Publications list

 “Factor Mobility, Uncertainty, and Exchange Rate Regimes” in Marcello De Cecco and Alberto Giovannini (eds.), A European Central Bank? Perspectives on monetary unification after ten years of the EMS, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

 “Firing Costs and Labor Demand: How Bad is Eurosclerosis?” (with Samuel Bentolila), Review of Economic Studies 57 (1990), 381-402.

“Job Security, Employment and Wages” European Economic Review 34 (1990), pp. 851- 86.

“Kinked Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Dynamics” (with Ricardo Caballero), in Olivier J. Blanchard and Stanley Fischer (eds.) NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1990, M.I.T. Press.

Discussion of Miller, Skidelsky, and Weller, “Fear of Deficit Financing: Is it rational?”in Rudiger Dornbusch and Mario Draghi (eds.), Public Debt Management: Theory and History, Cambridge University Press, 1990.

 “Import Demand and Non-Tariff Barriers” (with Riccardo Faini), Journal of Development Economics 34 (1991), pp.269-286.

“Sustainable Intervention Policies and Exchange Rate Dynamics” (with Ricardo Caballero), in Paul Krugman and Marcus Miller (eds.), Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands,  Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Discussion of O.Attanasio and F.Padoa Schioppa, “Regional Inequalities, Migration and Mismatch in Italy: 1960-86” in F. Padoa Schioppa (ed.), Mismatch and Labor Mobility, Cambridge University Press, 1991

 “Labor Turnover Costs and Average Labor Demand” Journal of Labor Economics 10:4 (October 1992), pp.389-411.

 “Target Zones and Realignments” (with Ricardo Caballero), American Economic Review 82:3 (June 1992), pp.520-536.

 “Factor Shares and Savings in Endogenous Growth” American Economic Review 83:5 (1993) pp.1184-1198.

“Job Matching and the Distribution of Producer Surplus” (with Leonardo Felli), Ricerche Economiche 47 (1993), pp.65-92.

“Modelización de tipos de cambio y arbitraje: instrumentos técnicos e intuición económica” Cuadernos Económicos de ICE 53 (1993/1), pp.95-116.

“Models of Economic Integration and Localized Growth” in F.Giavazzi and F.Torres (eds.), The Transition to Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, Cambridge University Press, 1993.

“Stochastic Devaluation Risk and the Empirical Fit of Target Zone Models” (with Lars Svensson), Review of Economic Studies 60:3 (July 1993), pp.689-712.

“Trigger Points and Budget Cuts: Explaining the effects of fiscal austerity” (with Allan Drazen), American Economic Review 83:1 (1993), pp.11-26.

“Vincoli istituzionali ai licenziamenti e domanda di lavoro in Italia” in Fiorella Padoa Schioppa (ed.), Squilibri e rigidità nel mercato del lavoro italiano: rilevanza quantitativa e proposte correttive, Milano: Franco Angeli, 1993.

Discussion of Cukierman, Kiguel, and Leiderman, “Some Evidence on a Strategic Model of Exchange Rate Bands” in L.Leiderman and A.Razin (eds.), Capital Mobility: New Perspectives, pp.180-184, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

 “Continuous-Time Models of Exchange Rates and Interventions” Chapter 9, pp.251-298 in F.van der Ploeg (ed.), Handbook of International Macroeconomics, Basil Blackwell, 1994.

“Cross-Sectional Efficiency and Labor Hoarding in a Matching Model of Unemployment” (with Ricardo Caballero), Review of Economic Studies 61:3 (1994), pp.435-456.

“Flexibility, Investment, and Growth” Journal of Monetary Economics 34 (October 1994), pp.215-238.

“Il problema della flessibilità e il ruolo del sindacato” (with Andrea Ichino), Prospettiva Sindacale 86 (1994), pp.51-66

“Irreversibility and Aggregate Investment” (with Ricardo Caballero), Review of Economic Studies 61:2 (April 1994, No.207), pp.223-246.

