+Vol 3--Preview

Global Member Care--Volume Three
Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course
Supporting Mission Among All Peoples
July 2024 Update
Due to be published September 2024

Kelly O’Donnell, PsyD and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell, PsyD

Consulting Editors
Bruce Barron, Samuel Girguis, Tim Hibma, Michael Pollock,
Nik Ripken, Ruth Ripken, Tim Sanford, Grace Shim, and David Tan 

 God will dwell among humans and they will be His peoples.
He will wipe away all their tears and death will be no more.
Revelation 21: 3,4

This book features stories and strategies from colleagues around the world:

People who are dedicated to help mission workers and senders.
People who minister among least-reached peoples and places.
People who work together with integrity, skill, and resilience.
People who are committed to help fellow humans in need.
People who are staying the course in mission!


Book three in the Global Member Care series, Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course, is part of an ongoing effort to shape and support the field of member care. It is designed to reflect on member care practice and to forge new terrain--to further equip the diversity of people around the world who have member care responsibility, including leaders, colleagues, friends, professional caregivers, trainers, and sending groups.

The special emphases of Staying the Course are: a) case studies, personal stories, ministry descriptions, and strategies about member care for workers among/from the least reached peoples and places (LPPs); b) examples of efforts by member care and mission workers who are working across sectors and cultures to help vulnerable humans and especially those in LPP settings; and c) links to a variety of core resources for going further. The book includes nine consulting editors and 44 authors from around the world and provides a distinctive, directional platform to listen to and learn from “our global voices.”

There are 20 chapters organized into four parts.
Staying the Course in Mission Frontiers
Staying the Course in the Regions
Staying the Course in the Sectors
Staying the Course in Good Practice

This book can be used as a practical tool for member care workers, sending groups, and those with member care responsibility and as a complementary text for training purposes in universities, seminaries, and mission settings. The intended audience is primarily the international Christian mission and member care community including Christians working in other international sectors.

Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course, like the previous books in this series (Pearls and Perils and Crossing Sectors), points us to the raison d'être for our mission efforts: imparting the gospel of Jesus Christ and our lives (I Thes. 2:8) in culturally-relevant ways and improving the lives of fellow-humans, many who are impoverished, devoid of basic human rights, and living in places beset with protracted calamities and intractable conflicts. We sincerely hope that this core sampler of solid materials will both inspire and instruct our colleagues around the world in their member care/mission work and service to humanity/LPPs. And hopefully there will be more volumes to come in the Global Member Care series! Ad majorem Jesu Christi gloriam.

This third volume in the Global Member Care series is scheduled to be published by William Carey Publishing in the third quarter of 2024.  There are plans to do interview podcasts with several of the authors and consulting editors.

Spread the word and stay tuned!
Kelly and Michèle MCAresurces@gmail.com