AMERICAN GREEN PARTY presidential candidate Dr Jill Stein "supports a plan for free college education and the cancelling of all existing student loan debt"

Dr Jill Stein (American Green Party presidential candidate) (2016): “ Stein supports a plan for free college education and the cancelling of all existing student loan debt… in fact by the way on free college education, it pays for itself. So there may be some money to put in but it’s returned at a rate of about 7 to 1 according to the track record of the GI Bill following the second World War where basically returning GI’s got free college education and congress was following the numbers. For every dollar that was put in seven dollars were returned. So this is just bunk about it not being affordable. It’s actually not affordable not to do it, so it can be done… Existing loans, okay. They’re largely held by the U.S Government which is sort of the final place of accountability for that money so they should be cancelled in the same way that the debt of Wall Street was cancelled, essentially writing it off as a digital hat trick which is done in the form of quantitative easing. In the case of Wall Street this was not good for the economy because it simply enabled more reckless gambling with taxpayer dollars essentially but in the case of liberating a generation to actually use their skills to do what they’ve been trained to do, to reinvent the economy, to take the risks that need to be taken in order to create that new economy of the 21st century this is great (“Jill Stein on education”, 2016: ).