

17 June 2024. Our paper M. Naukanova, G. Lavalle, J. Douzet, A. Cameirao, J.M. Herri, ''Gas-liquid flow regimes in a novel rocking and rolling flow loop'' has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

14 April 2024. Our paper V. Machado, G. Lavalle, R. Morales, ''Revisiting the mechanism responsible for the stratified-slug transition in two-phase flow'' has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

25 January 2024. Our paper C. Steinik, D. Picchi, G. Lavalle, P. Poesio, ''Capillary imbibition of shear-thinning fluids: From Lucas-Washburn to oscillatory regimes'' has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids.


8 November 2023. Our paper ''Compressibility-induced destabilisation of falling liquid films: an integral approach'' has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

11-15 September 2023. The Summer school ''Fluid dynamics for sustainable energy'' was held in Desenzano del Garda (Italy), and was organized by Mines Saint-Etienne and University of Brescia. The Summer school aimed at providing the basics of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena in the context of the energy transition. 

29 May 2023. The UIT (Unione Italiana Termofluidodinamica) awarded the 2022 Prize for the best Italian Master thesis in thermal-fluid dynamics to Paolo Botticini for the thesis entitled ''Investigation of compressible shallow-water equations applied to barotropic gravity-driven films''. Paolo Botticini's work was performed at Mines Saint-Etienne in collaboration with Università di Brescia.

09 March 2023. Our paper ''Mechanisms of hydrate blockage in oil-water dispersions based on flow loop experiments'' authored by V. De Almeida, E. Serris, G. Lavalle, A. Cameirão, J.M. Herri, E. Abadie, N. Lesage, A. Fidel Dufour has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Science. 

15 February 2023. Our paper ''Viscosity of ice-in-oil slurries'' authored by M. Naukanova, G. Lavalle, J. M. Herri, A. Cameirao, P. Struchalin, B. Balakin has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Refrigeration.  


7 November 2022. Our paper ''Nonlinear wave attenuation in strongly-confined falling liquid films sheared by a laminar counter-current gas flow'' authored by S. Mergui, G. Lavalle, Y. Li, N. Grenier, G. Dietze has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.  

13-16 June 2022. We have successfully organized the first edition of the European Conference on Gas Hydrate (ECGH2022), sponsored by TotalEnergies and CNRS, which was held in Lyon on 13-16 June 2022 with 100 participants from all around the world. 


24 September 2021. The project ''MuscaFlow'' between Mines Saint-Etienne and Università di Brescia has been funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It focus on multiscale modeling of multiphase channel flows and will last for three years. 

24 April 2021. Our paper ''Superconfined falling liquid films: linear versus nonlinear dynamics'' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids section).


4 November 2020. Our paper ''Rivulet cascade from falling liquid films with side contact lines'' has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. 

1 October 2020. Great news! I have just started my new job at the École des Mines in Saint-Étienne as Assistant Professor in numerical multiphase flows for chemical engineering. 

23 March 2020. Our paper ''Falling liquid films in narrow tubes: occlusion scenarios'' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

11 February 2020. Our paper ''Solitary waves on superconfined falling liquid films'' has been accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review Fluids.


15 July 2019. I obtained a research funding (12k€) from SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer with the research project ''Enhancing electronic cooling by hydrophobic/hydrophilic patterns'' in collaboration with J. Sebilleau. This project will start mid February 2020 and last for 2-3 months. 

10-12 June 2019. I attended  the IUTAM Symposium 2019 ''Computational Modelling of Instabilities and Turbulence in Separated Two-Phase Flows'' held in UCD Dublin, Ireland. Here the website.

14-15 February 2019. I have just attended a training on ''Introduction to HPC and to the Calmip cluster Olympe'' led by the Calmip support group.

11 February 2019. I am now postdoctoral research associate at the IMFT laboratory in Toulouse. 


2 November 2018. Our paper ''Suppression of the Kapitza instability in confined falling liquid films'' has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

9 October 2018. I have started a 4-week secondment at the Paris-Saclay Research Center of Air Liquide.

9-13 September 2018. I was at  the 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EUROMECH), Vienna, Austria, where I presented our work on ''Suppression of the Kapitza instability in falling liquid films by confining the gas phase''.

7 September 2018. Our abstract ''On the stability of inclined liquid films with confined counter-current gas'' has been accepted for presentation at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, to be held in Atlanta, GA, November 18 - 20, 2018.

11 May 2018. Our abstract ''Suppression of the Kapitza instability in falling liquid films by confining the gas phase'' has been accepted for oral presentation at the 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EUROMECH), to be held in Vienna, Austria, from 9 to 13 September 2018.

5 March 2018. I just started to attend a 4-lesson Python course given at LIMSI.

25 March 2018. We have just submitted an abstract to the 9th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA9), to be held in Guilin, China, from 31 August to 5 September 2018: Y. Li, S. Mergui, G. Lavalle, G. F. Dietze, ''Influence of confinement on the linear stability of a falling liquid film''.

