Flying Conditions

The club is the furtherest north of any gliding club in the state and consequently enjoys warmer weather and stronger thermals. This means that the days start earlier and finish later than the southern clubs and greater heights, distances and cross country speeds can be attained. We are far enough inland to be away from any regular sea breeze influence although from time to time a soarable seabreeze front hovers over the club.

If you have any doubt about our soaring conditions go to RASP see how good they are.

The club is surrounded by flat farmlands with a good road network for those that choose to take advantage of the excellent weather and go cross country.

There are no major airports nearby with the associated height restrictions to worry about.

Big flights have been achieved from Morawa including neearly 600 kms in a K13.

Excepting on days of inclement weather, Morawa is soarable right throughout winter.