CORBYN, Jeremy. UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn commits to Free University Education

UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has pledged free university education as reported by The Guardian (2015): “Jeremy Corbyn has set out a £10bn plan to scrap all tuition fees and restore student maintenance grants in his first major policy announcement. Corbyn said the plan could be funded either by a 7% rise in national insurance for those earning over £50,000 a year and a 2.5% higher corporation tax, or by slowing the pace at which the deficit is reduced. Corbyn said: “I want to apologise on behalf of the Labour party to the last generation of students for the imposition of fees, top-up fees and the replacement of grants with loans by previous Labour governments. I opposed those changes at the time – as did many others – and now we have an opportunity to change course.” The move is also designed to strengthen the already strong support his campaign is gaining among younger Labour members” (Patrick Wintour, “Jeremy Corbyn announces £10bn plan to scrap university tuition fees”, The Guardian, 16 July 2015: ).

Jeremy Corbyn in supporting a London march, organised by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) (2015): “There are no student fees in Scotland, Germany and twelve other European countries, I want to bring all UK students into line with that sensible approach. We all benefit from education, collectively as a society, not just as individuals. Keep protesting, keep campaigning for justice. Education is a right, not a privilege” (Jeremy Corbyn quoted in “"Education is a basic human right" – John McDonnell addresses free education demo”, Labour List, 4 November 2015: ).