FriedrichLab Funding

FriedrichLab Funding


2017 UROP Winter-Spring/Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Project Award "Does light affect circadian activity of the cave beetle Ptomaphagus hirtus?" to awesome undergraduate Sonya Royzenblat.

2016 crowdfunded project "Exploring the temperature tolerance of a cave beetle"


NSF Award #0951886:

Pax6 and the genetic regulation of eye development in Tribolium


Markus Friedrich (Principal Investigator)

Rui Chen (Co-Principal Investigator)

Start Date: April 15, 2010

Expires: March 31, 2011 (Estimated)

Expected Amount: $500,000.00

NSF Award # EF-0334948:

AToL: Building the Dipteran Tree: Cooperative Research in Phylogenetics and Bioinformatics of True Flies (Insecta: Diptera).

Starting date: January 1, 2004

Expires: December 31, 2008


Brian M. Wiegmann (Principal Investigator)

David Yeates (Co-Principal Investigator)

Rudolf Meier (Co-Principal Investigator)

Gregory W. Courtney (Co-Principal Investigator)

Markus Friedrich (Co-Principal Investigator)

For more information see the fly tree site:

NSF Award#0091926:

Functional analysis of eye development in the grasshopper;


Markus Friedrich (Principal Investigator)

1/01-12/04; $312,000.0

NSF Award#0070099:

Multi-user Instrumentation proposal: A laser scanning confocal microscope for biological Imaging

Investigators:Lisa Elferink, Markus Friedrich, Jack Lilien, Aleksandar Popadic and Mark VanBerkum; 6/00-5/01; $200,000.00