AUSTRALIAN GREENS Education Policy includes Free University Education

Australian Greens Education Policy, including Free University Education: “More to public schools. No league tables. Free university. A strong public education system is key to investing in the next generation and building a fair, successful and cohesive society… The Australian Greens believe that: 1. Education is principally a public good. 2. Differences in educational outcomes should not be the result of differences in wealth, income, power, possessions or location. 3. Universal access to high quality education is fundamental to Australia's economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, well-being and social fulfilment. 4. All people are entitled to free, well-funded and high quality, life-long public education and training. 5. The government has a primary responsibility to fund all levels of the public education system - early childhood education, schools, vocational education and training and universities - to provide high quality education to all students… 38. Free university education for Australian students by immediately reducing and progressively phasing out fees for educational services and significantly reforming the existing regime for the repayment of HECS debts and FEE-HELP debts at public universities (see Australian Greens Education Policies: ).