M2 research internship 2013-2014

Post date: Dec 13, 2013 7:11:53 AM

Towards a graph-based combination of licenses for the linked data

Research internship to be developed at the GDD Team of the LINA Laboratory.

Contact: Patricia Serrano Alvarado Patricia.Serrano-Alvarado@univ-nantes.fr and

Emmanuel Desmontils Emmanuel.Desmontils@univ-nantes.fr

Keywords: semantic web, ontologies, RDF, graphs.

Required skills: basis of the semantic web and the graph theory.

Gratification : 12,5 % du plafond horaire de la Sécurité sociale, soit 436,05 Euros par mois.


Today, Linked Data (LD) is a reality. Based on Web technologies, several linked data sets are available. By September 2011, 295 datasets with 31 billion of RDF triples, interlinked by 504 million RDF links, composed the LD. Each dataset can be reused under particular conditions that are organized in licenses associated to data. There exist several licenses, the most used in LD are the creative commons licences (in particular CC BY and CC BY-SA) and the Open Data licences (like ODbl, Open Data Commons Attribution License).

Problem statement

The goal of the LD is to facilitate querying available linked datasets to obtain interesting, exhaustive, surprising and impredictible results that can be reused for several purposes. As different datasets may be released under different licenses, it is necessary to verify their compatibility and combine them into one license that should govern usage of obtained results... read more in subject description.