2 Phd Positions in GDD

Post date: Jun 25, 2016 9:18:18 AM

The Distributed Data Management Group (GDD) at the University of Nantes (France) is inviting for 2 PhD student applications:

    1. Federations of data consumers for querying linked data, more details at https://goo.gl/TUlRIv
    2. Queries in the fog, more details at https://goo.gl/bKns9B

You have :

- a master's degree in informatics, computer science, information systems with good ranking

- expertise in distributed database systems, Semantic Web/Linked Data, distributed systems.

To apply :

    1. Please send a detailed curriculum vitae, master grade transcripts, master class-ranking, selected publications (if available), a list of references, and your master these in one PDF file by email to: Hala.Skaf@univ-nantes.fr and Pascal.Molli@univ-nantes.fr.
    2. All applications received until September 15th, 2016 will be considered for the position. Applications received afterwards may be considered if the position is unfilled.
    3. Selected candidates will be interviewed on the fly.
    4. We expect the PhDs to start in October/November.