its fate is



Sometimes we have to let go of our

pride and do what is requested of



Pride?!? Annie, you're young, and

you don't have a very firm grip on

politics. I suggest you reserve

your opinions for some other time.


Sorry, M'lady. I was only trying



Annie! No!


Please don't call me that.






I've always called you that... it

is your name, isn't it?


It's Anakin. When you say Annie

it's like I'm still a little

boy... and I'm not.


I'm sorry, Anakin. It's impossible

to deny you've...

(looks him over)

...that you've grown up.

PADME smiles at ANAKIN. He becomes a little shy.


Master Obi-Wan manages not to see



Mentors have a way of seeing more

of our faults than we would like.

It's the only way we grow.


Don't get me wrong... Obi-Wan is

a great mentor. As wise as Master

Yoda and as powerful as Master

Windu. I am truly thankful to be

his apprentice. Only... although

I'm a Padawan learner, in some

ways... a lot of ways... I'm ahead

of him. I'm ready for the trials.

I know I am! He knows it too. He

believes I'm too unpredictable...

Other Jedi my age have gone

through the trials and made it...

I know I started my training

late... but he won't let me move



That must be frustrating.


It's worse... he's overly

critical. He never listens! He

just doesn't understand! It's not


PADME cannot surpress a laugh. She shakes her



I'm sorry... You sounded exactly

like that little boy I once knew,

when he didn't get his way.


I'm not whining! I'm not.

PADME just smiles at him. DORME laughs in the



I didn't say it to hurt you.


I know...

There is a brief silence. PADME comes over to




They look into each other's eyes for the first time.



Don't try to grow up too fast.


I am grown up. You said it


ANAKIN looks deep into PADME'S eyes.


Please don't look at me like that.


Why not?


Because I can see what you're




Ahh... so, you have Jedi powers


DORME is watching with concern.


It makes me feel uncomfortable.


Sorry, M'lady.

ANAKIN backs away as PADME turns and goes back

to her packing.



A small bus speeds toward the massive freighter

docks of Coruscant's Industrial area. The spaceport is

bustling with activity. Transports of various sizes

moves supplies and passengers as giant floating

cranes lift cargo out of starships. The bus stops before

a huge intergalactic freighter starship. It parks in the

shadows of an overhang.



ANAKIN and PADME, dressed in Outland peasant

outfits, get up and head for the door where CAPTAIN

TYPHO, DORME and OBI-WAN are waiting to hand

them their luggage. DORME is dressed to look like

Senator Amidala.


Be safe, m'lady.


Thank you, Captain. Take good

care of Dorme... the threat's on

you two now.


He'll be safe with me.

They laugh, and PADME embraces her faithful

handmaiden. DORME start to weep.


You'll be fine.


It's not me, M'Lady. I worry

about you. What if they realise

I'm not you?


(looks to Anakin)

Then my Jedi protector will have

to prove how grown up he is.

DORME and PADME smile. ANAKIN frowns as OBIWAN pulls him aside.


Anakin, you stay put on Naboo.

Do not attract any attention. Do

absolutely nothing without

checking in with me or the Council.


Yes, Master.


(to Padme)

I will get to the bottom of this

plot quickly, M'Lady. You'll be

back here in no time.


I will be most grateful for your

speed, Master Jedi.


Time to go.


I know.

PADME gives DORME a last hug. ANAKIN picks up

the luggage, and the TWO PEASANTS exit the

speeder bus, where ARTOO is waiting for them.


May the Force be with you.


May the Force be with you, Master.

They head off toward the giant Starfreighter.


Suddenly, I'm afraid...


I'm kinda scared too. This is my

first assignment on my own.


There's nothing to worry about...

35 regler, som fyre ønskede, at piger kendte:

1. Hvis du synes du er overvægtig, så er du det sikkert. Lad være med at

spørge os. Vi nægter at svare.

2. Lær at bruge toiletbrædtet. Du er en stor pige. Hvis det er oppe, så

slå det ned.

3. Lad være med at klippe dit hår - nogensinde. Langt hår er altid

pænere end kort hår. En af grundene til at fyre er bange for at gifte sig


at gifte kvinder altid klipper deres hår, og bagefter hænger du på hende.

4. Fødselsdage, jubilæer o.s.v. er ikke prøver for at se om vi endnu

engang kan finde den perfekte gave!