 “Theories of Savings and Economic Growth” Ricerche Economiche 48 (1994), pp.257-277.

 “Wages, Profits, and Theories of Growth” in L.L.Pasinetti e R.M.Solow (eds.), Economic Growth and the Structure of Long-Term Development, MacMillan/International Economic Association 1994, pp.90-108.

 “Will Government Policy Magnify Capital Flow Volatility?” (with Allan Drazen), in L. Leiderman and A.Razin (eds.), Capital Mobility: The impact on consumption, investment and growth, Cambridge University Press/CEPR, 1994, pp.273-277.

“Asset Price Dynamics and Infrequent Feedback Trades” (with Pierluigi Balduzzi and Silverio Foresi), Journal of Finance 50 (December 1995), 1747-1766. Reprinted as Chapter 7 (pp.207-225) in B.Biais and M.Pagano (eds.), New Research in Financial Markets, Oxford University Press, 2001.

“Crossing the River: A comparative perspective on Italian employment dynamics” (with Andrea Ichino), Economic Policy 21 (1995), pp.359-420.

“In Mezzo al Guado: Congiuntura e struttura nel problema occupazionale italiano” (with A.Ichino), in F.Galimberti, F.Giavazzi, A.Penati, G.Tabellini (eds.), Le Nuove Frontiere della Politica Economica, Milano: Il Sole 24 Ore libri, 1995; reprinted in F.Giavazzi, A.Penati, G.Tabellini (eds), Liberalizzazione dei mercati e privatizzazioni, Il Mulino, 1998.

 “Uninsurable Shocks and International Income Convergence” American Economic Review Papers and proceedings, 85:2 (1995) pp.301-306.

“Wage Inequality and Unemployment: US vs Europe” (with Andrea Ichino), in B.Bernanke and J.Rotemberg (eds), NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1995, pp.13-54.

Unemployment: Choices for Europe (with George Alogoskoufis, Charles Bean, Daniel Cohen, Juan Dolado, Gilles Saint-Paul), London: CEPR, 1995.

 “Factor Shares in OLG Models of Growth” European Economic Review 40:8, 1996,  p.1541-1560

“Heterogeneous Behavior in Exchange Rate Crises” (with F. Bagliano e A. Beltratti), in J.Frankel, G.Galli, A.Giovannini (eds.) Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets, University of Chicago Press/NBER, 1996, pp.229-260.

 “Introduzione” (with R.Faini) to Crescita, produttività, disoccupazione: papers by R.M.Solow, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1996.

Discussion of G.Saint Paul, “Exploring labor market institutions: A political-economy analysis” Economic Policy 23 (October 1996), pp.304-6

Review of D.S.Hamermesh, Labor demand, in Lavoro e relazioni industriali 1/96 (1996), pp.220-224.

 “A Model of Target Changes and the Term Structure of Interest Rates” (with Pierluigi Balduzzi and Silverio Foresi), Journal of Monetary Economics 39:2 (1997) pp.223-249

“Institutions and Labor Reallocation” (with Richard Rogerson), European Economic Review 41:6 (1997) pp. 1147-1171

Discussion of L.Bartolini and A.Prati, “Speculative attacks and central bank interventions: Soft vs hard rules for exchange rate targeting” Economic Policy 24 (April 1997), pp.38-42

Discussion of Millard and Mortensen, “The Unemployment and Welfare Effects of Labour Market Policy: A comparison of the U.S. and U.K.” in D.J.Snower and G. de la Dehesa (eds.), Unemployment Policy: How should governments respond to unemployment?, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

 “Distribuzione funzionale del reddito e macroeconomia: Classi, ottimizzazione, e il caso italiano” Rivista Italiana degli Economisti III:2 (1998) pp.167-203

“Interest Rate Targeting and the Dynamics of Short-Term Rates” (with P. Balduzzi, S. Foresi, L.Klapper), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 30:1 (1998) pp.26-50

“Irreversible Investment” (1989 unpublished draft), Ricerche Economiche / Research in Economics, 52:1, 1998, pp. 3-37.

