13. Contacts

List of Current Officers and Trustees

Chairman Eric Chambers 01248 470310 valericchambers@gmail.com

Secretary John Payne 01248 712793 jandgpayne@btinternet.com

Treasurer Chris Cowen 01248 451006 ccowen682@gmail.com

Coastal Enhancement Ann Harden 01407 730577 a.harden119@gmail.com

Walks Coordinator Val Chambers 01248 470310 valericchambers@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor Anna Jones 01407 730172 annaporfalas@gmail.com

ABC Coordinator Steve Hayward 01407 860528 malibu2xl@gmail.com

Web Master Adrian Payne 07894 729821 adrian.w.payne@gmail.com

Events Organiser Chris Cowen 01248 451006 cowen.chris@yahoo.com

Trustee Liz Gaccon 01248 714759 liz@gaccon.com

Trustee Hughie Roberts 01407 810120 hroberts242@btinternet.com

We are happy to welcome new members onto the Committee and if anyone would like to join us, please contact the Secretary for a nomination form