Gianluca Lavalle
Assistant Professor
Mines Saint-Etienne - Centre SPIN
Laboratoire Georges Friedel (UMR CNRS 5307 LGF)
158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint-Étienne (FR)
E-mail: gianluca.lavalle@emse.fr
Telephone: 0033 4 77 42 01 62
ORCID: 0000-0002-9866-5216
Latest news
17 June 2024. Our paper M. Naukanova, G. Lavalle, J. Douzet, A. Cameirao, J.M. Herri, ''Gas-liquid flow regimes in a novel rocking and rolling flow loop'' has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
14 April 2024. Our paper V. Machado, G. Lavalle, R. Morales, ''Revisiting the mechanism responsible for the stratified-slug transition in two-phase flow'' has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
25 January 2024. Our paper C. Steinik, D. Picchi, G. Lavalle, P. Poesio, ''Capillary imbibition of shear-thinning fluids: From Lucas-Washburn to oscillatory regimes'' has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids.