Paper 27

Exports and economic growth in France, Norway and Switzerland (May 2017)

Source of data:

European Commission (2017). GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income),, [accessed on 3 May 2017].

1. Data set (from Eurostat)

2. OxGauss Codes (the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test)

3. OxGauss Codes (the ADF with structural break (ADF-SB) test and Fourier ADF with structural break (FADF-SB) test)

4. OxGauss Codes (the Hurst exponent analysis - the rescaled range (R/S) method)

5. OxGauss Codes (the fractional integration analysis - the Geweke-Porter-Hudak method)

6. OxGauss Codes (the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) cointegration analysis)

7. OxGauss Codes (the Granger causality test)

8. OxGauss Codes (the Rolling Granger causality test)

9. Supplemental files (PDF)