Data and OxGauss Codes (I)

Paper 15 "Global warming hiatus" (April 2016).

Data and OxGauss Codes 

Paper 01 "Are unemployment rates in the post-communist economies stationary? Empirical evidence from Central Asia" (November 2014). 

Paper 02 "Hysteresis in European labour market" (December 2014). 

Paper 03 "Unemployment Hysteresis in the Nordic Kitten: Evidence from Five Estonian Regions" (February 2015). 

Paper 04 "Capital in Japan: A critical examination of Japanese capitalism" (March 2015)

Paper 05 "Are unemployment rates stationary in Asia-Pacific countries? New findings from Fourier ADF test" (March 2015)

Paper 06 "Does Hysteresis Exist in Unemployment? New Findings from Fourteen Regions of the Czech Republic" (March 2015)

Paper 07 "Gender and unemployment persistence in the Asia-Pacific region" (March 2015)

Paper 08 "Is GDP in ASEAN countries stationary? New evidence from panel unit root tests" (April 2015).

Paper 09 "Is per capita real GDP stationary in East Asian countries? New evidence from the Fourier stationarity test" (April 2015)

Paper 10 " Electricity consumption and economic development in Asia: new data and new methods" (June 2015)

Paper 11 "Determinants of ART coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa" (July 2015)

Paper 12 "The CO 2 emissions–development nexus revisited" (August 2015)

Paper 13 "Population–development debate revisited: evidence from Asian countries"(August 2015)

Paper 14 "Financial development and energy consumption: Evidence from a heterogeneous panel of Asian countries"

(August 2015).