5. Hvis du stiller spørgsmål som du ikke ønsker et svar på, så forvent

et svar du ikke ønsker at høre.

6. Nogen gange tænker jeg ikke på dig. Lær at leve med det.

7. Lad være med at spørge os hvad vi tænker på, hvis du ikke er parat

til at diskutere emner som biler, fodbold o.s.v.

8. Søndag = sport. Det er lige som fuldmåne og tidevandets skiften. Lad

det være sådan.

9. Indkøb er ikke en sportsgren - og nej, vi vil aldrig tænke på det som


10. Når vi skal nogen steder, så er hvad som helst du har på helt fint.

Det er det virkeligt.

11. Du har tøj nok. Du har for mange sko.

12. At græde er afpresning.

13. Din ex-kæreste er en idiot.

14. Fortæl os hvad du vil. Lad os gøre dette helt klart: Skjulte

hentydninger virker ikke. Klare hentydninger virker ikke. Åbenlyse

hentydninger virker ikke. Bare sig det!

15. Nej, vi ved ikke hvilken dag det er i dag. Det gør vi aldrig. Skriv

mærkedage ind i en kalender og mind os jævnligt om dem i god tid.

16. De fleste fyre har tre par sko - højst. Hvad får dig til at tro, at

vi er i stand til at vælge hvilket par ud af 30 der passer bedst til dit


17. Ja og Nej er helt acceptable svar til næsten alle spørgsmål.

18. Kom kun til os med et problem hvis du vil have hjælp til at løse


Hvis du bare ønsker sympati, så brug dine veninder.

19. En hovedpine der varer 17 måneder er et problem. Gå til lægen.

20. Franske film er for franskmænd.

21. Tjek din olie. Vil du ikke nok.

22. Lad være med at simulere. Vi vil hellere være ineffektive end


23. Alt det vi sagde for 6 måneder siden er ubrugeligt i en diskussion.

Faktisk bliver alle vores udtalelser nulstillet og forældet efter 7


24. Hvis det vi siger kan forstås på to måder, og en af dem gør dig ked

af det eller gal, så mente vi det andet!!!!!!

25. Lad være med at gnide på lampen, hvis du ikke vil have ånden til at

komme ud.

26. Når det er muligt, så sig det du vil sige under reklamerne.

27. Christopher Columbus behøvede ikke at spørge om vej. Det gør vi

heller ikke.

28. Kvinder der bruger push-up BH og nedringet bluse mister deres

rettighed til at klage over at nogen stirrer på deres bryster. Flere

kvinder burde

bruge push-up BH og nedringede bluser. Vi elsker at stirre på bryster.

29. Vores forhold bliver aldrig som det var de første to måneder. Lev

med det. Og lad være med at pive over det til dine veninder, som om DERES

forhold er SÅ meget bedre.

30. ALLE mænd ser kun i 16 farver. Lige som Windows' standard opsætning.

Fersken er for eksempel ikke en farve, det er en frugt. Vi har ingen ide

om hvad cerise er.

31. Hvis det klør, vil vi klø. Sådan er vi.

32. Du kan enten spørge os om at gøre en ting ELLER fortælle hvordan du

vil have det gjort - ikke begge dele. Hvis du allerede ved hvordan det


bedst, så gør det selv.

33. Hvis det er VORES hus, så kan jeg ikke forstå hvorfor MINE ting

bliver smidt i skabet, på loftet, i kælderen eller endnu værre, i


34. Vi er ikke tankelæsere og bliver det aldrig. Vores manglende evner

til tankelæsning er ikke et bevis på, hvor lidt vi holder af dig.

35. Hvis vi spørger hvad der er galt og du siger "ingenting", så vil vi

opføre os som om der ingenting er galt. Vi ved at du lyver, men det er

ikke besværet værd.


At børn kan sige nogle sære ting er der vist ikke tvivl om se blot her, hvad Sally sendte mig;

Et plejehjem er et sted, hvor man opbevarer gamle mennesker og truer dem til at dele værelse med nogen

de ikke kan lide. De får mediciner og frikadeller, og hver lørdag får de formkage med rosiner. - (Lena 5 år).

På plejehjemmet sidder tænderne løse. Alle tager tænderne ud om aftenen og lægger dem på plads om

morgenen. Og så er der morgenbøn bagefter.(Camilla 6 år).

På hospitalet er der fyldt op med gamle mennesker. De er stuvet sammen. De har ofte brækket leddene eller

vredet halsen om på lårene. (Pernille 7år.)

