Farm Practices & Policies

Although we are not certified organic, we use no pesticide sprays.

We are only a U-Pick operation, and we strive to be self-serve by using an honor system.

Payment can be made by cash, check, WIC, ProjectFresh, or, in a pinch, an IOU.

We charge $2.40/quart and for convenience, pickers can use a scale to weigh and the per lb cost is $2.

Please bring your own containers. We do have some buckets to loan while picking for those that forget. Please pre-weigh your buckets so you can subtract the container weights from the total weight that you will pay for.

We provide a rustic composting latrine or if we are home, we will permit you to use our indoor restroom.

We have livestock (llamas, pigs, chickens and an overly exuberant dog). Please do not chase or feed them. We are happy to provide tours. We also have honey bees, although they are not interested in blueberries when the crop is being picked (no blossoms). Wild hornets and wasps love blueberries and will take up residence in either hanging or ground nests. Please notify us if you find one and we will take care of it.

Please park in designated areas and do not drive in fields or between rows.

We prefer that you do not smoke and please take out your trash.

Because of our livestock and visiting children, if you must bring a pet, please keep it on a leash. If your kids are wild, please keep them on a leash, too.