31 March 2018. We have just submitted an abstract to the 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EUROMECH), to be held in Vienna, Austria, from 9 to 13 September 2018: G. Lavalle, Y. Li, S. Mergui, N. Grenier, G. F. Dietze, ''Suppression of the Kapitza instability in falling liquid films by confining the gas phase''.

13 February 2018. I had a talk on thin-film Kapitza instability at the ''Journée de Dynamique des Fluides du Plateau de Saclay''.


13 December 2017. Our paper ''Cross-flow structured packing for the process intensification of post-combustion carbon dioxide capture'' has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Science.

20 November 2017. I had my talk at the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver, 19-21 November 2017 (link to the abstract here).

17 October 2017. I had a talk at the Multiphase Conference 2017, Paris, 16-18 October.

9 September 2017. Our abstract for the 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, to be held in Denver, 19-21 November 2017, has been accepted for presentation (link to the abstract here).

19 July 2017. Our abstract for the 17th International workshop on trends in numerical and physical modeling for industrial multiphase flows, to be held in Paris, 16-18 October 2017 (website), has been accepted for presentation.

15 June 2017. Time to give a seminar at my current lab LIMSI: 'Integral modeling of thin liquid films'.

17 May 2017. Today I submitted an article entitled ''Cross-flow structured packing for the process intensification of post-combustion carbon dioxide capture'', in collaboration with M. Lucquiaud, M. Wehrli and P. Valluri.

23 May 2017. Our abstract for the Congrès Français de Mécanique 2017, to be held in Lille (France) , 28 August - 1 September 2017 (website), has been accepted for presentation.

21 April 2017. Today I gave a talk on "Integral modeling of thin liquid films" at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, Lyon.

1 February 2017. My new job starts today! I am CNRS Postdoctoral Research Associate at LIMSI (Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences), Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France.

5 January 2017. Our new paper in Physical Review Fluids is now online here.


21 December 2016. We have submitted an abstract to the Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM) to be held in Lille  from 28 August to 1 September 2017 (website).

8 December 2016. I attended the workshop on "Getting started on developing teaching and accreditation" at the University of Edinburgh.

20-22 November 2016. I attended the 69th American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting (APS-DFD), held in Portland (OR) (website).

15 November 2016. Our paper - G. Lavalle, J.P. Vila, M. Lucquiaud, P. Valluri, "Ultra-efficient reduced model for counter-current two-layer flows" - has been accepted in Physical Review Fluids.

5 September-7 October 2016. I am spending 5 weeks at Sulzer Chemtech in Winterthur (Switzerland) to perform experiments on gas-liquid absorption. This secondment occurs in the frame of the Impact Acceleration Award. 

29 September 2016. Our two abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the 69th American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting (APS-DFD), Portland (OR), 20-22 November 2016 (website).

21-26 August 2016. I attended the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montréal, Canada.

4-8 July 2016. I attended the European Study Group with Industry (ESGI 118), held at the University College Dublin, Ireland. I investigated for the entire week how to model the defects occurring in steel galvanisation processes.

6-7 June 2016. I attended the GdR "Films" at ONERA-Toulouse.

22-25 May 2016. I attended the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) in Florence. 

20 May 2016. Today I presented a poster at the 29th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting, held in Edinburgh.

16 April 2016. Our paper "Reduced order modelling for flooding onset prediction" has been selected for a short talk with poster presentation at ICTAM 2016, to be held in Montréal, Canada, 21-26 August 2016.

7 April 2016. Today I gave a talk on "Modélisation intégrale des films liquides minces" at LEMTA, Nancy.

1 March 2016. Today I attended the course "Writing research proposals for the College of Science & Engineering" delivered by the University of Edinburgh.

19 February 2016. Today I gave a talk on "Integral modelling of thin liquid films" at the University College Dublin (UCD).

17 February 2016. We obtained 54k£ for the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award from the University of Edinburgh entitled "Accelerating impact by deploying advanced modelling techniques in multiphase flow to the chemical process industry" (PI: Dr. P. Valluri; Co-PI: Dr. M. Lucquiaud and I. Bethune; RA: Dr. G. Lavalle; Ph.D.: P. Schmidt). Total project of 150k£ with collaboration activity with Sulzer Chemtech.

15 February 2016. We have just submitted our new manuscript in Physical Review Fluids: G. Lavalle, J.P. Vila, M. Lucquiaud, P. Valluri, "Ultra-efficient reduced model for counter-current two-layer flows".

5 February 2016. I obtained the French qualification "Qualification aux fonctions de Maîtres de Conférences en section 60". This allows me to apply for "Maîtres de Conférences" positions in France.

15 January 2016. Welcome to my new website!