“Market Failures, Education, and Macroeconomics” (with Daniele Coen Pirani), in G.Barba Navaretti, P.Dasgupta, K-G. Maler, D.Siniscalco (eds), Creation and Transfer of  Knowledge: Institutions and Incentives, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp.179-207.

Discussion of Attanasio and Banks, ”Trends in household savings don’t justify tax  Incentives to save” Economic Policy 27 (October 1998), pp.577-579.

Social Europe: One for All? (with Charles Bean, Samuel Bentolila, Juan Dolado), London: CEPR, 1998.

“Convergence... an overview” in R.Baldwin, D.Cohen, A.Sapir, A.Venables (eds) Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

 “Employment protection and labour market adjustment in OECD countries: Evolving institutions and variable enforcement” (with Sandrine Cazes and Tito Boeri), International Labour Office (Geneva): Employment and Training Papers 48, 1999.

“L’offerta religiosa di educazione privata” Il Ponte, 55:6  pp. 74-81,  1999.

 “Microeconomic Perspectives on Aggregate Labor Markets” Ashenfelter and Card (eds.), Handbook of Labor Economics vol.3, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1999, pp.2985-3028.

“Moneta unica e mercati del lavoro” Biblioteca della libertà, 152, Novembre-Dicembre 1999, pp.11-33.

Commento alla relazione di F.Marzano e E.Saltari, in G.Zanetti (ed.), Le decisioni di investimento, Bologna: il Mulino, 1999, pp.105-111.

Metodi Dinamici e Fenomeni Macroeconomici (with Fabio-Cesare Bagliano), Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999; 2007, paperback edition.

 “Employment protection in industrialized countries: The case for new indicators” (with Tito Boeri and Sandrine Cazes), International Labour Review, Vol. 139 (2000), No. 1, pp.57-72.

“Europe’s Unemployment Problems” for M.Artis and F.Nixson (eds) Economics of the European Union, 2nd edition (2000), Oxford University Press.

“Labor Markets in the European Union” ifo Studien 1/2000, pp.99-122 (also RSC  W.P.No.99/24, European University Institute).

“Macroeconomics of Income Distribution and Growth” A.B.Atkinson and F.Bourguignon (eds.), Handbook of Income Distribution vol.I, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2000, pp.477-540.

“Making Work Pay: Policy choices and interactions with existing instruments” OECD Economic Studies, No. 31, 2000/II, pp.185-198.

Intervento su “Disciplina dei licenziamenti, lavoro temporaneo e occupazione: oltre il referendum sull’art.18 dello Statuto dei Lavoratori” Diritto delle relazioni industriali 3:2000, pp.290-292.

 “Aspectos agregados y desagregados de empleo y desempleo” in M.U.Montoya (ed.), Empleo y Economía, Bogotá: Banco de la República, 2001.

“Banks’ Reserve Management, Transaction Costs, and the Timing of Federal Reserve Intervention” (with Leonardo Bartolini and Alessandro Prati), Journal of Banking and Finance 25 (2001), 1287-1317.

“Cross-Sectional Wage and Employment Rigidities vs. Aggregate Employment” in  J.E.Stiglitz and P.-A. Muet (eds) Governance, Equity, and Global Markets - The Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics - Europe, Oxford University Press, 2001.

 “Sorting and Private Education in Italy” (with Daniele Checchi), Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali 2/2001, pp.87-124.

“Taxes and Social Policy in the European Union: Trilemmas and labour market  implications” pp.11-21 in M.Bordignon, D. da Empoli (eds.), Politica Fiscale, flessibilità dei mercati e crescita, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2001.

“Wages and the Size of Firms in a Dynamic Matching Model” (with Pietro Garibaldi), Review of Economic Dynamics, 4 (2001), pp.335-368.

