Cornells Lane

Cornells Road, Now Lane Widdington Essex 

8. The two Cottages on the north side of Cornell’s Road. September 1868.
(CH Ms)
The two Cottages, Wooden and Plaster, No. 410 on Tithe Map of 1840, next to the Shop on high street and looking into the Garden or Grange [?] 499-500 and 501 at back of Large Barn.  [stamped G.] Potts Photo, Stanstead, Essex].

Looking up Cornells  Road. You can just see the William the Conqueror pub up on the right 1911

Looking down to the High Street, 1900

The William the Conqueror pub on the left

The William the Conqueror pub. Taken around 1900. The signboard advertised Royston Ales, which would be Philips Brewery in Royston, taken over eventually by Greens of Luton about 50 years ago.
Thanks to Peter Williams, For this great photo and additional information



Leylands House around 1905

Leylands House around 1905

Leylands House around 1905

Leylands House around 1944

Malt house about 1930

Mole Hall formerly Debdon