Automotive Electrification Innovation Center

About AEIC


The Automotive Electrification Innovation Center is a research and development platform, application oriented, focused to road racing vehicles and vehicle parts developments, with special reference to electric, electronics, electromechanical and ICT components. It is based on different layers structure, organized for competences, to create a critical mass of research capability combining automotive expertise (regionally, nationally and internationally). AEIC is a unique resource, with an environment to foster collaboration, cohesion and cross-fertilisation of knowledge. Academic and industrial R&D teams will work on focused projects, by using  state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to develop breakthrough designs, technologies and processes. AEIC will address the shortage of skilled R&D staff across the automotive supply chain, developing the talent required for the demands of emerging technologies and engaging future generations of engineers. Promotion of new start-up’s supported by industries will be also considered.


For any information about the platform, you can contact:

prof. Giuseppe Tomasso

University of Cassino and South Lazio

ACI-Sport Alternative and Renewable Energy Commission


Phone: +39 07762993730