Widdington in the 1980s

Widdington in the 1980s

If you would like to add your photos please get in touch

Bishops Barn

Woodend pond

Charlie Wrights Thatched Cottage 1980

Blue Peter Sale,  February 1981

The Old Village Hall

If you recognise your handy work on the old Hall door or your initials, i would love to hear from you.
'No charges will be brought against you i promise' ha ha 

Lower Green

Thanks to Pip Hudson, Edgefield 1984

Edgefield 1984

Looking down High Street October 1984

The Hoy's Garage, Widdington 

Ice skating on lake at Amberden Hall

Looking down Woodend October 1984

I would like to thank Mr Paul Savage, for photo of woodend  and looking down the High Street October 1984

The New Gas Pipe line