Video and notes for the talks

The video recordings of the talks are on youtube.

Here are talk notes (by the speakers):

Day 1: 

0. Tutorial on infinity categories

1. Road Map

2. D-modules and quasi-coherent sheaves on prestacks

3. Singular Support I

Day 2: 

1. Singular Support II

2. Factorization I (factorization algebras)

3. Spaces of Rational maps into the Flag Variety

Day 3: 

1. Factorization II (factorization categories)

2. Hecke Action

Day 4:

1. The local-to-global principle

2. The Extended Whittaker Category

3. Kac-Moody representations

Day 5:

1. Langlands duality for local and global Whittaker series categories

2. Langlands duality for local and global principal series categories

3. Langlands duality for the extended Whittaker category: gluing

4. Localization of Kac-Moody representations

Day 6:

1. Opers

2. Fundamental diagram and the proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture