Worship & Music

  Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Our communion is open to all. You do NOT have to be a Methodist or even a member of our church to receive communion.  All are welcome at God's table.  During each service Pastor Cindy shares  a sermon that will inspire and challenge. Visitors often comment on just how friendly and welcoming 1st UMC-PH is. We hope you will join us this Sunday!

Worship at 1st UMC-PH is what could be defined as a "blended" style, based on Ephesians 5:19. We do not confine or limit our worship of God to one style or genre of music.  It is not uncommon during the course of one service to go from a very traditional hymn, to a southern gospel song, or from a classical organ prelude to a contemporary Christian instrumental solo, per 2nd Kings 3:15.  

Our children are very important to us. We set aside time during each service for

 what we call "Kings Kids." This is a time for a short lesson that is specifically designed just for them.  Knowing that it is sometimes hard for our children to sit still during the course of a sermon, we offer a children's church that your child may attend during the sermon time. Our time of "Joys and Concerns" is a place where people share good things that God has done that week as well as any