“EU Welfare Systems and Labor Markets: Diverse in the past, integrated in the future?” (with J.F.Jimeno, R.Marimon, C.Pissarides), in G.Bertola, T.Boeri, G.Nicoletti (eds.), Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, MIT Press, 2001 (Italian translation, Protezione sociale, occupazione ed integrazione europea, il Mulino, 2001).

Protezione sociale, occupazione ed integrazione europea, a cura di, con T.Boeri e G.Nicoletti, il Mulino, 2001.

Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, ed. with Tito Boeri and Giuseppe Nicoletti, MIT Press, 2001.

 “Comparative Analysis of Employment Outcomes: Lessons for the United States from International Labor Market Evidence” with Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn, pp.159-218 in A.Krueger and R.Solow (eds.), The Roaring Nineties: Can Full Employment Be Sustained?, Russell Sage and Century Foundations, 2002.

“Day-to-Day Monetary Policy and the Volatility of the Federal Funds Rate” (with  L.Bartolini e A.Prati), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 34:1 (February 2002) pp.137-159.

“Die Arbeitsmaerkte in der Europaeische Union” Beitraege zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung 254 pp.31-56, Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Nurberg, 2002.

“EMU Labour Markets Two Years On: Microeconomic tensions and institutional  evolution” with Tito Boeri, pp.249-280 in M.Buti and A.Sapir (eds.), EMU and Economic Policy in Europe: The Challenge of the Early Years, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2002.

Comment on G.Hanson et al., “Immigration in the US Economy” p.286-289 in T.Boeri, G.Hanson, B.McCormick (eds.) Immigration Policy and the Welfare System, Oxford University Press, 2002.

Who’s afraid of the Big Enlargement? (with Tito Boeri and others), London: CEPR, 2002.

 “Collective Bargaining Institutions and Demographic Employment Patterns” with Francine D.Blau and Lawrence M.Kahn, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting, Industrial Relations Research Association Series, 2003.

 “Education financing and student achievement” (with Daniele Checchi), Revue Suisse des Sciences de l’Education, 25:3 (2003) pp.431-454.

 “The overnight interbank market: Evidence from the G-7 and the Euro zone” (with  Alessandro Prati and Leonardo Bartolini), Journal of Banking and Finance 27:10 (October 2003), 2045-2083.

EMU: Assessing the impact of the euro, ed. with Richard Baldwin and Paul Seabright, Blackwell Publishing, 2003.

 “A pure theory of Job Security and Labor Income Risk” Review of Economic Studies, 71:1 (January 2004), 43-61.

“Labor Market Institutions in a Changing World” Moneda y Crédito 218(2004) pp.61-98.

“National Labor Market Institutions and the EU Integration Process” CESifo Economic Studies 50, 2/2004, 279-298.

An Agenda for a Growing Europe - The Sapir Report (with A.Sapir, P.Aghion, M.Hellwig, J. Pisani-Ferry, D.Rosati, J.Vinals, H.Wallace, and others), Oxford University Press, 2004. Translated into Italian as Europa, un’agenda per la crescita (Il Mulino).

Models for Dynamic Macroeconomics (with Fabio-Cesare Bagliano), Oxford University Press, 2004. 

“Sorting and Private Education in Italy” (with Daniele Checchi), in D.Checchi and C.Lucifora (eds.) Education, Training and Labour Market Outcomes in Europe, Palgrave McMillan, 2004, pp.69-108.

"Earnings Disparities in OECD Member Countries: Structural trends and institutional influences” in Income Disparities in China – An OECD Perspective, Paris: OECD, 2004.

 “Distribution,  Efficiency, and Labor Market Regulation” in Jorge E. Restrepo and Andrea Tokman R. (eds.) Labor Markets and Institutions, Santiago, Chile: Banco Central de Chile, pp.17-60, 2005.

