Test cases

Geonet Test case - I

Skunk Creek

Skunk Creek flows into the South Fork Eel River basin in northern California. The ALSM ( Airborne Laser Swath Mapping ) data for Skunk creek

was acquired by NCALM (National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping) center. Skunk Creek is a 0.54 Km2 landslide complex tributary

located just upstream of the Elder Creek. A hand drawn channel network map ( field survey done by Joel Scheingross and Eric Winchell, University of California, Berkeley)

is available and shown below. The network is composed by active channels, transient channels and inactive channels (Passalacqua et al., 2010).

The figure shows surveyed channel heads and channel network (active, transient and inactive channels). The above figure was prepared in ArcGIS 10.


  1. GeoNet uses the TIFF file of Skunk creek watershed as input
  2. The TIFF file can be prepared in ArcGIS or Adobe Photoshop or by using any other available program.
  3. The exec file for Skunk is prepared. The overwrite options used for Skunk Creek are listed below. These options should be entered in the GeoNet Processing Choices section explained in the GeoNet Executable file section.
    1. Parameters.nFilterIterations = 50
    2. Parameters.flowThresholdForSkeleton = 3000;
    3. Parameters.endPointSearchBoxSize = 30;
  4. After the geonet_prepare function is called, the overwrite options for the Metadata can be specified. Some of the overwrite options are listed below. These options can be changed directly in the geonet_defaults file, but it is recommended that these parameters be overwritten in the executable file.
    1. Parameters.demProjectionInfo = 'UTM Zone 10N with NAD83';
    2. baseline=26900;
    3. Parameters.demUtmZone=10;
    4. Parameters.option.GeographicTypeGeoKey = 4269;
    5. Parameters.option.GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey = 6269;
    6. Parameters.option.ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = baseline+Parameters.demUtmZone;
    7. Parameters.option.GeogEllipsoidGeoKey = 0;
    8. Parameters.option.VerticalCSTypeGeoKey = 0;
    9. Parameters.option.PCSCitationGeoKey = Parameters.demProjectionInfo;
    10. Parameters.demCoordRefSysCode = baseline+Parameters.demUtmZone;
  5. Create a shortcut in MATLAB and add all the paths to the three folders. Please refer to the FAQ section on how to create a shortcut to run GeoNet.
  6. Go to the compile_mex folder and run the compile_mex file
  7. Run the Shortcut and GeoNet will start.

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Geonet Test case - II

Rio Cordon

The Rio Cordon basin is located in the Dolomites, a moutainous region in the eastern Italian Alps. The basin is fairly small, with a 0.45 Km2 basin area. The elevation ranges from 1935 to 2385 m a.s.l. The dataset is a 1 m resolution DTM. The basin morphology consists of some bedrock, alluvial channels, and shallow landslides.

More information: Passalacqua, P., P. Tarolli, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou (2010), Testing space-scale methodologies for automatic geomorphic feature extraction from lidar in a complex mountainous landscape, Water Resour. Res., 46, W11535, doi:10.1029/2009WR008812.


  1. GeoNet uses the TIFF file of Rio Cordon watershed as input
  2. The TIFF file can be prepared in ArcGIS or Adobe Photoshop or by using any other available program.
  3. The exec file for cordon basin is prepared, some of the overwrite options used for Cordon watershed are listed below. These options should be entered in the GeoNet Processing Choices section explained in the GeoNet Executable file section.
    1. Parameters.nFilterIterations = 50
    2. Parameters.flowThresholdForSkeleton = 1000;
    3. Parameters.endPointSearchBoxSize = 30;
  4. After the geonet_prepare function is called the overwrite options for the Metadata can be specified. Some of the overwrite options are listed below. These options can be changed directly in the geonet defaults file, but it is recommended that these parameters be overwritten in the executable file.
    1. Parameters.demProjectionInfo = 'UTM Zone 33N with WGS84';
    2. baseline=32600;
    3. Parameters.demUtmZone=33;
    4. Parameters.demCoordRefSysCode = baseline+Parameters.demUtmZone;
  5. Create a shortcut in MATLAB and add all the paths to the three folders. Please refer to the FAQ section on how to create a shortcut to run GeoNet.
  6. Goto Compile_mex folder and run compile_mex file
  7. Run the Shortcut and GeoNet will start.

And below are some cool graphics from GeoNet. The figures are self explanatory

More test cases are coming soon...