Operating Hours & Calendar

When we open for picking (typically early to mid August), we strive to stay open 7 days per week, all day (sunrise to sunset). If you bring correct change or check, your own containers, and can manage the weighing, you really do not need us to be present. Some years, when the crop ripens slowly, we might close during the work week to allow the crop to ripen for more efficient picking.

Opening day is always the best picking and is usually a Saturday that we announce some time during the week prior through this website, our Facebook site, and on our phone answering machine. Furthermore, pickers should check at least one of these information sources prior to coming to make sure we are open and to know in advance the picking conditions. When the crop is not abundant, we can get picked out in the morning on a weekend. We have no way to know in advance how many pickers might arrive on a given day nor their picking rate. 

We open for picking at daylight in early to mid August. We close at dusk, and remain open similarly thereafter pending the availability of ripe berries. Please remember to bring your own containers and correct change (or personal check). Sunscreen and water to drink are also good ideas.