

On Passive Data-Driven FIR Controllers for Robotics.  Workshop on Geometrically Guided Analysis and Design in Optimizaion and Control. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. PDF

Passivity-based control in robotics through virtual mechanisms and optimisation. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. PDF

On acting, deciding, and sensing in robotic control.  Workshop on Acting, Deciding, and Sensing in Biology, Algorithms, Dynamics, and Hardware. University of Liège, Belgium. PDF

On feedback control synthesis as the design of robot morphology. Workshop on Soft Robotics and Embodied AI for Food and Home Applications, EPFL, Switzerland. PDF

On feedback control and morhology in robotics. University of Sheffield, UK. PDF


On feedback control of robust oscillators. University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. PDF


System theory and feedback control, Information and Robotics Technology for Global Societal Impact, UTokyo-Cambridge Voices 2020 joint symposium. PDF

On feedback control of switches and oscillators based on dominance theory. Mines-ParisTech, France, and University of Cambridge, UK. PDF

Balancing feedback and feedforward for control, UK/US joint seminar at Mathworks. PDF

What is feedback control and what it can do in agriculture. Agri-Food Robotics CDT Conference in Agri-Food Robotics, Cambridge. PDF


IoT & Data Science Bootcamp. Graduate Course. One lecture and lab activity at Hughes Hall College, Cambridge (organized by Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma).

Division F Conference. University of Cambridge (program chair). Programme | Abstracts .

Qualitative behavior and robustness of dendritic trafficking, Division F Conference, Cambridge (poster).

Finding cones for K-cooperative systems, Division F Conference, Cambridge (poster).

Analysis and control of switches and oscillators. Imperial College, London. PDF

Options talk - Information Engineering. University of Cambridge (adapted from R. Venkataramanan and F. Iida presentations). PDF


A few open problems at the intersection between control and robotics. Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory, Cambridge. PDF


A dissipativity theorem for p-dominant systems. 56th Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia. PDF

Path-complete positivity of switching systems. 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France. PDF

Differentially passive systems beyond stability analysis. Workshop on incremental methods in control Lyon, France. PDF

Differential positivity for nonlinear consensus. 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Budapest, Hungary. PDF

Differential analysis of nonlinear systems: positivity, monotonicity and interconnections. LAGEP, University of Lyon, France

Local methods for nonlinear systems and control. EECI graduate course, Padova, Italy.

Nonlinear systems analysis by differential positivity. University of Oxford, UK. PDF


Workshop on Control, Optimisation and Networks. A workshop to mark the contributions of Professor Jan Maciejowski to the control field on the occasion of his retirement, Cambridge. Website | Programme | Abstracts .

An Experience of Bio-Inspired Control. UK-Japan Workshop on Bio-Inspired Soft Robotics, Cambridge. PDF

Open differentially positive systems: attractors and interconnection. 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, US. PDF

Differentially positive systems: asymptotic behavior and converse results. UCLouvain, Belgium. PDF


Differential positivity on compact sets. 54th Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan. PDF

Immersion and Invariance Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems: A Horizontal Contraction Approach. 54th Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan.  PDF

 Engineering redundancy. Division F conference, University of Cambridge. PDF

Differential analysis of nonlinear systems. Global analysis tools from the linearization. Graduate course. Three lectures held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. PDF


Tutorial on Differential analysis of nonlinear systems. 53rd Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, US. With E. Sontag and R. Sepulchre: Part I - EDS; Part II - RS, Differential analysis of nonlinear systems PDF; Part III - FF, Differential positivity PDF or PDF .

Differentially positive systems. INDAM workshop, Rome, Italy.

Differentially positive systems. Seminar in Cambridge. PDF

Differential dynamical systems: contraction, differential dissipativity, horizontal contraction, differential positivity. Graduate course. Three lectures held at Supelec, Paris, France. PDF


A differential Lyapunov framework for contraction analysis. Workshop on Algorithms for Dynamical Systems and Lyapunov Functions, Reykjavik, Iceland. PDF