“Dealer Pricing of Consumer Credit” (with Stefan Hochguertel and Winfried Koeniger)  International Economic Review 46:4 (2005), 1103-1142.

“Uncertainty and consumer durables adjustment” (with Luigi Guiso and Luigi Pistaferri), Review of Economic Studies 72 (2005), 973–1007

“Women in the labor market and in the Lisbon strategy” p.265-268 in T.Boeri, D.Del Boca, C.Pissarides (eds.) Women at Work: An Economic Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models (with Reto Foellmi and Josef Zweimueller), Princeton University Press  421pp. (2006), paperback edition 2014.

Il Mercato, Bologna: il Mulino (2006), 132pp. 

“The Structure and History of Italian Unemployment” (with Pietro Garibaldi), in Martin Werding (ed.) Structural Unemployment in Western Europe, Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, pp.293-315, 2006.

The Economics of Consumer Credit (ed., with Richard Disney and Charles Grant), MIT Press (2006) 378pp.

"Social and Labor Market Policies in a Growing EU" Swedish Economic Policy Review 13:1 (Spring 2006), pp.189-232.

"Can Stability-and-Growth-Pact oriented fiscal consolidation be expansionary? Expectations and the effects of fiscal policy" in Fiscal Policy and the Road to the Euro, National Bank of Poland,  pp.17-28, 2006.

"Welfare Policy Integration Inconsistencies" in Helge Berger and Thomas Moutos (eds.)  Designing the New European Union, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2007), pp.91-120.

“Europe’s Unemployment Problems” Ch.14 in M.Artis and F.Nixon (eds) The Economics of the European Union – Policy and Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.354-374, fourth edition: 2007.

“Comments” on “Workplace Training in Europe” by A.Bassanini, A.Booth, G.Brunello, M.De Paola, E.Leuven, pp.324-329 in G.Brunello, P.Garibaldi, E.Wasmer (eds.) Education and Training in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

“Labor Market Institutions and Demographic Employment Patterns” (with Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn), Journal of Population Economics 20 (2007) 833–867.

“Consumption Smoothing and Income Redistribution” (with Winfried Koeniger),  European Economic Review 51:8 (2007), 1941-1958.

"Finance and Welfare States in Globalising Markets" p.167-195 in Christopher Kent and Jeremy Lawson (eds.), The Structure and Resilience of the Financial System, Sydney: Federal Reserve Bank of Australia, 2007.

“Household Debt and Credit: Economic issues and data problems” (with Stefan Hochguertel), Economic Notes, vol. 36 (2007), pp. 115-146.

“Private School Quality in Italy” (with Daniele Checchi and Veruska Oppedisano), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, vol. 66 N.3 (2007), pp. 375-400.

“European Labor Markets” in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition, edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, Palgrave Macmillan (Basingstoke and New York), 2008.

“Paths to Harmonization: Legal Evolution of Internal and External Trade in Services through Personal Mobility in the EU” (with Lorenza Mola),  Legal Issues of Economic Integration 35:4 (2008): 321-348.

 “Finance, redistribution, globalization” (with Anna Lo Prete), in Andrew Felton and Carmen Reinhart (eds.), The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Part II: June-December 2008, Publication, January, 2009, 93-96.

Labor Market Regulation: Motives, measures, effects, Conditions of Work and Employment Series No.21, Geneva: International Labor Office, 2009.

Review of  Nancy L. Stokey, “The Economics of Inaction: Stochastic Control Models with Fixed Costs” Journal of Economic Literature  XLVII (September 2009) pp. 806-808.

"Economic Integration and Labour Market Policy in EMU" pp.205-218 in E.Nowotny, P.Mooslechner, D.Ritzberger-Grünwald (eds.),  The Integration of European Labour Markets,  Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2009.

“Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: An Incomplete Revolution?” in Round Table on Luigi Pasinetti's book: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians. A 'Revolution' in Economics to be accomplished Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2009.

