What can I expect?

What can I expect?

A warm welcome for all.

Each Sunday we have door stewards who welcome everyone to the church, they will give you a hymn book if needed, a church newsletter and maybe some other materials (paper, pipe cleaner etc) that will be needed to take part in the service.

The service will be lead by Rev Matt, a local preacher or our worship team. We are lucky to have our own band, Mission Possible who play regularly during the service or sometimes we use the box, pre recorded organ music. Generally you won’t need a hymn book because the words are projected onto a screen.

During the service there will be a collection taken for the work of the church. If you would like to make a donation, it would be very welcome, but it is not essential.

After the service we have tea, coffee and a chat in the hall for those who want to join in.

You may also like to have a look at our frequently asked questions page.