Ældreomsorg er noget, de gamle må vænne sig til, hvad enten de kan lide det eller ej. (Anna 8 år)

Ældreomsorg er at dele sine sorger med de ældre. (Hans Anton 7 år)

Bedstemødre har meget store BHer. De er så store, at jeg kan få numsen og to knæ ind i den ene skal. I den

anden kan min bror sidde. (Kaja 7år)

Bedstemødre har store numser, fordi de har haft så mange siddende på skødet, at underkroppen er blevet

mast udad. (Henrik 8 år)

Det bedste jeg kan lide ved morfar er, at han er sig selv og ikke lader, som om han er et eller andet normalt

menneske. (Per-Ole 6 år)

Gamle damer lægger ikke æg. Nar man er omkring fyrre eller halvtreds år holder damerne op med at lægge.

Det vil sige, at de ikke længere kan producere mennesker. Rugningen begynder omkring fjortenårsalderen

og varer til middelalderen. (Johannes 8 år)

De ældre kan ikke få børn. Deres æggestokke er slidt på og desuden har mændene problemer med

protesen. (Stig Petter 9 år)

Gamle mænd kan ikke stive tissemanden så meget af. Hvis det alligevel lykkedes, så synker den sammen

med et suk. (Ronny Andre 7 år)

Hvis de gamle kunne få børn, ville det ikke være så godt. Plejehjemmene er overfyldte nok allerede, så

tænk, hvis der også kom masser af børnebørn og oldebørn der. (Johannes 8 år)

Hvis en mand siger "jeg elsker dig" til en gammel dame bliver hun rasende, fordi hun er træt af at høre på

det. (Lisa Therese 7 år)

Når man dør kommer man til Paris. (Kine 6 år)

Det er typisk Gud at være god. (Jenny 6 år)

Gud kommer egentlig fra Gudhjem. (Lars Henrik 5 år)

Gud er en blød mand. Han er næsten gennemsigtig. (Kate 6 år)

Det er Gud der ejer Solen. Han slår den fra om natten for at spare på strømmen. (Nicole 5 år)

Guds mor hedder Gudmor. Hun er mor til alle hans børnebørn: Moses, Jesus og Julemanden. (Henrik Andre

7 år)

At være engel er typisk kvindearbejde. (Anna 9 år)

Drenge ligner ikke engle. Ikke engang når de smiler. (Cornelia 7 år)

I Paradiset bruger de nogle grønne duske i stedet for underbukser. (Therese 7 år)

Jeg tror, det var en, der hed Mogens, som lavede de ti bud. (Karianne 7 år)

Jesus gik bare forbi et kors, og så blev han pludselig slået med en kæp og sømmet fast imod sin vilje. Så

korsede han sig. (Halvor 6 år)

Nogle kastede sten på hans grav. Derfor stod Jesus op og blev jøde. Og så blev der stor opstandelse. (Sofie

9 år)

Præsten klæder sig ofte i Adams pragt. Han læser fra Bibelen og synger Ære være Gud i øjet. (Jenny

Kristine 9 år)

En discipel er en slags æsel. (Rune 6 år)

Jeg har spist en discipel engang, men den smagte ikke særlig godt. (Sophie 7 år)

Menigheden er dem, der holder med præsten. (Mie 8 år)

Hvis man lægger sig på knæ oppe ved hegnet ind til præsten, får man hundekiks. (Frida 6 år)

De børn, der skal døbes, skal have en lang kjole på, selv om de er drenge. De er for små til at grine af det.

(Johnny 5 år)

Præster skal bl.a. være med til fødsel og dåb og konspiration og begravelse. (Christoffer 8 år)

Hvis man ikke vil være gift længere, fordi manden måske var dummere end man troede, så kan man skilles

som venner. (Silje Marie 7 år)

Og der findes to slags engle: Almindelige engle og skytsengle. Skytsengle er skudt ud af kanoner. Dem er

der lidt mere fart på. Og så er de ofte lidt mere stive i håret. (Anne Sophie 6 år)

I Danmark er det hvedebrødsdage hver dag med wienerbrød til morgenmad. (Morten 7 år)

Jeg har en hund som tror på Gud. (Ida 5 år)

En dame, jeg kender, er så kristen, at det hedder religiøs. Hun er lige så from som en kat. (Anne Merethe 8