“Openness, Financial Markets, and Policies: Cross-Country and Dynamic Patterns”  (with  Anna Lo Prete) Annales d’Economie et de Statistique 95/96 (2009): 167-182.

 “Freedoms and Regulation in the EU: Services Provision and Temporary Mobility”  (with  Lorenza Mola) The World Economy 33:4 (April 2010): 633-653.

“Fare l’insegnante, nonostante tutto” (con Daniele Checchi), il Mulino 2/10 (2010), pp.244-252, 2010.

“Options, Inaction, and Uncertainty” Scottish Journal of Political Economy  Vol. 57, No. 3 (July 2010): 254-271.

“Labor markets in EMU: what has changed and what needs to change” pp. 715-758 in M. Buti, S. Deroose, V.Gaspar , J. Nogueira Martins (eds.) The Euro: The First Decade, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

“Inequality, Integration, and Policy: Issues and evidence from EMU”  Journal of Economic Inequality 8:3 (September 2010):345–365.

Il Mercato, Bologna: il Mulino, nuova edizione aggiornata, 137pp., 2010.

“Fiscal policy and labor markets at times of public debt” in T. M. Andersen and S.Holden, eds., Nordic Economic Policy Review 1 / 2010: 111-147

“Social and Employment Policy in the EU and in the Great Recession”  SIEPS European Policy Analysis 2010:11, 1-12

“Samuelson and Switching of Techniques” History of Economic Ideas XVIII:3, 2010, 187-196.

Istituzioni di Economia (with Anna Lo Prete), Bologna: il Mulino, 320pp, 2011.

Är EU en social marknadsekonomi? Sociala Europa – en antologi, G.Bertola, J. Hettne, F.W.Scharpf., D.Tarschys, Stockholm, SIEPS, 2011.

“The Role of the State in Society – Government vs Citizen Responsibility” CESifo Forum 3/2011, 32-36.

Motivación, organización y carrera de los docentes: el caso italiano, G.Bertola-D Checchi, Revista de Politica Educativa, 3 (2012), 35-61

“Price, wage and employment response to shocks: evidence from the WDN survey” (with A. Dabusinskas, M.Hoeberichts, M. Izquierdo, C. Kwapil, J.Montornès, D.Radowski), Labor Economics 19 (2012) 783–791.

Rebalancing Europe: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2013 (with J.-E. Sturm ,  J.Driffill, H.James, Á.Valentinyi , H.-W. Sinn), Munich:CESifo.

“Human Capital” (with Paolo Sestito), Chapter 9, 249-270  in G.Toniolo (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013; translated as “Un approccio comparato all'accumulazione di capitale umano in Italia” (con Paolo Sestito), in G. Toniolo (a cura di), L’Italia e l’economia mondiale. Dall’Unità a oggi, Marsilio, Venezia, 2013

"Finance, Governments, and Trade" (with Anna Lo Prete), Review of World Economics 149 (2013) 273–294.

“Policy Coordination, Convergence, and the Rise and Crisis of EMU Imbalances” European Commission DG Economic and Financial Affairs: European Economy - Economic Papers, No. 490, Brussels, 2013.

“Who Chooses Which Private Education? Theory and International Evidence” (with Daniele Checchi), Labour 27 (3) 249–271 (2013)

 “Labor Market Policies and European Crises” IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2014 3(5).

The Road towards Cohesion: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2014 (with J.-E. Sturm,  J.Driffill, H.James, Á.Valentinyi, H.-W. Sinn), Munich: CESifo.

“On the Validity of the First-Order Approach with Moral Hazard and Hidden Assets” (with Winfried Koeniger), Economics Letters 124 (2014), pp. 402-405.

Blurring the boundaries: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2015 (with J.-E. Sturm,  J.Driffill, H.James, Á.Valentinyi, H.-W. Sinn), Munich: CESifo.

“What Is Natural About Unemployment? Policy sources and implications of labor market rigidities” in Re-evaluating labor market dynamics, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2015, 421-460.

