
Download, Install, and Run GeoNet

Python GeoNet_v2

Tutorial for installation of Python GeoNet v2

GeoNet 2.0 can be installed on personal computers and laptops.


The download, install and run GeoNet 2.0 please see the document below.

Download,Install and Run GeoNet 2.0


The download, install and run GeoNet 2.0 please see the document above.

Customizing GeoNet

The purpose of this section is to offer hints about features in GeoNet which can be customized to suit the user's preference.

Nearly all of these techniques are cross platform. Some of the topics covered in this section are:

How to add input data to GeoNet?

Input data paths can be added or modified by changing the Parameters in the exec file as shown below:

% Override the auto-set path here if required, e.g.,
%  To change input path:  Parameters.demDataFilePath = fullfile('~','Work','devel','GeoNetPkg','data');
%  To change output path: Parameters.fileOutputPath = fullfile(pwd, 'results');

How to turn on/off some plots in geonet_defaults?

All the plots can be turned on by adding this below line to the exec file:

% This is set as default to zero, but users can set this parameter to 1 to plot all the graphics:


How to turn on/off reporting options?

All the reporting options can be turned on by adding the line below to the exec file:

% This is set to default to zero, but users can set this parameter to 1 to turn on all reporting options:


How to change curvature type?

Currently GeoNet 2.0 can compute two types of curvature, geometric and laplacian , and they can be selected with the following parameter:

Parameters.curvatureCalcMethod='geometric';% 'laplacian'

GeoNet uses 3 user-defined parameters:

- Number of iterations for nonlinear filtering (Parameters.nFilterIterations): We set this value to 50 and seldom change it. Please see Passalacqua et al. (2010a; b) for a detailed analysis of this parameter.

- Contributing area threshold (Parameters.flowThresholdForSkeleton): The contributing area threshold is simply used to “clean up” or “thin” the curvature skeleton by eliminating pixels with very small contributing areas for the purpose of subsequent accurate channel centerline extraction of the whole network. This threshold area is NOT used to impose a channel initiation area and has to be set to a value smaller than the minimum channel initiation area. Some indication of a reasonable range can be obtained from the slope-area plot or from visual inspection of the lidar data and a crude calculation of some of the smallest channel initiation areas.

- Search box for automatic end point identification of channel centerlines (Parameters.endPointSearchBoxSize): The size of this box is important for the automatic detection of channel interruptions (channel end points) and channel heads in order to trace channels as geodesic curves and guarantee continuity of channels through disruptions such as bridges or any other local change in curvature. We recommend looking at the results with the default value. If the default box size is too large with respect to the distance between channel heads (resulting in missed channel heads from the skeleton), the box size should be reduced.