Reeza tror ikke på Gud, han tror på Allan. (Kate 6 år)

Når klokken er 12 vender alle sig mod Mekka og bider i kvasterne på tæppet. (Raymond 7 år)

Når nogen dør, bliver de lagt ned i jorden, og så siger præsten: Af jord er du kommet og der skal du blive. Så

tømmer han en spand Jord i hovedet på dig. (Hans Peter Hartsteen 9 år)

Man kan blive frelst eller totalfrelst; det kommer an på hvad man gider. (Ingrid Marie 8 år)

*** KÆRESTER set med børns øjne ***

- Hvis man har en kæreste og et marsvin, man godt kan lide, kan man

godt kende forskel. Kæresten, det er ham med hovedet.

(Ann 7 år)

- Jeg vil meget hellere have et kæledyr end en kæreste. For jeg synes,

katte er pænere end piger....

(Søren 8 år)

- ....det synes jeg også, kaniner er.

(Jimmy 7 år)

- Hvis man vil af med en kæreste, kan man bare rejse til Grønland og

skrive:"Jeg savner dig slet ikke".

(Cæcilie 8 år)

- Når man er forelsket, sidder den ene hjemme og drikker kaffe og ser

en lille film. Og så har den anden ryddet op.

(Henrik 6 år)

- Man kan mærke, man godt kan lide én ved at blive gift med hende.

(Danny 8 år)

- Man kan først få en kæreste, når man har bil. For ellers kan man ikke

finde hende.

(Alex 7 år)

- Man finder en kæreste i Tyrkiet. For de vil gerne.

(Esra 7 år)

- Hvis man støder ind i hinanden på gaden, og manden siger:"undskyld",

og damen siger:"Det gør ikke noget". Så kan det være de flytter sammen.

(Anna 7 år)

- Man kan score en kæreste henne i fritteren, i det rum, hvor der står

"FORBUDT" på døren.

(Maria 7 år)

- Man finder en kæreste inde i midtbyen, for der bor mange damer. De

gider nemlig ikke gå rundt og passe grise.

(Søren 8 år)

- Jeg kan ikke rigtig huske, hvordan Pernille og jeg blev kærester. For

det er faktisk mange år siden.

(Rune 6 år)

- Man kan finde en kæreste, hvis man reder sit hår hver dag, indtil hun

siger ja.

(Jonas 7 år)

- Hvis man bliver forelsket, spørger man:"Hej, vil du godt lige giftes

med mig?".

(Sandra 7 år)

- Hvis jeg ikke kan få dén, jeg er forelsket i, bliver jeg ikke ked af

det, fordi jeg er tyrker.

(Cigdem 8 år)

- Man går hen til en og spørger, om de vil være kærester. Så siger d

enter "ja" eller "nej"...

(Claus 8 år)

-...eller også svarer de slet ikke.

(Jimmy 9 år)

- Hver gang man bliver gift skal man have en ring på. Så man kan kun

blive gift med ti.

(Kirstine 7 år)

- Der er en sang om at general Napoleon var gift med 10.000....

(Marco 8 år)

- Hvis man ikke vil være kærester mere behøver man ikke smide ting i

hovedet på hinanden.

(Andreas 9 år)

- Hvis nu ens kæreste går ud en aften, fordi han lige skal ned og købe

nogle cigaretter, og han bliver slået ned, og han skal på hospitalet,

og man ikke kan få ham hjem. Så er det ikke sjovt at være forelsket i


(Tania 9 år)

- Da min mor fandt en kæreste, inviterede hun ham hjem. Så blev han der

lidt, indtil han fandt en kæreste.

(Kim 7 år)

- Man er forelsket, indtil man har født et barn. Og så er han alt for


(Madeeha 7 år)

- Når man har fundet en kæreste, lover man hende at gå i København og

spise shawarma.

(Sammey 7 år)

- Jeg ved, jeg ikke bliver skilt, for hun sagde:"Amar halshug".

Så hvis hun lyver, kan jeg bare halshugge hende.

(Thomas 8 år)

- Hvis kæresten laver en kage til manden, og manden ikke gider spise

kagen, så finder han en anden kæreste....

(Sammey 7 år)

- ...det er nok fordi, han ikke kan lide kagen.

(Steffen 6 år)

- Jalousi er, når damen siger:"Hej, skal vi ikke gå op i seng nu?". Og

næste morgen begynder hun at pakke.

(Kirstine 7 år)