Paper 03

Unemployment Hysteresis in the Nordic Kitten: Evidence from Five Estonian Regions (February 2015)

Cited as: 

Furuoka, Fumitaka. (2015). "Unemployment Hysteresis in the Nordic Kitten: Evidence from Five Estonian Regions",  

Panoeconomicus, 62(5):631-642.


Source of data:

Statistics Estonia. (2012). Unemployment Rate by Region. [accessed June 30, 2012].

1. Data set (from Statistics Estonia)

2. OxGauss Codes 1 (the ADF test, the SURADF test and the FADF test)

3. OxGauss Codes 2 (the IPS test and the Fourier IPS test)

4. Empirical findings

5. Critical values for the IPS test and the Fourier IPS test (Monte Carlo estimation)

6. Full paper download