Suggested reading and references

What follows is the list of mathematical ideas that are important for the workshop, with references for each. Note that only the first few are assumed known; the rest will be introduced in the talks. So familiarity with the material from most references is by no means required to understand the talks, and in fact some of the texts might work better as a follow-up to the workshop. On the other hand, even for the material that is going to be introduced, it may be worth it to glance through the references before the workshop. More detailed suggestions are given for the topics.

Additionally, there are a number of potentially useful notes and links that can be found at the graduate seminar webpage.

Finally, some of the talks will be loosely based on parts of "Outline of the proof of the Geometric Langlands Conjecture for GL(2)" and "Singular support of coherent sheaves and the Geometric Langlands Conjecture". Precise references are given next to the description of the individual talks. (But reading these papers is by no means a prerequisite for following the talks: in fact if you have read the papers, the talks might be boring!)