“Labor Market Reforms, Finance, and the Current Account” (with Anna Lo Prete), Review of International Economics 23: 3 (2015), 469–488.

“V.3 Labor and Social Policy” in H.Badinger and V.Nitsch (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Economics of European Integration, Routledge, 284-294, 2015.

“Hidden Insurance in a Moral-Hazard Economy” (with Winfried Koeniger), RAND Journal of Economics    46:4, Winter 2015 pp. 777–790.

What Next? The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2016 (with T.M.Andersen, J.Driffill, H. James, H.–W. Sinn, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević), Munich: CESifo.

“Labor Policies and Capital Mobility in theory and in EMU” European Economic Review, 87 (2016) 62–77.

“Hans-Werner Sinn’s Origin Principle for Migration and the Welfare State” CESifo Forum 17/2016, 46-47.

“Finance, Labour, Capital, and International Integration” The Manchester School 84 S1, 2016, 1–14.

 Economics of Populism: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2017 (with T.M.Andersen, J.Driffill, H. James, C.Fuest, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević) Munich: CESifo.

 “France’s Almost Public Private Schools” Labour 31:3 (2017), 225–244.

"EMU and Labor Market Policy: Tensions and Solutions" European Economy Discussion Paper 054, European Commission DG Economic and Financial Affairs, July 2017.

“European Unemployment Revisited: Shocks, Institutions, Integration” Research in Economics / Ricerche Economiche 71 (2017) 588-612.

"Winners and Losers: Europe and Debt after the Great War and after the Great Recession" Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 2-2017, 121-130.

What Now, With Whom, Where To - The Future of the EU: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2018 (with T.M.Andersen, J.Driffill, H. James, C.Fuest, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević) Munich: CESifo.

"Inequality and Market Integration: Direct Effects and Policy Implications in EMU", CESifo Forum 19 (2), 2018, 03–08.

A Fragmenting Europe in in a Changing World: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2019 (with T.M.Andersen, J.Driffill, H. James, C.Fuest, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević) Munich: CESifo.

"Wedges: Distribution, distortions, and market integration", European Journal of Political Economy 59 (2019) 21–32.

Istituzioni di Economia (with Anna Lo Prete) Bologna: il Mulino, nuova edizione aggiornata, 376 pp. 2020.

Fair Taxation in a Mobile World: The EEAG Report on the European Economy 2020 (with T. M. Andersen, C.Fuest, C. García-Peñalosa, H.James, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević) Munich: CESifo.

EEAG Report on the European Economy 2021 - Beyond the Coronavirus Crisis: Investing for a Viable Future (with T. M. Andersen, C.Fuest, C. García-Peñalosa, H.James, J.-E. Sturm, B. Urošević) Munich: CESifo.

“Exam Precision and Learning Effort” Economics Letters 207, October 2021, 110020.

EEAG Report on the European Economy 2022 - Economic Policy for the Next Decade: A Changed Role of Governments?  (with T.M. Andersen, C.Fuest, C. Garcia-Peñalosa, H. James, J.-E. Sturm) Munich: CESifo.

“Markets, Governments, And Crises in the Past and Future of the EU” Transatlantic Policy Quarterly, 2022, 21:1 35-41

“University Dropout Problems and Solutions” Journal of Economics,, 2023, 138:3 221-248

“European Union, Pandemics, and Wars” Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 2023  LVI: 275-284.

“The Single Market and Common Policies in Uncommon Circumstances” EconPol Forum 24:5/2023, 9-13.

“Retake opportunities, pass probabilities and preparation for exams” Research in Economics, 2024, 78:1 99-114, 

“Trade, Manufacturing and the Economics of Europe’s Emergencies” EconPol Forum 25:3/2024, 15-18.

“Financial literacy and risk protection during the Covid-19 pandemic” with Anna Lo Prete, Italian Economic Journal, 2024,